What can your ex think of you?
If you guys haven’t seen each other in 3 years and you lived a wonderful romance before. But what if he has a girlfriend and is so loyal although he looks at you with the eyes of a lover… When a guy looks at you (your ex) and smiles and when you look at him asks “what? :)” what can it mean?
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8 Answers
It means that he his fondly reminiscing.
Do not read anything else into it. Danger.
We men tend to keep a somewhat physical connection with former lovers, and it’s really hard to get rid of it. We’re not monogamous naturally, it’s something we do as a gift to the woman we love.
Don’t go further in case he’s with someone, it could be disastrous for everyone.
Don’t read into it. There is nothing wrong with him having good memories your time together and there is a good chance he cherishes those memories. Unless he makes strong indications, just be happy that he enjoyed your time together.
You said he is so loyal although he looks at you with the eyes of a lover seems to be a contradictory statement. If he was loyal to his girlfriend, then he would not be looking at you with the eyes of a lover. He might not actually cheat on his girlfriend, so in that sense, he is acting loyal towards her, but if he is looking at you in a lustful/loving way, then he is not truly being loyal to her.
I would tread very carefully in this situation. It sounds like you are still in love with him and you are hoping that he is still in love with you. Is it possible that you misread his look? If not, then I would suggest that you steer clear of him. Why would you want a guy that would be giving his ex lustful/loving looks? How would you feel if you were the current girlfriend and you knew that your boyfriend was giving his ex those kinds of looks. I’d be embarrassed and hurt.
I’m guessing that you two broke up for a good reason. Try to recall the reason(s).
If this fellow still loves you, do not persue him at all. Let him make the decision to break up with his current girlfriend before you make any decision to get back together with him. Anything less, would make both you and he both to be really crappy people.
You may or may not know his current girfriend, but her feelings need to be considered in this situation.
If you are truly mis-reading this fellow’s look, and he was just smiling at you as a friendly gesture, then just be polite and friendly back. And be polite and friendly to his new girlfriend too.
@wundayatta He lived 14 hours away with plane… And we tried a bit after we said goodbye but I didn’t like him that much… I guess now after 4 years I lived a lot and seen a lot so I understand his value
I’m afraid you have to wait to see if his current relationship will work out or not. If it doesn’t, then he is fair game. But please don’t meddle in his current relationship.
I take it he is now living closer to you?
And you like him better now that you have checked out other guys? “Buyer’s remorse” is what they call that. You took the first car you checked out, but afterwards, didn’t know if you’d made the right decision. So you returned the car to check out the others. And by the time you decided the first car was best, it was gone.
Live and learn.
@wundayatta I was only 13 lol… Plus he might still not be the guy that I’d be with. I guess it’s that every time I actually spend time with him he seems like an ideal guy. Its confusing.. It’s over anyways, he isn’t talking to me
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