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mazingerz88's avatar

Do you find this new Spiderman teaser exciting?

Asked by mazingerz88 (29376points) July 20th, 2011

I just saw this new Spiderman teaser and it just blew me away!

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14 Answers

Jellie's avatar

Confused… are they re-doing SM 1 with Toby Maguire??

Not good either way.

atomicmonkey's avatar

Looks okay. Couldn’t possibly be any worse than Spiderman 3.

Excitement level: 5/10

Imadethisupwithnoforethought's avatar

Boycotting Spiderman until they lend him to be in an Avengers film.

It looks so-so.

syz's avatar

Isn’t it awfully soon to be doing a remake? Are there really no original ideas in Hollywood?

And to answer your question, the first person point of view in the running scene reminds me of the original cartoon, for some reason. Gotta wonder what this film could possible add, though.

King_Pariah's avatar

Looks better since it appears that they’re at the very least going to get the story straight with Gwen being his first love. And since it has Emma Stone in it, then all my worries have shunted themselves out the window. But speaking of super hero movies, I’m really looking forward to Dark Knight Rises.

RealEyesRealizeRealLies's avatar

Jeeshush how many times can the same old story be told? It’s a two hour long commercial for new gaming industry sales… that’s all this is, a big fat commercial. I’m sick of it.

Give me Spawn II and I’ll be happy.

filmfann's avatar

I don’t see the need for this. They just did this, and did it well.
What are they bringing to this that is new?

ucme's avatar

I saw it on his web-site first ;¬}

filmfann's avatar

I remember the first Spiderman trailer. It involved a web being spun between the two WTC towers. They were destroyed before the movie was released, so there was no scene like that in the movie, and that preview was never put on the DVDs.

King_Pariah's avatar

@filmfann Spiderman 1 was good, the next two progressively got crappier along with a completely incorrect portrayal of Gwen Stacy (and Venom wasn’t nearly buff enough).

filmfann's avatar

@King_Pariah If you are gonna get picky about sticking to the comic, then the new one repeats the originals change of how the webs are produced.
Originally, it was a device strapped onto his wrist.
I like this change.

mazingerz88's avatar

Awesome casting too with jeezuz, Martin Sheen and Sally Field as Spidey’s uncle and aunt?!

zuniac's avatar

I think this one might be better than we expected. The first one was pretty good and the others were entertaining but took way too much creative control in my view. Spidey purists soured on the series because of it. I think that this might be the best of the bunch if they really stick to the story overall. The story is brilliant with no major changes, so why change it?

I will never understand why Hollywood finds it necessary but I guess we get what we ask for.

mazingerz88's avatar

Reinventing bits and pieces here and there without destroying the main foundation of the original story, thereby creating a new legion of generational followers? I’m in as long as they don’t go overboard and I’m so totally in because of the astonishing SFX! 12 midnight screening, here I come! Yohooo! ( My spider sense is tweeting…)

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