Social Question

Has evolution stopped for the human form?
Personally, I believe that evolution ended for the human form approximately during the time span between what is commonly recognized as the invention of spoken language 30,000 years ago, and onto written language 6–8,000 years ago.
I don’t think the body is evolving any longer. We won’t get Xray vision, no fire resistant skin, and no underwater breathing.
At the point of evolving language, we can create these fantasies within our minds. Our minds allow us to adapt our physical bodies instantly. Thus, though our bodies no longer evolve, our minds can and do. As well, I think the internet is increasing the potentiality of mind evolution. Our ability to GROK abstract concepts is growing.
Another argument is presented by Geneticist Steve Jones in this hour+ long video presentation at Edinburgh University.
At 14:17, Jones suggests that the three basic fundamentals of evolution (mutation, selection, and genetic drift) have been greatly reduced in modern societies. He claims that “Civilization” is bringing an end to the need for human evolution.
Here’s an example of how my mind has evolved in the past two decades.
As a graphic artist, I used to do manual paste up. Write the copy, paste the artwork, photocopy, and you’re done.
But in the digital age, the concept of retrieving artwork is non linear. I don’t have to actually have all my materials attached to the final. Now I can simply reference numerous sources and point them at my own document. It took me a while to GROK that concept. It seemed so foreign. But now it’s natural. At the point of it becoming natural, I claim my mind has evolved.
Do you believe human form will continue to evolve, and cause us to ultimately look completely different that we currently do? Or do you think the human form has reached its ultimate potentiality, and the only remaining evolution is in the realm of mind?