Social Question

poisonedantidote's avatar

How do professionals (e.g. teachers) deal with children that have developed a crush on them?

Asked by poisonedantidote (21685points) July 16th, 2011

Do they talk to the parents? Ignore it? is there a standard procedure?

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34 Answers

woodcutter's avatar

Sometimes they bang them.

poisonedantidote's avatar

@woodcutter I have noticed this, makes me wonder where all the hot teachers were when I was a kid.

woodcutter's avatar

yeah really! jesuscrist that would have been soooo cool

poisonedantidote's avatar

The problem is basically this…

There is a snotty little kid where I work that wont leave me alone. I noticed her on day 1 when they arrived at the hotel. She kept making a point of looking away whenever I looked in her direction. A couple of the other staff even picked up on it and joked at me that it was my lucky night.

Since then, we have had a mini golf competition, and the kid was one of the competitors, she has since found her voice and now spends her time following me about.

I think the parents are aware, the kid keeps being told “leave the man alone” by the parents, but they could be blind to it and just think she is a pest.

Long story short… I like my job, and my freedom, and because of the nature of my job, shit could get real ugly real fast. It would not be too hard for the kid corner me alone in a couple of areas and times of the day, and the emotional volatility of young teens coupled with a swim suit environment could potentially cause problems.

For now, I have informed the hotel director and am ignoring the kid, and statistically will be more than able to figure out by my self how to get thrugh the week without problems.

It just makes me very uncomfortable, and am wondering what tricks of the trade and tips there are on the problem.

I know all the obvious stuff… if she tells me she cant swim I don’t try to teach her by touching her in any way, if some other little kid needs the bathroom and the parents are not around you let the kid piss his pants, and you always ask for ID when someone that looks young asks for booze.

I guess what I’m really looking for, is traps I should watch out for. e.g. upsetting the kid causing her to tell the parents I tried to touch her or something.

EDIT: This post added as the lack of answers and topic were starting to freak me out.

(I can’t even enjoy walking in the park alone if there are kids there now days, not with everything in the news all the time)

filmfann's avatar

(puts on piano music with heavy percussion)

woodcutter's avatar

Are you positive this all isn’t innocent coincidences? You need to get a woman to hang all over you when she’s close, hell use your sister if you cant scrounge up somebody. They just need to be a warm body to give the impression you aren’t going there. Hurry dude.

poisonedantidote's avatar

@woodcutter I’m quite sure she has a crush on me, it’s actually very disturbing.

And just so we are clear on this… this question is not the rantings of a pedophile trying to create an alliby lol, talking about this shit is worse than going thrugh a metal detector in an airport.

woodcutter's avatar

whats up with those metal detectors anyway?

poisonedantidote's avatar

@woodcutter I believe they got rid of them in place for a machine that encases people in carbonite.

woodcutter's avatar

Get a decoy woman and have her run interference for you. Have her speak with her parents to see what they know. Do you have a trusted fake wife? It may be worth money to get one.

woodcutter's avatar

jesus christ its worse than I thought

poisonedantidote's avatar

@woodcutter I’m not really attractive enough to pull off a fake wife maneuver, I can maybe at a push come up with a fake goat.

woodcutter's avatar

thats where the money comes into play

poisonedantidote's avatar

@woodcutter why would a goat need money?

woodcutter's avatar

They like to eat it, no pay a hooker

poisonedantidote's avatar

@woodcutter if you no pay the hooker the pimp will slap you

Blackberry's avatar

I’ve heard from a few young women that they intentionally flirt with professors so they look past them being late and turning assignments in late. So I guess they deal with in a different way than expected lol.

Pied_Pfeffer's avatar

Tell her that you feel like she is a young sister or niece, depending upon how old she is.

woodcutter's avatar

@poisonedantidote Are you really that ugly? get one of the female employees to go along.

poisonedantidote's avatar

@woodcutter My avatar is a picture of me.

snowberry's avatar

@poisonedantidote Other than the weird costume, you don’t look so bad. But under these circumstances, I’m sure you’d rather look really mean and nasty.

LuckyGuy's avatar

It’s simple.
Always be professional.
Never be alone with her.
Do nothing to encourage that behavior.

End of story.

woodcutter's avatar

Have you caught her staring at your crotch? That would be a possible sign of trouble.

choreplay's avatar

Can’t believe no one said this yet. When she’s around turn on repulse powers. Start singing Justin Beber or Abba. Find out what is really repulsive to her age group and exude it big time. Invite the biggest nerd from her school for a day on the job with you, wear a speedo swim suit. Come on, you could have a lot of fun figuring out what it takes to repulse her. Notice, I didn’t say piss her off or hurt her feelings, but make her flee from you for her social well being.

woodcutter's avatar

I think @Season_of_Fall might be on to something. Let her see you eating your boogers. That in no way will encourage any female to pursue. You don’t need to really eat them but go through the motions as if you are.

poisonedantidote's avatar

@woodcutter Nop, no crotch staring, just the face.

woodcutter's avatar

How much longer are they going to be staying there?. Can you just wait them out?

poisonedantidote's avatar

@woodcutter I can wait it out no problem, it is not such a big deal, but it has made me realize, this is something that is likely to happen 1ce or 2ce a year, just based on traffic numbers and staff numbers.

@ everyone else…

Regarding how I look, I was only kidding, I consider my self average looking, and in case no one figured it out, the stuff about the goat was probably a joke too. :P

woodcutter's avatar

so no goat pics then?

woodcutter's avatar

maybe later

RealEyesRealizeRealLies's avatar

First, tell your superiors how you feel, if indeed this is how you feel. Tell your superiors all about it before they tell you all about it with a line of cops standing behind them.

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