What's going really well for you right now, and was it always going well?
I have a couple things that are going the opposite of well: my experiments aren’t working, a lot of things in my garden are dying or getting eaten by birds, blah blah blah. There were times when all of these things were going really well, so I am trying to remind myself that everything has ups and downs.
So tell me about the ups. Things that are going well. Relationships, projects, work, anything. And then, was it always going well? Or have you seen ups and downs? What made it turn around? Time and patience, problem solving, something else?
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22 Answers
My work is going well…which figures because I stopped caring whether or not it goes well and just resigned myself to many aspects of it.
I have been really hard on myself this past year.
It’s been a month since I’ve stopped doing that. I am much, much happier.
My garden…I finally have a garden I can thump my chest about and it has been 40 years in the making. When I was a boy we had the most glorious of gardens…just stunning in the size and quantity of veggies…tomatoes the size of softballs. So far this year I have the garden I have dreamed of one day having again! I am happy! :))
Right now my marriage and my relationship with my kids are both going well. My husband and I have had some challenges and it feels like we are getting through to other side. My relationship with my kids tends to be challenged by their incedibly selfish father who want to pit them against me.
With one semester of course work left I just lost every penny of financial aide so that is not going so well at the moment. I meet with my advisor on Thursday to hopefully find a way through this snafu. Oh and my air conditioner is out through this, a record heatwave and since I am moving Saturday I am not willing to pay a repairman. That means that I am packing in a house that is 98 degrees with about 90% humidity. Good times.
My progress in Castlevania Lords of Shadow is going pretty cool.
Still, there was this one puzzle, where you gotta move around four statues holding up mirrors to reflect a beam of sunlight from point A to D…however, as I spun the statues different ways, I found that the last two wouldn’t take the beam, ever.
Until I found out that the ray gets transferred from the second statue to the third, and you have to break the ray’s path in between those to keep going.
I mean, I know I’m in this fictional world with fairies, vampires, werewolves and all sorts of shit, but damn…was I suppose to just totally defy logic and go, w00t second hand UV rays! What didn’t I think of that? Man.
I’m happy with my decision to take action and return to school. The socialization and stimulation are exactly what I needed to break out of my nowhere-introspective rut. It translates into being able to be more active and decisive in other life areas.
@Blueroses Good luck and have fun yo. If nothing else, I think that you’ll find the whole socialization thing really different and fun. And you’re hearing that from someone who envisions their dream home under a rock. Good luck. :)
Relationship with GF going well, and since day one.
Golf game doing OK, better than usual.
Couple of injuries, dings and battle scars acting up a little, but not too bad.
Found a gray hair on the drape at my last haircut. Not good.
Life has already beaten the shit out of me. I stopped caring about 5 years ago. No job, kids, or car makes it easier to watch the world struggle and laugh.
@johnpowell Nice. You’re on a difficult, but insightful fence side; watching shit as it crumbles. I know it a little, but probably not as much as you. I wish you luck, and better times ahead.
My relationship is going well and I’m finally employed, so that’s good.
On the flip side, I think I’m going to quit school for now. It’s just not working out.
@Symbeline :: For the last 16 years I have helped my sister raise three kids. I have molded young minds. I don’t need my own. I walk or bike everywhere so my ass is fantastic. And I turn down work from people that I am sure that I will hate. I work about 10 hours a week. I just charge a lot for those ten hours.
My sanity. Normally I find myself extremely anxious and feeling depressed and lost with nothing to do during the summer. But now that I’m taking a class online and can drive (in my own car, which makes it all the more sweeter), I’m finding myself surprisingly calm and fairly sane, which is a really, really great feeling.
Right now my work life is going very well. I think it hasn’t really ever been any better. I just wish I could somehow find balance since some areas may be taking a hit because of this going so well. I just try to focus on the positive.
I can’t say much is going really well right now, but a few things are going well, and I’m thankful for that.
My mental health. No, it has not always been going well; right now is a very nice change from the way it had been only a month or so ago. I have motivation and enthusiasm for things again, which feels awesome.
My physical health. I’m starting to notice a marked increase in my energy levels. My surgical wound is trying so hard to grow a layer of skin. I finally feel ready for my last surgery. And no, it has not always been going well either; it’s usually going the opposite of well.
My hopes for the future. I’ve been fearing the future a lot lately, but I’ve been doing a lot of introspection and finally I’m starting to feel like I have a life plan laid out that is doable. This definitely has not always been going well.
For once in my life I am managing to save a bit of money.
#1. I’m working a ton and making money. Between waitressing, babysitting, and playing the accordion on street corners my sock drawer is full of cash!
#2. I’m dating a seriously great guy. He’s 14 years older than me which is new, but it also means he’s actually an adult. This will be good for me.
#3. My computer is dead (snuck on landlady’s now)! Without it, I’ve read books, completed projects, spent time outside, and spoken to human beings. I knew I spent too much time on it, so not having it is really good for me.
Thanks for asking!
After almost a year of trying to make a career switch and sending out my resume, I got a job offer today :D
YAY! @bob_ So proud of you!
@bob_ Sweet. Now don’t fuckup. XD
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