Social Question

nikipedia's avatar

(NSFW) What is a good euphemism for watching "adult entertainment"?

Asked by nikipedia (28098points) July 16th, 2011

A friend of mine is going out to a girls’ night tonight, and her boyfriend plans to stay home and watch porn. One of the topics of conversation at the girls’ night will almost certainly be, “what is your boyfriend doing tonight?”

There is a girl attending who will probably be offended by the mention of porn-watching. Instead of lying, I suggested that my friend use a euphemism, and the girl can believe whatever she wants to about the boyfriend’s activities.

I can’t think of a single euphemism for watching porn, so I wanted to turn this over to the collective: do you know of any existing euphemisms for watching porn, or can you come up with them? I guess masturbation euphemisms would work in a pinch, but ones for the actual watching of porn would be better.

Please note, my friend is not bothered by the boyfriend’s porn watching. They both frequently watch porn both separately and together. This question is not about whether porn is good or bad, and if you would like to discuss that please start a separate thread.

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25 Answers

filmfann's avatar

He’s playing some 5 on 1.

DarlingRhadamanthus's avatar

“He’s watching some educational films.”
“He’s busy doing research.” On what? “Biology.”

Coloma's avatar

He’s having a super size happy meal of junk sex.

ucme's avatar

Biological research.

thorninmud's avatar

Doing research on the subjective dimension of human eroticism

rebbel's avatar

“My friend is using the mouse with his wrong hand tonight.”

“Okay, he watches adult sites but mainly for the interviews.”

ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

Why couldn’t she just say that he’s “spending a quiet night at home, probably watching TV?”
Or is this thread supposed to be just for fun?

flutherother's avatar

Playing solitaire.

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obvek's avatar

He’s enjoying some “me time.”

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ZEPHYRA's avatar

“Skinny dipping?”

obvek's avatar

haha—he’s going to light some candles, put on some nice music and take a hot bath.

bob_'s avatar

“He’s gonna stay in, watch a documentary about the Clinton years.”

Aethelflaed's avatar

Watching a film about historical gender relations. Technically, once it’s happened, it is history…

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

He is watching an unofficial documentary on human sexuality

Etequetaqui's avatar

Eye wanking.
playing “me with me”

filmfann's avatar

At home playing Wi.

Brian1946's avatar

Apparently the OP has been euphemistically edited. ;-o

Tay122's avatar

He’s watching a documentury on life, and babys, and love..

Tay122's avatar

Who spells Wii wrong?

filmfann's avatar

@Tay122 Since I was actually refering to his Wee-wee, it doesn’t matter.

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