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Jude's avatar

Cat question (details, and one complimentary hairball inside)

Asked by Jude (32210points) July 20th, 2011

I love my damn cat.

Anyway, my kitty will be lying on his side, sleeping, and when I got to talk to him and flips his head over like this and twists his body. Why does he do that?

I swear, I am not a crazy cat lady. :)

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19 Answers

Seelix's avatar

He’s happy to see you :)
The fact that he’s putting himself in a vulnerable position (i.e. showing his belly) just means that he trusts you, and his wiggling around means that he’s relaxed, happy and too tired or lazy to get up and give you a proper hello. My kitties do this all the time!

He’s super cute, by the way.

wilma's avatar

I think @Seelix has it right.
He loves to see you.
He is showing you his vulnerable belly, but more important, his vulnerable neck. He trusts you not to go for his jugular.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

He’s a male, maybe he’s a horndog looking for some action. And where’s my hairball? Seriously, the first two had it right. It’s a show of trust.

SpatzieLover's avatar

He’s saying “Hey Mama, scratch under my chiny so I can wake up!”.

And, to reiterate, it is a vulnerable position so he loves you and all that mushy stuff, too.

Jude's avatar

Baby boy!!!


Adirondackwannabe's avatar

Still waiting for my hairball. :(

Seelix's avatar

@Adirondackwannabe – Be patient; I might be able to provide you with one later on.

Jude's avatar

@Adirondackwannabe Check before you step into your shoes. :)

thorninmud's avatar

Yeah, trust, kinda…but here’s a question for you: What happens if you test that “trust” by reaching down and scritching that “vulnerable” belly? I know what happens if I do it to my cat when she’s in that pose. Now I read more than “trust” into the posture. It’s more like “Let’s see if he’ll be stupid enough to try it again”.

Jude's avatar

I scritch his belly and he stretches. :)

He’s a laid back kitty. My sister nicknamed him: Mellow Yellow.

marinelife's avatar

It’s an invitation for you to stroke him. He is baring his vulnerable parts (throat and belly) to you.

Mariah's avatar

I definitely think @Seelix is right and my kitty (who adores me) does the same thing too.

Coloma's avatar

Awww…my deceased Marley did that too. It’s a loving recognition and a posture of trust and deep relaxation. Going ‘belly up’ is always a submissive and inviting gesture for many animals. Well…not geese. haha

My kitty is pissed off at me for carpet cleaning her cat tower, she was very annoyed last night and refused to hang out on the top bed because she does not like the perfumed smell. I ruined the scent scene for her I guess. lol

CaptainHarley's avatar


I hereby declare you Fluther’s “Guru of Kitties!” : ))

Seelix's avatar

@CaptainHarley – I much prefer that title to “Crazy Cat Lady” :)

CaptainHarley's avatar


Kardamom's avatar

My cat does that all the time too. It seems like he is just getting into the super-comfy, happy mode. Like he’s saying, “Aaaaaaah, I just love being around you!”

CaptainHarley's avatar


That could be very close to the truth. Our little calico makes happy lil noises when she’s really pleased, like when I give her a special treat, or when I pet her, or when she jumps up into bed with us. : )

rooeytoo's avatar

I think he is saying, “Can’t you see I am sleeping!!!! Come back when I am awake and I may deign to interact with you!”

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