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blueberry_kid's avatar

Have you ever experienced dog abuse?

Asked by blueberry_kid (5960points) July 16th, 2011

I have not ever in my life “experienced” it. But I’ve seen it on t.v. and in books and the newspaper. But have you literally been around it or seen it happen?

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24 Answers

SpatzieLover's avatar

Yes. I have seen people beat their dogs with baseball bats and more.

Coloma's avatar

I have never witnessed anything horrible,as in beatings or kicking, but… have seen plenty of neglect and your basic, incompetent dog owners that yell and scream and yank their dogs around, leave them outside all the time, banish them emotionally from the family ‘pack’, and, in general are walking examples of ignorance and stupidity. Not unlike many parents. :-/

Your_Majesty's avatar

Yes, around where I live when I was a kid (people will throw stones or kick stray dogs that mess up with their trash bins), if not in meat market, dog-meat section.

RealEyesRealizeRealLies's avatar

My father took in a dog that was tied to a tree and abandoned when his owner packed up and moved away. The man literally left town for good and left his dog tied to a tree with no food or water. His neighbor, a little old lady saw it happen, but was afraid to do anything. A week passed and she called my father, who went and rescued the dog.

He turned into a fantastic companion for my father. But that dog would never trust anyone else but him. He was psychologically scarred forever. I tried to gain his trust, over time, but whenever I tried to play, he though I was about to hurt him, and just sat down and whined and peed and pooped all over himself. The process of cleaning him up was awful. Not because of the mess. But the poor thing just froze like his soul had left his body.

I’d have to set out some treats and go sit in a corner before life came back into his body after cleaning. All I could do was think about tying his old owner up to a tree and let him sit there for a week.

The old lady who called my father said the original owner tied the dog to the tree all the time and beat him silly with a stick. I have no doubt the dog was so fearful that he peed/pooped himself, which must have enraged the man.

I would love to tie that man to the same tree until he peed/pooped himself in fear of me. That’s what the revenge side of me wants. But I know that’s not the right answer. I’m not sure what is actually. I’m quick to trust backwoods justice more than what the law offers to animal abusers.

FutureMemory's avatar

I remember as a kid our neighbor coming home one day to find her house in disarray. Apparently their lab had torn up some furniture, or…something of value. I heard her yelling at the dog, calling her a “bitch” and punching her.

atlantis's avatar

I don’t know how people can bring themselves to do this to animals who cannot even express their angst and pain. They can only hope someone understands their predicament and eases their suffering.
I believe that animals have a sense of culture and a dignity which has been naturally accorded to them by Mother Earth. By being an integral part of nature they are truly at one with the biosphere. They get to know by themselves if there’s an earthquake or natural disaster. And dogs have such a keen sense of electromagnetic sensitivity, they can be trained to detect seizures up to five minutes before they occur.

Sometimes the only animals I can think of on earth are human beings. We’re the only species who actively destroys what sustains it. It would serve us right to be wiped out by a mass extinction or a heat wave or any other global disaster.

DrBill's avatar

I rescue dogs, I have not seen it happen, but seen what it can do,

The dog I have now is a black lab, when I got him he had a broken leg, dislocated hip, 3 fractured ribs and weighed 19 lbs

atlantis's avatar

@DrBill Did you do the same thing to the pervert scum that did this?

DrBill's avatar

@atlantis Like to but they would not tell who it was, The dog is Max and he is still with me, and spoiled rotten

atlantis's avatar

@DrBill I’ve heard that even if they get caught, the punishment is nowhere near as severe as the damage done to the animals.

DrBill's avatar

I think they should get what they are given X 3

woodcutter's avatar

Not yet. Maybe that’s why I haven’t been sent to prison for human abuse…yet.

RealEyesRealizeRealLies's avatar

I’d like to believe that people who abuse animals have issues with their entire lives. Animal abuse is only one facet of their multi-faceted psychological issues. I imagine them having a difficult time keeping a relationship, a job. I see them having problems with their children, and trouble with gambling, drugs and alcohol. I see them looking in the mirror one day and watching it crack from all the shame put upon them. I see them having troubles in everything they pursue in life. I see them as having very poor upbringing, and probably abused themselves at some point. I hope they find peace one day. I hope they seek forgiveness one day. But most of all, I hope that I can somehow learn to forgive them.

Coloma's avatar

I once knew a horse that had been rescued from a starvation situation. She had the best of care for years after a friend adopted her, plenty of feed, a nice barn and stall for the bad weather, but she never got over her starvation trauma. When I fed for them when they were gone, she went from being the sweetest most docile horse to a raving, teeth baring, bucking, kicking, charging maniac at feeding time.

I would load up the feeders with hay in the barn ( there were 4 horses ) and then, she HAD to be the LAST in, or she would charge me and all the other horses. I would open the gate and take a long lounging whip ( for the psych effect only ) and as soon as I opened the gate I would hold her off while the other 3 came in and went to their stalls. THEN I would let her in and she would charge down the breezeway and attack her hay like she hadn’t eaten in days.

It was a dangerous situation and she almost slammed me between the gate and wall on several occasions. Otherwise, minus the food anxiety she was a kitten to handle and ride.

atlantis's avatar

There is absolutely no excuse for persecuting someone who can’t even tell you that his leg is broken, or that he feels like he’s bleeding internally, or that he hasn’t been fed for weeks. Or that he has a pain deep in his soul. This mentality of looking at animals as sub-human is medieval and anti-progressive. It has resulted in our underestimating the natural world and to our own detriment.
Humanity will not evolve without giving due respect to the phenomenon which sustains us and is the basis of our existence. Respecting animals, not as sub-human, but as contributing elements of this circle of life is the most important part of our survival as an apex species.

Hibernate's avatar

I saw it for real and I couldn’t stop it. It was awful :(

cheebdragon's avatar

Have I ever experienced it? No, I’m not a dog and I’m not abusive…not towards animals anyway.

blueiiznh's avatar

I have not witnessed it, yet I have seen the end results of it.

It is one of the very reasons why I rescue my pets from the shelter.

blueiiznh's avatar

OMG, speaking of this subject have you seen that ASPCA.ORG commercial on TV? It was just on.

It makes my daughter cry.

blueberry_kid's avatar

@blueiiznh , it makes me cry too.

Coloma's avatar

Thanks heaps, now I have to go defrag with my little loved ones.—Marwyn my goose looks so beautiful right now grazing on the lawn in the sunset.

rooeytoo's avatar

Apparently there are more and more instances of it being recorded and loaded onto Facebook, Youtube, etc. I just heard of a situation where a teen aged girl taped herself decapitating a mouse. She was caught and her punishment was 180 hours of community service. Seems as if they should have to see a shrink too. There has to be something missing the in the brain of people who torture helpless creatures regardless of how many legs they have.

Coloma's avatar


It’s called being a sociopath. Lots of ‘em out there, blending in like the Chameleons they are. :-(

kittykat219's avatar

Many times.
I live in Kosovo where animal abuse isn’t seen as a crime.
People here can beat them, torture them, and do whatever they want to the poor animals since there are no laws against it.
I had a neighbour who once had a little stray puppy follow him everywhere. He started to feed it and looked like he liked the pup a lot.
But the next thing I knew was that he was tying him up in a sack up to his neck. He was about to throw him into a bin. Luckily I was there and stopped him. I still have the dog today :)

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