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flutherother's avatar

What is wrong with the people on Judge Judy?

Asked by flutherother (35015points) July 17th, 2011

Even when Judge Judy proves that they were lying, mean spirited or immoral they show no shame or remorse. I can’t understand this. What is the explanation?

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23 Answers

blueberry_kid's avatar

Everything is wrong with them.

woodcutter's avatar

They are the entertainment, and are getting some form of compensation for their time. Who would tune in to watch court cases that have ordinary behaving people? I’m sure that these wacko’s are in courtrooms every day of the week somewhere only a few of them get on TV.
Call it the Jerry Springer of justice.

mazingerz88's avatar

The courthouse is not always a logical place to show remorse if you are trying to sway someone’s mind that you just did what you think was right even if you don’t really believe that and merely pretending to project a sense of righteousness and justifiable indignance.

janbb's avatar

It’s all brad and circuses for the masses.

CaptainHarley's avatar


No, that’s our new, socialist government’s job… at least the bread part.


The people you see on Judge Judy are the dregs of society. They are demented.

Jellie's avatar

I’ve always thought it is a little scripted.

Coloma's avatar

That has got to be the WORST show ever, Judge Judy and her subjects are all awful!

Shock value and dredging up the stupidest of the stupid and PAYING them and Judge Judy to put on a circus of screwed up-ness…gah!

I cannot STAND that woman!

chyna's avatar

I love Judge Judy!

flutherother's avatar

I like Judge Judy, she cuts to the core of the matter quickly and she is fair and principled and has a heart. There are a variety of people on the show, some of them decent, though why anyone would want to expose their dirty washing to the public I don’t understand.

I can see why people might lie in court but when they are found out so publicly I would have expected to see signs of embarrassment but I never do. It is very rare for anyone on the show to admit they are wrong and I find this a bit disheartening, as if the commonly accepted standards of behaviour have no meaning for them.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I love Judge Judy too, but I know what you’re saying @flutherother. A couple of times I’ve heard her say, “The IRS will be contacting you,” and they don’t bat an eye. You’d have to pick me up off the floor.

ucme's avatar

Don’t watch that shit, although years ago I stumbled across Judge Wapner I think that was his name on People’s Court. Now he was one cool fella, I liked him.

Sunny2's avatar

I think they are not very bright. They value being on TV (and probably being paid) over being viewed as somewhat less than honorable or, you should excuse the expression, stupid. They are the same people that were on that show where, cheered on by the host, they physically fought and screamed at one another. I can’t remember the name of the show.

Dutchess_III's avatar

As for the lying thing…some people have lied all of their lives. They’ve been caught out before. They have a lot of practice acting like they aren’t guilty even when they obviously are. It’s a denial thing.

@Sunny2 Springer?

jerv's avatar

They represent what America is turning into; they are merely ahead of their time.

Sunny2's avatar

@Dutchess_III Yes! Jerry Springer. Thanks.

Dutchess_III's avatar

What kills me is when JJ tells people to stop talking…and they don’t listen!!! And the way some people sass her? No freakin’ way. I love it when Bert steps up and says, “HEY! SHUT UP” People listen to him!


I like Judge Judy, especially when she gives it to them. Those morons actually represent a good cross-section of America, unfortunately. I just hope they don’t represent the majority, or we’re in big trouble. Like J.J. said on one episode, after tearing down a young woman who keeps having children and is on welfare, and her jobless dumb boyfriend who does nothing at all, “Sigh….China’s going to beat us.”

As much as I like her, I hope she’s wrong on that point!

@jerv Yeah, that’s scary.

Coloma's avatar


Reminds me of ‘Rain Man’ with Dustin Hoffman..” Five minutes to Wapner LOL

woodcutter's avatar

These so called miscreants sure have helped make J.J. quite the millionaire. I googled and saw she’s net worth about 95 million. Not too shabby.

Coloma's avatar

She is the most arrogant and egoically ‘superior’ person ever. Classic narcissist that has made her fame and fortune exploiting the miscreants while being one herself.

The sad commentary of our world where teachers are paid a pittance and fools are worshiped. Bah!

This is why I haven’t watched TV in over 10 years. Garbage being presented as gourmet fare.

woodcutter's avatar

somebody needs a neck rub

Coloma's avatar


I’m fine, just touching on one of my sensitivities, fools exploiting fools

woodcutter's avatar

Only in America. Wish I could come up with a gimmick, yeah a gimmick is what would do it

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