General Question

ebenezer's avatar

The end of the universe is coming. How does that make you feel?

Asked by ebenezer (1464points) April 30th, 2008 from iPhone

I know it is an unimaginable amount of time off, but the episode of ” the universe” about the fate of the universe and the human race and life and atomic structure… put me in a strange mood.

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43 Answers

cooksalot's avatar

You know what when it happens it happens. The Bible has always said that it was coming and no one NO ONE knows when, or how. So I just go on. That’s it.

peedub's avatar

If I can’t imagine how far off it is from happening, how or why would I feel anything?

wildflower's avatar

I give more thought to my own end coming one day…....that may be selfish, but I prefer to concern myself with my own sphere of influence, and the universe is not my sole responsibility. I do my part and live my life to the best of my abilities.

ebenezer's avatar

@cooksalot. I am not concerned with myself particularly. Just the inevitable demise of everything.

ebenezer's avatar

@ peedub. Because. We all know we as individuals are finite but it seems disconcerting that everything we know of and love will be broken down so much that nothing will survive but subatomic particles.

wildflower's avatar

Even if the universe were to remain, won’t everything you know and love eventually die, decompose, dissolve, biodegrade, etc anyway?

qashqai's avatar

Why we don’t think before about the end of our planet (as we know it)?
The end of the universe is something unavoidable.
The end of the world as well, but we are accelerating it too much I believe.

And I am more worried about that in fact.

ebenezer's avatar

@ wildflower. I’m not talking about my mom or elephants. I’m talking about the evolution of life and the human race. Is it not sad that eventually it wiill all be snuffed out regardless of any cooperation or efforts.

This is just a philisophical tingle that I have. I certainly think we have a lot of thing to focus on in the present.

ebenezer's avatar

@qashqui. It may be a longshot but we might make it off this planet before it kicks. Granted it is going to require some serious change in the way people cooperate with each other.

wildflower's avatar

That’s just extending your surroundings. Caring about yourself, your immidiate surroundings, their surroundings, and so on and so on…..
Why should our lifeform and environment be more precious than any other? Nothing lasts forever (except really bad dance music – or at least it seems that way), just the way it is. Enjoy it while you can.

edmartin101's avatar

Everything that is tangible will fade away, that includes us humans. Death is inevitable, why the world wouldn’t? We have to get out of denial and accept the fact this world will go under. Technology will keep destroying man at an unimaginable rate, we were too late to stop it since the day we were born. If you’re thinking we are gonna find a place to live somewhere outside this planet, the possibilities are doomed by the mere fact how fast we are moving in that area. Talking about cooperation, in the end people want to save themselves and their love ones first, if there is enough space then you are next.

wildflower's avatar

And think about it… could spend your entire life worrying about the evolution/course of the universe and even if you could rally up the entire human race, you still won’t be able to change it. We can impact the course of our planet’s lifecycle, but not the universe’s.
And if you spend your life worrying about things you can’t possibly influence, have you not wasted the precious opportunity to enjoy a life that exists against remarkable odds?(the odds of you being born, as a human, on this planet, etc.)

ebenezer's avatar

@edmartin. Ok. I am over it now. I still have to work tomorrow. I will contemplate more tomorrow evening when I have some free time

ebenezer's avatar

@ wildflower. I am not worried. I enjoy thinking about these things. I totally agree with your comment on the odds that we/I was born, am alive and not completely misrable. Pretty slim, but so good so far.

wildflower's avatar

Embrace your insignifigance and being a statistical improbability and enjoy every day of it :)

ebenezer's avatar

@wildflower. I think I might have to quote you. And to your suggestion; I will. Happily..

8lightminutesaway's avatar

When everything is divided into subatomic particles, I’ll be satisfied simply knowing that one: we knew that subatomic particles existed and that we could predict the future of the universe, and two: that I, somehow, have effected those particles in such a way that they are in a slightly different position that they would have been had I not existed…

To continue on someones comment above, I once had a teacher that challenged every student to prove to him that the human race was special, that we could do things no other life form could, and no one could prove it. Other animals have social skills, others have technology, and humans haven’t been around nearly as long as the dinosaurs were. And therefore, he said, since we’re no better than any other life form, we shouldn’t mind being wiped out, we’re nothing better than the rest of life. But life is a beautiful thing to begin with. Would life be so beautiful without death? Would anything be worth its own existence if it was permanent? I think not. I believe the end is what makes everything worthwhile.

edmartin101's avatar

@8lightminutesaway What an insight “Would anything be worth its own existence if it was permanent? I believe the end is what makes everything worthwhile” never thought about it this way…...........but you are right. It’s the exhilarating experience of knowing we are headed down the grave that makes us cherish where we are today and where we are going.

phoenyx's avatar

It’s the end of the universe as we know it.
And I feel fine.

phoenyx's avatar

(I’m still not certain that the universe will end.)

