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Pandora's avatar

I need help with itchy scalp after working out.

Asked by Pandora (32601points) July 18th, 2011

I don’t have eczema or dandruff or even lice.
I’ve never had this issue before but for some reason my scalp gets really itchy after a hard work out.
I’ve amped out my work out and so my scalp sweats a lot now and after I wash my hair it feels fine till it dries out. I also don’t want to wash my hair so much that it will dry it out further. I’ve tried to use the same shampoo my daughter uses for eczema but it does nothing for me. If anything its, drying out my hair. I’m afraid to use conditioner because I worry it may make my scalp itch more.
I don’t want to have to slow down my work out.
Would like to hear from someone who may have had this problem or at least knows someone who did.

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10 Answers

Nullo's avatar

I have similar issues on hot days; it might just be the heat that you’re putting through the skin.
Nullo’s Itchy Scalp Remedy is quick, effective, and cheap:
1. Take fingers
2. Apply to scalp.
3. Stroke fingers along affected portions of scalp until irritation subsides.

You might also try cooling off your head. My favorite method involves digging a space out of the freezer and laying my head down in it; others involve kitchen sinks, ice packs, fans, etc.
Dangit, now I’m all itchy.

Pandora's avatar

I think the ice pack may be a better idea than laying my head in the freezer. I do agree about the hot days as well. I walk to and from the gym and the sun has been really hot. Maybe I should wear a cap to protect my scalp from the sun.
I’ll try the stroking but I hope my nails don’t get tempted to dig in.

YoBob's avatar

Try Nutragena T-gel shampoo.

Nullo's avatar

@Pandora Eh? I always dig the nails in. I thought it would be implied.

Facade's avatar

Try massaging your scalp with a good amount of olive oil before cleansing your hair after a workout. Also, try using Dr. Bronner’s soap for shampoo to eliminate the possibility of irritating chemicals making your issue worse.
And don’t dig into or scratch your scalp; it’s very fragile.

Neizvestnaya's avatar

Your scalp is probably normally dry so when you work out and the scalp gets all pumped up with blood then it stretches which make teensy little tears and when you sweat, it itches.

Garebo's avatar

I have mild feet rash, OMG fungus feet, and I wash them in 7%. Hydrogen Peroxide and it works. As for hair, I don’t what color your hair is, but if you use it, it will definitely kill the problem, and make you a blonder blond if you so desire.
I had the same issue too, itchy scalp; and I used a diluted 35% food grade peroxide and unfortunately ended up looking like a surfer, but It did kill the itch though.

Pandora's avatar

Yeah, peroxide on my black hair doesn’t sound like a good idea. But I think you are on the right track. Actually I found if I blow dry my roots at a low heat setting till it feels dry, that it seems to work with getting rid of the itch. I think letting it stay sweaty and air dry makes it a perfect breeding ground
for some sort of fungus, especially since my hair is thick and dark..

Neizvestnaya's avatar

There’s a spray I buy for my doggie’s heat rash and also to use on him after he gets a shave, it’s by Nature’s Organics and has tea tree oil in it. When I was breaking out with hives or when I get a nasty sunburn then this spray is the only thing that works to take the itch away. I’ve got dark hair (almost black) and I haven’t ever noticed it to lighten my hair after spraying at the roots all over my burnt scalp. It’s a lot less costly than buying a tea tree oil spray for people.

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