Social Question

nikipedia's avatar

What do you like about your partner?

Asked by nikipedia (28098points) July 15th, 2011

All the good things. Let’s hear them. Gush.

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19 Answers

incendiary_dan's avatar

I can always talk to her and have a good time. Even if the conversation doesn’t make any sense. We basically have our own language, too. It’s kind of like that Star Trek (the Next Generation) episode where Picard can’t understand an alien language because all of their speech is references to things. Edit: I like that she’d give this exact same explanation of our language, too. She might have even thought of it.

She also loves bacon and other delicious things. She’s so amazed that I’ll cook for her, and can’t understand why I like cooking. It’s kind of cute, and it keeps her appreciative. :)

Bellatrix's avatar

He is funny, warm, sexy, kind, compassionate, intelligent, mature, giving, witty, playful, patient, understanding, empathic, practical, intuitive, tall, has beautiful eyes, a cute bum, broad shoulders, strong hands and accepts me for who I am.

He also likes to do lots of the same things I do, he cooks, can build things, can fix things, is a good driver, appears to be blind to my faults, likes to cuddle, doesn’t get aggressive, can be a little arrogant but not with me and is pretty much amazing.

Other than that, not much really.

sliceswiththings's avatar

I just started seeing someone new (three dates), and so far I like his strong biceps because he carries me to bed six feet four inches off the ground :)

CaptainHarley's avatar

I love virtually everything about my wife, her affection, her compassion, her sense of humor… I could go on and on! : ))

King_Pariah's avatar

She’s doesn’t exist. Single all the way!

Hibernate's avatar

That I get new things to discover all the time.

@King_Pariah word bro ! [though don’t forget to socialize once in a while]

Pandora's avatar

His huge forgiving heart. He loves to help people out and never expects anything in return. Even when he does need a favor he never holds it against them in the future. When I get pissed about them never being there for him, he always says, forget about it. Its in the past.
I’ve seen him make make friends of enemies, simply because they come to realize he really is as kind as he seems.
Only time I’ve ever seen him hold a grudge is if someone tries to hurt me or our kids.
Funny thing is he isn’t even the least bit religious and he was picked on a lot as a kid and had anger issues growing up. But he’s nothing like the stories I hear of his childhood. He really just lets the past stay in the past.


She’s incredibly warm and feminine, graceful and delicate, but she also has an inner strength about her that mind-boggles me. She listens well, is very caring and gentle, and is never intrusive in public (makes scenes, gets angry, or acts “unladylike”). Although she’s an abiding wife, she’s not afraid to “knock some sense into me” when I need it, but she always does it in a gentle, compromising manner. In that respect, I am attracted to and respect her intelligence and common sense, the latter of which I sometimes lack (!). All that and she’s a wonderfully loving mother to my two little children too. :)

ucme's avatar

Her impeccable taste in men.

OpryLeigh's avatar

He makes me laugh
He often goes above and beyond to lend a helping hand to anyone
He makes me feel safe
He loves animals (nearly) as much as I do
He’s easy going and rarely gets angry
I think he’s the best looking man in the world.

augustlan's avatar

He’s smart and deep, a man of his word, philosophical and realistic, tall and ruggedly handsome, is very manly but is not at all threatened by my being the handy one and him being the cook, is very affectionate, loves my kids and is loved by my kids, and he loves me like crazy… just the way I am.

Scooby's avatar

She has her own place, car……. She comes over at weekends….. Takes my washing home with her on Monday…. She always goes Dutch when eating out….. She has fantastic hair & magical hands :-)
We’re just good friends really….... :-/

marinelife's avatar

He is extremely witty.

He is kind.

He is very, very smart, and I love to talk to him.

I like his smell.

Jude's avatar

Levelheaded, logical, insightful, funny and a mensa girl.

MilkyWay's avatar

Eh, I don’t have one.
Not sure I want one either.

OpryLeigh's avatar

@marinelife I love my partners smell too.

jonsblond's avatar

He is intelligent, funny and works hard to take care of his family.

tedibear's avatar

I love that he is working really hard to get better at communications skills at work. And sometimes he practices on me.

And yeah, he always smells good!

Sher_King's avatar

I like how he’s ambitious. Patient. Caring and super manly. However, i just cant accept the fact that i’m not the one wearing the pants in this relationship. ;p

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