Social Question

john65pennington's avatar

Will there ever be a replacement for cellphones?

Asked by john65pennington (29278points) July 18th, 2011

I just know that as soon as I purchase an expensive cellphone, that something new will be on the market to take its place. You know, like computers that become obsolete in two years? Question: what could possibly take the place of cellphone? Tin cans and a string?

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11 Answers

aprilsimnel's avatar

I think there will be a audio/video chip implanted in people’s heads. Eventually.

Fly's avatar

I can’t imagine that cell phones themselves will become obsolete in the foreseeable future, but I do believe that there will be a new wave of cell phones. For example, in the television show Fringe, the characters sport what almost appears to be an earring but functions as a full cell phone.

jca's avatar

I think whatever takes the place of cell phones will be something that we cannot fathom yet. I used to work for Motorola in the 1980’s, when cell phones were big, called affectionately “the brick phones,” and only doctors, chauffeurs and drug dealers had them. At that time, there was speculation of a watch that could communicate (like a Maxwell Smart thing). A watch is obviously what was speculated on because that was what we knew. A phone with a keyboard and camera, email and the internet, etc. was not something fathomable at the time. I think in 20 years, whatever takes the place of cell phones will be something we cannot fathom right now.

Aethelflaed's avatar

The cell phones themselves will become obsolete, sure. But the idea of being able to carry around something that can instantly connect you via audio and/or written word and/or video to anyone around the globe who has a similar device? I think that’s here to stay for quite some time.

SpatzieLover's avatar

@aprilsimnel that’s the opinion in this household, too. People will have UPC codes that give their bank acc’t info inmplanted in their thumbs, too

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

I imagine we’ll eventually be able to purchase media chip implants that will do away with all handheld devices.

RealEyesRealizeRealLies's avatar

The technology exists today, for a microphone to be implanted within a tooth, and a speaker to be implanted within an earlobe. The body would be the power source and antenna. The electronics worn in the clothing, as jewelry, or implanted.

Sunny2's avatar

Probably. And we’ll all be walking around looking like we are having verbal hallucinations. Actually, it takes me quite a while to realize that people are not talking to their voices, but to their phone pals. Why do they get angry when I answer a question they ask?

ucme's avatar

Maybe society will regress back to shouting echoes along mountain peaks.
“Yodel hey hee heeeeeee!!”

dabbler's avatar

The cell systems, with their transmission/receiving towers and antennae won’t go away for a while but we’ll see better ways to shove more data over the air and consume more data somehow on our persons.

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