Which fictional characters will make it to year 3000?
I am presently reading the new James Bond novel, Carte Blanche. The legendary spy since the 60’s is now an early 30’s veteran of the recent Afghan war which means I am now older than him! Never thought that would happen, what with growing up with Roger Moore as 007.
I also just saw the trailer of the coming Robert Downey movie, with him playing Sherlock Holmes once again. So it seems clear by now that there is a good chance these and other works of fiction will be around and resurfacing forever with never-ending reinventions and adaptations. Which do you think will survive till 3000 and beyond?
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27 Answers
Leopold Bloom
Stephen Daedalus
Don Quixote
Anna Karenina
Mickey Mouse and his Disney friends. They seem quite capable of adapting with the times, as well as making new friends while maintaining their classically old ones.
The Doctor.
No question. It might get cancelled a few times, sure, but there will always be a reboot. I guarantee it.
And I’ll bet there will still be fans of Tom Baker and David Tennant in whatever brain-vision that will exist then.
Harry Potter will have a lasting impact, I think, and I doubt it will be long before another author wishes to dabble in the universe that Rowling crafted.
Some part of me wants to say Homer Simpson and Peter Griffin. Though they haven’t yet earned the right to be compared to Bugs and Mickey, they might be on there way to a legacy that lasts just as long.
James T. Kirk
Sherlock Holmes
Frankenstein’s monster
I can say that I hope that Demian and Harry Haller last til then, I think it would be a pity if man completely forgets Herman Hesse’s works.
As a Christian it shocks me that noone has entered Jesus into the running (or any other religious icon)! Bravo folks, Bravo
@Ltryptophan you’re right. Christ, as a metaphorical figure at least, will probably be a literary device forever.
I gotta go with Darth Vader also.
@Fiddle_Playing_Creole_Bastard Dude that is totally my answer. I damn you!
Joking. :)
But yeah, Dracula. No matter how they make him, he’s always gonna be around, even if only as a major symbol of Halloween. But he’ll be everything else too I’m sure, because even Satan is afraid of Dracula.
@Ltryptophan True dat, but the context of the question, I believe, compliments entertainment rather than beliefs, or lacks thereof.
@jaytkay @Only138 I think John Williams, fucking overkilled the Imperial March, thusly guaranteeing Vader’s iconic status. John Williams, if I become an evil dictator, be ye dead, you will make my march…
All of Shakespeares famous characters.
Romeo and Juliet
Assuming we make it to 3000, i’d say every character that made it this far plus: most marvel and DC main characters, many manga characters, most big franchise characters (star trek, star wars, harry potter, etcetera) and many more that will be invented in the following centuries.
Santa Claus
Easter bunny
Interesting Belgians?
Jason of Friday the 13th…
@mazingerz88 Aaah, time does so go by…you realize that, in the Friday the Thirteenth series, the events started in 1958…Jason is quite old, in story mode anyways. :)
@Symbeline They’re crazy putting Jason in space in this futuristic version I saw. It was terrible. That’s more suitable for 3000 or never at all!
@mazingerz88 Aye, that is, indeed, the worse movie in the series. And even if I thought it would have been cool to turn him into some killer cyborg…they could have respected their fucking idea and made him a cyborg for more than the last two minutes of the movie.
Still love my man Jason though. :)
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