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Jude's avatar

Is this a symptom of peri-menopause?

Asked by Jude (32210points) July 19th, 2011

So, I have been experiencing an odd feeling the last couple of days. It feels as though a bug is crawling across my right shin. I go to brush it away and there is nothing there. I am not crazy..

I am 39, and have had odd periods (light flow, last only a few days, and they’re erratic (never happen at the same time each month).

My Mom had a full hysterectomy at 38. My sister went through peri-menopause at 37.

I read online (at some health forum) that it is called Formication. Anyone heard of this? Is this a symptom of peri-menopause?

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7 Answers

yorkielover's avatar

Not to sure, going through the menopause myself periods stopped, hot flushes the lot, I’ve had the experience of things crawling under my skin and i’ve been told its got something to do with the temperture of the blood…..not sure how true this is…...but you could always ask your health nurse if its really a problem. I’ve been taking black cohosh plus from the health shop and its working for me the flushes have stopped mood swings are lot better. But im afraid i had to try out a good few herbal remedies b4 I found 1 that worked for me.

Coloma's avatar

I’ve never heard of that as a symptom of peri-menopause or otherwise.

My peri-menopause lasted about 7 years, from around 42 to when I stopped at 49.

I was a bit early in stopping, but I also started my cycles at 12. My symptoms were erratic periods going from every 2 weeks for awhile and very heavy, then back to normal for awhile, then getting longer and longer apart. Every other month, every 2 months, every 3rd month, then..a cycle of every 4 months for a year and then DONE!

Can’t say I miss it and I feel pretty good, other than the night sweats still happening a few times a week still.

If you are concerned have your doc check your hormone levels.

I tried all sorts of herbal remedies, sage, black cohosh, mugwort, yam estrogen, meh…nothing seemed to really help, just gotta slog through it IMO.

Jude's avatar

I was hoping that it was going to be called “Fornication”. I know there’s a cure for that. :)

lillycoyote's avatar

It could be. I went through menopause a couple of years ago and it wasn’t bad but I had all sorts of crazy symptoms and it took me a while to figure out that that’s what was going on. What my peri-menopause and menopause symptoms lacked in severity they more than made up for in variety. The worst of it was the night sweats and the year and a half of really heavy periods. Not all women experience the same symptoms or to the same degree of course. I was just googling formication and menopause and one site said that 20 percent of women going through menopause experience that as symptom. I think maybe that was one of my symptoms but I can’t remember for sure.

And it may be difficult to know for sure; to get a definitive answer from blood tests. I believe hormone levels in peri-menopausal women fluctuate so much from day to day that you may get normal levels if you are tested when had you been tested another day your hormone levels might not show as normal.

Neizvestnaya's avatar

This might sound weird but take a look at your leg in the light and see if there’s a see through, super thin hair growing. I call them “wolf hairs” because they grow super fast, really thin and when air brushes them, it feels like something crawling. My mom gets one that grows straight up from her wrist and you never see it until it’s about 4” long. Drives her nuts.

Coloma's avatar


Ewwww…haha I have found one or two of those hairs…aaaagh!

Thank God us women don’t get the old man nose and ear hair…damn, light a match under your nostril dude! lol

Dutchess_III's avatar

You know, I must have gone through menopause by now (quit having periods about 15 years ago, in my late 30’s) but if I ever had any weird symptoms, I never noticed it.

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