Do you have a PM relationship with other jellies?
Asked by
rooeytoo (
July 20th, 2011
I started to wonder about this while having a chat via PM’s. I see many refer to sending and receiving PM’s in responses. I don’t have any regular interaction and am starting to feel left out! How about the rest of you jellies, do you have a bunch of PM buddies and how did you start?
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26 Answers
Well I have just joined but I have a few so far and they just send me a PM or I do and get to know them.
I pm with some people, not heaps. I might send a message to say I like something they have said in the forum or to ask a question or to wish them well if there is a problem. Not in a forced way, but if I naturally think I want to say something privately.
A few, yes. One or two I ‘talk’ to in PMs just about every day. It usually starts with someone asking me for help, or me responding to a Q or A they wrote, and just goes from there.
No, I have had the odd discussion via PM a couple of times on Fluther but I wouldn’t say there is anyone on here that this happens regularly with. I love getting PM’s though!
I have only a couple of PM friends. I’m not really one to send PMs, except to congratulate someone on 5k, because the official parties don’t start until 10k :)
I occasionally have a brief discussion via PM, but I’ve never developed any relationships through them. I don’t send them particularly often, and it’s very rare for me to receive one.
I’ve also never gotten a spam PM. I must not be special.
Yep. I talk to a lot of jellies via PM on a regular basis. There are a few that I talk to on a daily basis.
I don’t have too many PM buddies @rooeytoo. I have a couple of people I keep in touch with even when I’m not regularly Fluthering. I try to send PMs to congratulate on their recent award or lurve.
I have had a few people PM based on my answers, in need of specific advice in my areas of expertise. I was glad they asked and happy to assist.
I only exchange regular PMs with one person. I respect his opinions and points of view. Other than that, I get the ocassional PM from people clarifying points from a thread or commenting on Q&As and stuff like that.
I rarely PM people, and if I do, it’s usually just a “Congrats on 5k!” PM or something of that sort. I’m not one for conversations through them.
@augustlan Can I talk to you through PMs? :-)
I exchange PMs with jellies all the time. I worry about leaving someone out of the loop if I haven’t talked to them in awhile.
@Adirondackwannabe ahem… feeling left out here… :-) (Not really but I just couldn’t resist).
I have some few friends on here where we often exchange PM’s. Sometimes it’s silly time killing, sometimes we get into all this deep serious shit. But it is pretty regular. How did it start…well, it just did. ^^
I often PM particular Jellies who I know have some good, specific knowlege about a particular subject and a helpful way about imparting that knowlege to other Jellies who need some advice, especially when I feel that I can’t help the troubled jelly any more than I already have.
Also, I have PM’d certain jellies when I have found something funny or interesting to share with them on a subject that we have in common, or a subject that came to my attention when I was reading one of their posts.
I’ve asked certain jellies to help me out on a number of occasions and I’ve been very grateful for their assistance.
When I first came onto Fluther, a couple of kind jellies helped me, a relatively computer illiterate nooby, on how to properly use the linking device. I thank them for that, because some of my posts are very free flowing with the links.
And sometimes I will PM a Jelly just to let them know that something they posted really moved me and I wanted to tell them that personally, in more detail, and more gushiness than I would want to do on a public post.
Yes, with a few. Sometimes its just a quick note to see how someone is doing and other times I end up in a long discussion with them.
Thank you one and all for your answers and lurve to you as well!
I am now going to begin to be a more friendly flutherer and pm everyone!
A part of me wonders how many of the jellies that answered “yes” are regularly PMing one another. It’s like a hidden circle of Fluther.
@ANef_is_Enuf The secret flutherhood, I wonder if they have a secret handshake and strange rituals?????
@rooeytoo I’m so disappointed. You’ve forgotten about our pm love affair. ;)
I’m not regular with anyone on a daily basis, but I do have my peeps.
@jonsblond , heheheh, I didn’t forget, you are one of my favorites and I love our PM’s! We will have to do it more often in the future!
I have a few jellies that I send PM’s to on a fairly regular basis, and I like sending random PM’s with a “run by (((hugging)))” to jellies that I lurve and admire.
Yes. With myself. Forever alone.
@WillWorkForChocolate Haha yeah, I like sending a drive by hi-ing PM to someone random every now and then.
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