Can I have some help with a study?
I need to do a scientific study for a science project and I decided to do it on the human mind. I just need you to answer a few questions.
Please if you wish to participate you need to answer all questions. Also please refrain from looking at others answers before answering for yourself otherwise my study will be invalid.
What is your definition of weird?
What is your definition of normal?
What is your definition of insane?
How do you react when you are offended?
How do you react when you’re in a stressful situation?
Have you ever purposely hurt someone in a non joking manner?
Are you able to stay constructive around someone you have negative feeling towards?
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17 Answers
Weird- something harmless that is out of the ordinary.
Normal- Harmless but boring state to be,
Insane- Harmful, dangerous and out of the ordinary, could be traumatic.
1) nonsensical
2) typical
3) diagnosis
Weird- Blazes their own path
Normal- Follows the pack
Insane- Draws false conclusions about reality
What is your definition of weird? Odd, inexplicable
What is your definition of normal? The ordinary and expected
What is your definition of insane? Crazy to the point of being dangerous
How do you react when you are offended? Quietly. I tend to ignore the offence.
How do you react when you’re in a stressful situation? Apparently calmly, but I have a breaking point.
Have you ever purposely hurt someone in a non joking manner? No
Are you able to stay constructive around someone you have negative feeling towards? More or less but it is difficult.
What is your definition of weird? Strange, abnormal
What is your definition of normal? Usual. It differs from culture to culture and can change over time.
What is your definition of insane? Two meanings. 1: Their brain does not work normally, meaning that the person is unable to interact properly with other people. Sometimes they are a danger to themselves or others. 2: Describes an extreme state, such as “He was insanely jealous.” or “That’s insane!” (meaning that’s incredible)
How do you react when you are offended? I get angry.
How do you react when you’re in a stressful situation? I worry.
Have you ever purposely hurt someone in a non joking manner? Yes, but I have changed since then.
Are you able to stay constructive around someone you have negative feeling towards? Sometimes.
What is your definition of weird?
* That which does not conform to either past (usu. recent past) or present standards of normality.
What is your definition of normal?
* That which is exhibited by the largest segment of a given group, or conforms to moral/ethical standards.
What is your definition of insane?
* Aberration from standards of mental health.
How do you react when you are offended?
* I huff and puff and maybe posture a bit. I explain my displeasure, aided by vague gestures. Usually involves the right hand and whatever’s in it.
How do you react when you’re in a stressful situation?
* I get more irritable as my patience wears thin. I am more likely to complain about things that bother me, even unrelated ones. In extreme cases, I will berate responsible parties.
* I am more likely to be bossy.
* The speed – if not the quality – of my work improves.
Have you ever purposely hurt someone in a non joking manner?
* Often, in my younger years. Of late, not so much. Most recently in retaliation to sexual harassment from a co-worker. I prefer posturing, as it can be effective and is less likely to cause trouble for me later.
Are you able to stay constructive around someone you have negative feeling towards?
* That depends on the degree of the negative feelings. If you have an annoying habit, I can cope. If you have wronged me and I haven’t gotten over it, I might become more obstructive, though typically not destructive.
Weird: Not conforming to expectations or conventions of behavior.
Normal: Behavior and thinking that is adaptive and appropriate to one’s circumstances.
Insane: Maladaptive thinking or perceptions based on unrealistic ideation.
How do you react when you are offended? (I’m really not easily offended, so it’s hard to think of examples)
How do you react when you’re in a stressful situation? I try to lighten things up. I’m liable to resort to lame humor.
Have you ever purposely hurt someone in a non joking manner? Not beyond the rare ill-considered verbal dig.
Are you able to stay constructive around someone you have negative feeling towards? Pretty well, yes.
What is your definition of weird? Strange, unusual
What is your definition of normal?
Something or someone that conforms with accepted standards (What those are is an entirely different topic.)
What is your definition of insane? Mentally ill
How do you react when you are offended? Very directly and straightforwardly and serious about the offense demanding apologies and amendment. I am very assertive.
How do you react when you’re in a stressful situation? I try very hard to think straight and not waste time. Action before emotion.
Have you ever purposely hurt someone in a non joking manner? Verbally, yes. Physically, no
Are you able to stay constructive around someone you have negative feeling towards? Yes all the time, as a teacher is part of my work to do so. Always help students and never let the negative feelings overtake the purpose of teaching.
Weird: Strange
Normal: Boring
Insane: Warped
When offended: Snort disdain then laugh it off
Stressful situation: Relax, concentrate, overcome
Hurt someone: A kid at school got a face full of knuckles, he deserved it
The last thingy: kinda sorta oughta…..I guess
What is your definition of weird?
1) a subjective label, meaning something that strikes the user as strange, or usual in an unsettling, quirky or way for which they have no explanation, and/or that strikingly does not follow their expectations. 2) of a paranormal fiction genre typified by Weird Tales, features monsters, crime, hauntings, and other paranormal, outlandish and exciting subjects for adventure and distress. 3) a term used by teenagers and others to ridicule or exclude others who don’t go along with their group behavior, or with how they want others to behave.
What is your definition of normal?
1) a mathematical or geometrical term whose meaning I forget at the moment. 2) a subjective label, meaning some thing or behavior that is as expected, or usual, or within some range of expectedness or typicalness. 3) a term used unconsciously by xenophobic thinkers to assert the goodness and acceptability of conventional attributes or behavior.
