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Dutchess_III's avatar

Do you do the hard stuff first and the easy stuff last?

Asked by Dutchess_III (47239points) July 17th, 2011

Like, you have job to do…do you get the hard part out of the way first, or save it for last?

I get the hard part out of the way first.

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15 Answers

Axemusica's avatar

Difficult stuff first.

Work hard… Play even harder. :)

josie's avatar

Always. It’s an axiom in the military. Do the worst, first.

abysmalbeauty's avatar

No but I wish I did…. I procrastinate better then anyone else

jrpowell's avatar

I do the easy stuff first. My main problem is getting off my ass and the easier the task the more likely I am to put the beer down and stand up. Once I am up and moving then I turn into a machine that usually keeps working until everything is done.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Sounds like me! “Ok. I’m going to fill the sink with dishwater. Doesn’t mean I’m going to actually WASH the dishes. I’m just going to fill up the sink…..Ok. I’ll put the plates in, then I’ll quit….Ok, maybe I’ll wash ONE plate….”

Porifera's avatar

In test design it is recomended to order questions from the least to most difficult, but it’s still on debate whether it makes a difference or not on students’ performance.

lillycoyote's avatar

I go back and forth. Start with the hard stuff then put that away for a while and do the easy things, then go back to the hard stuff and then I give up. :-) No, just kidding.

woodcutter's avatar

It will depend on what it is I’m working on. If it doesn’t matter then I do whatever that will make me feel better, if I have a choice. When I paint the outside of a house I tend to cut in first and follow with the rolling out. Cutting is harder and more time consuming but less boring but it is the essence of the job really. After that is complete, the rest of the job is smokin fast. Some might do the rolling first to get the “I’m getting more accomplished” buzz, then hit the wall when it’s time to get out the brushes. Anyone well almost anyone can roll out. It’s the cutting in that makes or destroys the job. Ever seen a paint job where the guy driving the brush was a fail? shudders.

roundsquare's avatar

I usually start with something quick and easy, just to get a bit “pumped.” Then I’ll move to harder stuff and use the easy stuff as a buffer when I need a break but don’t feel like I deserve a real break.

Dutchess_III's avatar

@lillycoyote It’s OK, Lilly. I started to do a load of dishes about 8 months ago….

woodcutter's avatar

@Dutchess_III paper plates are your friend

Dutchess_III's avatar

Oh, this is too much, @woodcutter! I almost posted this yesterday, but then forgot about it.
Had a family bar b que on Sat. Bought some sturdy plastic plates. 20 of ‘em for…I forget how much. More than for paper. Well…they’re supposed to be disposable, right? So…why is it that after the party I gathered them up…and washed them? As I’m doing this I’m thinking…WHY did you buy plastic plates if your were just going to wash them? Why didn’t you just use your ceramic dinner plates? I still don’t know! I do know there are 20 clean plastic plates sitting in my lazy Susan for the next party…why did I do that?

woodcutter's avatar

@Dutchess_III you get one more fling with those plates and then FLING them after.

Dutchess_III's avatar

YES! We could find so many FUN ends to them plates! The kids could draw on them with markers, make puppets and UFOs, and sporting events and we can use them in various and sundry science experiments…yes! I knew I had a reason! Thanks very much @woodcutter!! XXXOOO!

roundsquare's avatar

@Dutchess_III For a BBQ? ‘Cuz people drop things at BBQs when the beer starts flowing.

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