I think we have a need to have something of ourselves continue or endure even though we know that we are going to eventually die. I tell my daughter that I love her every single day. That’s enough of a legacy for me.

nikipedia's avatar

It makes me feel relieved.

absolutely's avatar

Peaceful. Everything ends eventually.

psyla's avatar

Advanced Physics & Quantum Mechanics suggest that what you believe becomes true for you. If you believe the universe will end, then for you, it will. The rest of us, who have not been so gullible to religious fear tactics, will continue to enjoy life in this universe.

wildflower's avatar

Wow how cool…, if I believe I’m invincible…..or, no, better, immortal…’ll become true?

psyla's avatar

To a certain extent, yes. In times of great stress, especially when one’s loved one is threatened, we’ve seen people perform superhuman feats. But you have to truly believe. Just saying you believe something isn’t enough. Your concious mind will impede any outrageous beliefs you attempt to implant in yourself. The subconcious mind is a child’s mind, but even a child can usually tell when you’re lying to them.

wildflower's avatar

damn!.....why aren’t I more gullible! I can think of loads of things that’d be cool to convince myself of… the existence of beaked UFO’s.
Guess I’m just not like the bumble bee….

psyla's avatar

Whenever you’re at work, you seem to always make comments on Fluther about UFO aliens with beaks. I wonder why this seems to happen. The psychologist Carl Jung would say that the beaked alien is an archetype, but this is very unusual as I know of no personas or roles in life that involve beaked aliens on a daily basis or in a work environment.

wildflower's avatar

hahaha…..but I’m not at work now…..although it is a strange place and does funny things to my head…

psyla's avatar

Curious, what do you do? I’ve always loved your comments on Fluther.

wildflower's avatar

Why thank you…...I’m finding yours a delightful mix of intriguing and baffling too….it’s really quite amuzing.
I work in customer support – so, I have reason to be a bit odd…

psyla's avatar

If there is even one human on the planet who is “normal”, I wouldn’t want to be that person! But then, we’re all a little bit inventive and creative, and then, either through work, family, or environment, we’re surrounded by & interacting with other “creative, unique, & inventive” people, it just multiplies the variety of new & unexpected things that we’re given to work with. How we each choose to handle the oddness that is thrown at us probably defines our personality structure, belief system, & health level more than we know.

wildflower's avatar

oh dear, I dread to think what that makes my personality…..meh! personality is overrated. Out of curiosity, where do you interact with creative, unique and inventive people, apart from Fluther?

psyla's avatar

My family is far too “inventive, creative, & unique” for me! I’d lose my mind if I lived nearby. I get my dose of the unusual in simple day-to-day life, and I try to be a hermit as much as possible.

gooch's avatar

I am sure our planet will be destroyed long before the universe is. If it is not destroyed before our sun dies that is. Which both would mean destruction of everything we know.

psyla's avatar

Destruction as a value-enhancing quality… Kali would be smile to hear this! That is such an alien concept to me that something that is to be destroyed should be more valuable than an equal item that is not to be destroyed. This is a very sorrowful philosophy. It’s a negative attitude because it promotes tearfulness, sadness, and regret. It’s a dark, sad way of thinking. I prefer philosophys that are a bit brighter, myself.

steelmarket's avatar

Pressed for time.

AstroChuck's avatar

Do I have enough time to use the bathroom?

cooksalot's avatar

You are too funny AstroChuck. Just hope it doesn’t happen when your sitting on it. LOL!

AstroChuck's avatar

I hope not. That’s just too Elvis for me.

jvgr's avatar

I would like to witness the event (though not necessarily be alive during the event).

But I enjoy watching, and safely being in, any huge event that is not man-made, but not because people suffer, but to simply apprehend the sheer magnitude and force that exists in the universe.

Bluefreedom's avatar

It makes me feel like a procrastinator. I have a lot of things to catch up on so I better get started.

TheKNYHT's avatar

@phoenyx hey! You stole my response! = (
anyways, people may talk about the end of the universe, or the end of the world. Who of us hasn’t seen the proverbial doomsdayer with the placard draped off their neck, with the words “THE END IS NEAR” painted on it?
In actuality the literal, physical demise of our planet, from the biblical view can’t happen for at least another 1,007 years and probably more. The end of our age, a dramatic shift of paradigm? That’s something all together different: a radical change of world view and politics, if you will. Its happening already.
But the end of YOUR world, and MINE? Well, lets put it this way, no one gets out of this world alive… well, ALMOST no one! One day . . .
@AstroChuck I’ve been reading your responses a lot and you are truly a fluently humorous fellow! lol
I may have to add you to my fluther!

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