@JilltheTooth OK, almost 60 posts in, let me ask you, @Hypocrisy_Central , because you’re the guy with the inside info, why are some people feeling bullied on Fluther? Without naming names, or giving revealing details, can you answer your own Q? OK, I will start with yours though there are others I could clear up because I think they missed the mark slightly or by a bit. Hopefully theirs will be address under yours, since yours seem to address the question we should be tackling instead of just pushing out one’s chest and saying Fluther is a perfect place, there is no bullying. This is the land of sugar plum fairies, roses, and lilacs, and milk rains from the sky. Or, just telling those who felt they were bullied, even if they were not bullied in a clinical sense, to just ”grow a pair”, which if said long and loud enough to a feminist might seem like bullying.
Why am I saying anything? Why should I not? ‘All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing’; Edmund Burke. Because many of whom have left, gone, been run off. I do not think any actual act of conscious bullying goes on. I think some behavior that is bully-like, happens. The people that do them I am not sure they are aware. I am sure at times many times people see me that way. I don’t see it as a 24/7 problem but some people, even if they are not clinically correct, feel bullied to the point they left, or on more than a few threads.
One example, there was this Jelly, a noob, he had less than 30 lurve. I noticed him and gave him my usual greeting as I do most noobs when I see them. He tried to rip me a new one. Instead of getting pissed and firing back a nasty PM to even the score, I kept calm and PM him back stating I was just welcoming him here. I guess he thought it was some cruel joke’ because I was using my Star Trek inspired avatar with the likeness of a well-liked Jelly. He thought I was one of those ”ball busting feminist” his words, not mine. I told him he really didn’t know who I was, because of he asked around or read my profile, he would know he gotten it wrong. He didn’t divulge what answer(s) or question(s) he made or what he said or was said to him to make him feel in such a short span of time this was not a friendly place to be.
There was another Jelly, not a noob but not a mansion dweller either. This Jelly didn’t feel blasted or maligned 24/7 on every thread but enough to the point of quitting, about 3 weeks ago.
Just because you didn’t intend to insult, malign, or degrade someone, don’t mean you did not, in the eye of the person you are speaking to.
Should I not let words bother me or should I take them out of context? Should I ”man up” and just grow a pair and not let it bother me? That is up to what is said, how it is said and how the listener takes it into context. As an African American I could get bent out of shape every time someone uses the word ”boy” even if they used it in a way they though was totally innocent and maybe is. If they said something like ”Them boys over their selling that dope are going to find themselves lots of trouble”. If said by someone other than an African American if I took it as racist then I chose to do that, even if it were not intended as that. When I was in school, there was a special ed. class with handicapped kids in it. It was quite common that the kids in the class were referred to as crippled, teachers use it, school staff used it, all us kids used it. Did the kids in wheelchairs and on crutches and leg braces like the term or figured we were using it against them, no one ever stopped to ask.
Instead of saying ”I never did that, it never happens here” why not slow down and at least entertain the idea it could be probable, even unintended, that someone would feel bullied. Took at it this way, if you were female and someone said things that were totally not sexist by content but could be taken as that, would you tell the women who thought it was sexist to quit getting their panties in a bunch and let it flow off their back like water off a duck?
I know a fair number of members and what their nuclear issues are, someone just showing up, do not know any of us. We should be good ambassadors and at least let them get to know the flavor of the site before pouncing like wolves. If it was all about ”grow a pair”, why would we need the moderators? We could just say every person for themselves and if you can’t go to war, go hide in a bunker.