Do you feel comfortable with silence when it's just you and your partner?
Asked by
Jude (
July 16th, 2011
You’re just cuddling on the sofa, do feel the need to talk? When you’re both in the same room, and say, reading, or doing different activities, are you comfortable with silence?
For a good hour, I held my partner on the sofa. I said to her “quiet is nice” (ha!), and she said, “okay”, and we cuddled in silence. I could hear her breathing and the fan whirling overhead. No talking. Neither felt uncomfortable. In fact, it was wonderful.
I often see older couple when out at restaurants, having periods of silence (when sitting together). Is it because they’re comfortable with it?
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16 Answers
If memory serves, oh it can be so nice… until one of us falls asleep and the other decides to marker up the other’s face. lol
I was just thinking about this—wondering if it’s the kind of thing that comes with time. I have been dating this guy for the last 2 months, and I still feel a lot of pressure to make conversation happen when we’re hanging out. Was wondering if that goes away, eventually. I hope so.
Well 90% of the time I’m lost in thought, so my partners better be comfortable with silence. Followed by random laughter. And sometimes even mouthing the dialog in my head.
I love the sound of silence.
I am often quiet around my S.O. he usually has the tv on.
There are times when not a word need be said.
I do enjoy conversation, but I also love the sounds of silence.
Silence can be very peaceful.
Yeah we are comfortable with silence but we are happiest when we partake in our favourite sport “bickering” I’m sure people think we hate each other but we actually love to bicker, its not malice or hatred it’s just fun, it’s like how posh people go out and play tennis, well we bicker and call each other names and then laugh about it.
My wife and I never have a dull moment. 45 years of quietness would drive each of us crazy. We do not watch many movies, so our cuddle time is…....well, personal.
We have our cuddle time, but in our own special way. And yes, sometimes silence is golden. It’s just that there is not much silence at our house. Never has been that way and never will.
We are still happily married and still in love with each other. That tells it all.
Absolutely. It is one of the joys of being a couple who are at ease with each other.
I did when I had a partner.
Oh yes. Usually we just laugh at something silly or foolish the other has said, then turn back to what we’re doing.
I notice sometimes when I sit down to dinner with my husband [whether we are at home or out to dinner] that it isn’t like meals used to be when dating him, or when dating anyone else. We’re quiet. It’s a really nice kind of quiet, though. Eye contact and body language plays a part, but we just don’t feel a need to fill the silence anymore. It isn’t uncomfortable or negative at all.
We spend a lot of quiet time together. Then again, living with me, I’m sure he is thrilled when I’m actually being quiet…
My husband is the talker. I tend to be the listener. (Every talker needs a good listener.) We’re perfectly comfortable with silences. He doesn’t hear very well anymore and that makes talking a bit more problematic. We do get what needs to be said, said and that’s what’s important.
My wife and I are definitely comfortable with silence. Half the time I’m on Fluther, she’s sitting next to me doing something else. One of us will laugh or groan, and a conversation will get started about what caused that reaction. Maybe it will be brief and we’ll lapse back into silence, maybe it will wind up lasting the rest of the evening. Either way, it just flows naturally.
We do tend to communicate through looks and touches during these periods of silences, but that’s nice in its own way as well. Especially when you find yourself in some group setting where you can’t say aloud what’s on your mind and discover that the level of mutual understanding you’ve achieved over the years makes it possible to coordinate your actions without a word.
Yep, my boyfriend and I do this all the time. We’ve been dating for about 5 months though, so it’s still “early”. We were like this when we were friends though. Just very at ease with each other and like to enjoy the silence.
We often enjoy music in silence when we drive in cars together, sometimes eat in silence, and cuddle on the couch in silence too. It’s fun. It’s never felt uncomfortable for me.
Very much so. Sometimes we will be on the phone to each other and there will be silence because one or both of us are also doing something else at the same time. Just knowing the other is there is fine, we don’t seem to need to talk all the time. Thankfully, it is free for us to call each other!
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