What's next summer's fad going to be?
I live in a touristy town, and I see children from all over the country/world, and a lot of them rock the same fad. Last summer it was Silly Bands. This summer it seems to be feather hair extensions. What’ll it be next summer?
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15 Answers
My honest guess, as unfortunate is it may be, is jelly shoes. A lot of top designers are bringing them back this year, including names like Burberry and Michael Kors, and I have a strong feeling that they will catch on next summer.
@Fly I hope so! I loved them last time they were in when I was a kid, although I never had a pair. I will definitely rock them next summer.
Piss-stain jeans, specially dyed to make it look like you voided your bladder, combined with a topless body or some times a torn tuxedo jacket.
Hopefully not rompers.
I hate those god awful things.
Well according to one of my good friends, who seems to call these things pretty accurately, Cosmetic Amputation!
Not content with tatooing your entire face and body? Not happy with putting metal “jewelry” into every orifice and non-orifice of your body? Bored of dying your hair hot pink or neon purple? Howzabout cutting off a finger or a leg or an arm? Wouldn’t that be the ultimate way to give everyone the finger? Oh yeah, I guess you wouldn’t be able to, because you’d be missing that finger.
Maybe kids could tatoo, dye, pierce and then cut off their exposed ass. Wouldn’t that be awesome and super-cool and hip?
And maybe, just maybe (and wouldn’t this be sick and twisted?) kids would actually wear regular clothes and not feel the urge to “stand out” or be“unique”. They might just be interested in going to school and learning stuff rather than trying to “shove it to the world” or “trying to show their individuality by following the latest trends.” Maybe being smart and kind and thoughtful and useful will actually become super-popular.
But who am I kidding?
You never know what the future will bring ^^
They can easily pick something that already was a few years ago or pick something nobody expects.
Adopt an immigrant possibly, sponsored by the government so they don’t squat in peoples houses :-/ in the UK that is…..
@Fly Hopefully not! Those things are horrific looking
Next summer, they’ll all be going around with balls of yarn.
Pubic hair, the reverse brazilian. Long on the sides, nothing along the labia.
Flowy pants. Anti-leggings.
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