What is your definition of insane?
1) behaving as if brain perceptions that are not aligned with reality, are reality. 2) diagnosed as mentally pathological by a psychiatrist 3) doing the same thing repeatedly, but expecting a different result 4) not making sense 5) a very bad idea 6) extreme stupidity
How do you react when you are offended?
I tend to get defensive and/or angry towards the offender, console myself with my own outlook and look for ways to invalidate their offenses or seek contradicting approval from others.
How do you react when you’re in a stressful situation?
I tend to turn the problem into a logical puzzle or game situation, and focus.
Have you ever purposely hurt someone in a non joking manner?
Sure. Times that come to mind were self-defense or defense of others from bullies who were attacking me, us, or others.
Are you able to stay constructive around someone you have negative feeling towards?
Yes, though sometimes I can also lose my temper.
What is your definition of weird?
Something that is odd and out of the ordinary.
What is your definition of normal?
Something that fits into the norms of society.
What is your definition of insane?
Someone who has a mental disorder that keeps them from understanding or perceiving reality.
How do you react when you are offended?
I say something to whoever offends me.
How do you react when you’re in a stressful situation?
I am calm at the time and break down later.
Have you ever purposely hurt someone in a non joking manner?
Once, while defending my younger brother. The person was not seriously hurt.
Are you able to stay constructive around someone you have negative feeling towards?
What is your definition of weird? Something that behaves in a way much different from
what I expect.
What is your definition of normal? – That which does not stray too far from the average.
What is your definition of insane? – Behavior that is harmful to oneself or to others that has no logical justification.
How do you react when you are offended? – I tend to get defensive.
How do you react when you’re in a stressful situation? If the stress level goes above what I can handle, I tend to get very anxious.
Have you ever purposely hurt someone in a non joking manner? No
Are you able to stay constructive around someone you have negative feeling towards? Yes, with difficulty.
What is your definition of weird?
Something that is strainge, out of the ordinary, unexplained.
What is your definition of normal?
Commonplace, average, expected.
What is your definition of insane?
Mental disorder, irrationality
How do you react when you are offended?
Ignore it or make a snarky comment
How do you react when you’re in a stressful situation?
Walk away. Often literally. Very occasionally lash out in anger (verbally)
Have you ever purposely hurt someone in a non joking manner?
Are you able to stay constructive around someone you have negative feeling towards?
Depends on the person and the reasons I feel negative about them. Sometimes I can, sometimes I can’t.
Weird cannot be described [I cannot do it]. And because most people tell me I’m weird but some say I’m normal so I don’t really get what’s weird with me.
The same goes for normal. How can I describe normal when myself I get comments like “you are completely normal” while others say “you are weird”.
Insane on the other hand can be described a bit [by me]. Whatever passes the common sense and ends up being something made to impress others or just to show off. Or just doing too much of something.
When I get offended either I insult back or I just let it pass away. I do not react physically but I choose a violent language behavior. But most times I just let them cool off and don ‘t take it to personal. I choose to walk away a lot of the time when I get a chance to do it.
Stress… well I don’t feel it very much because I do not like to work under pressure or have a time limit. When I do not have enough money for the bills or so I usually smile and wait for the situation to pass.
I did cause pain to others. It started out fine but ended up badly. I was and still am sorry for those.
Yes I am. I’ll take just one example. I play in theaters. I do not enjoy the company, of those whom I work with, very much. I do not express these feelings. They, on the other hand, made it clear from the start that they do not like me. I could care less about it. And this because when things don’t go well I am the one correcting them or tell to the producer to change a few things to make it look more natural. I was the best when I had to. In the end most of them said to me I could at least try to be more understanding at some aspects because I’m not that bad. In any case I was [maybe I’m not anymore] the most hated there but I do my job better than most and I am the only one they can count on no matter when.
Hope this helps you with your study ^^
What is your definition of weird?
Something contrary to the situational norm.
What is your definition of normal?
Something that conforms to the situational norm.
What is your definition of insane?
When someone has lost touch with reality.
How do you react when you are offended?
Depends on the situation. I might say something or I might just walk away.
How do you react when you’re in a stressful situation?
Depends on the type of stress. In an academic situation, I actually do better with a bit of stress. I respond in a lot of different ways. Listen to music, go for a walk, take a nap, talk to a friend. Sometimes, I do things that are less productive. Drink, smoke, eat junk food. Other times, I’ll just give in to it. Yet when it’s really stressful, I go into emergency mode and I’m very calm and collected.
Have you ever purposely hurt someone in a non joking manner?
With words? sigh Hasn’t everyone at some time or another?
Are you able to stay constructive around someone you have negative feeling towards?
Weird: Something that you don’t find usual or something you don’t understand.
Normal: I don’t really believe there is such thing as normal. I suppose it could mean something routine, boring, or typical.
Insane: Either crazy or genius.
When offended: I pretend like I’m not or I get heated up and talk back in defense.
When stressed: If I’m in public I like to keep busy and focus on work and nothing else. If I’m by myself I like to try to relieve my stress by reading, excercising, writing, or eating.
(When both stressed or offended, I may shut down and keep silent. I’m very closed).
Hurt someone: Yes.
Stay constructive: Yes
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