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Hawaii_Jake's avatar

What makes life worth living?

Asked by Hawaii_Jake (37832points) July 20th, 2011

(Note: I realize this has been asked several times before, but they’re all older than 1 year. Thus, I’m asking it again.)

Do you have little pleasures in daily life that make it all worthwhile, or is there some grand overarching theme to your life that makes it all worth it?

Are you naturally upbeat and don’t think twice about the meaning of life?

Are you serious minded and wonder why you’re here?

If you’re the depressed type, what do you do to lift your spirits to keep going from day to day?

Why do you get out of bed in the mornings?

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28 Answers

sophiesword's avatar

First of all I would just like to say that’s a really nice question. I think for me remembering all my past events and their perfections and imperfections really pull me through the day.

So that one day I can think about the day I’m living at that moment.

JilltheTooth's avatar

I am, by nature, of the unicorn and puppy school of thought, and just thrilled to be here, have a great kid, green grass to walk on, and the prospect of one day having that cuppa Kona with you on your beautiful island, @hawaii_jake . Sometimes stuff gets me thoroughly down, but mostly just being here is a good thing. Wow, that’s almost making me gag. Sorry.

Ivan's avatar

It’s probably better than death.

Jellie's avatar

A lot of things. Mostly my parents, my dogs, good music, amazing food.

I have decided to try and be happy and satisfied with my life (Buddha type) because I keep waiting for it to get easier but it’s only getting harder. I realize waiting for a “happy patch” is useless.

rebbel's avatar

I swear, this’ll be the last time that I’ll answer a question with it.

CaptainHarley's avatar

Things that go a long way toward making my life meaningful: my wife, my 5 grown children, my 12 grandchildren, my step-brother, my ½ sister, my step-mother, my friends, my two dogs and one cat, my home, my work online ( including my new Website in process ), my work-in-process on a book for my grandchildren, and last but not least… my 2007 Harley-Davidson Ultra Classic Electraglide motorcycle! : ))

thorninmud's avatar

Dude, this is an absolute miracle! The Mega-Millions jackpot of existence! A spin on this gorgeous jewel where life, maybe the rarest phenomenon in the universe, actually managed to happen. A chance to be a witness to this incredible pageant. I can’t believe my luck.

CaptainHarley's avatar


Not to mention that people are hilariously funny! : D

wundayatta's avatar

Loving someone who loves me back and who totally accepts me even if they don’t get me or I annoy them. Having someone in my life who admires me beyond sense, and I feel the same way about her. Being with someone who wants me as much as I want her.

When I have that, I am so happy. When I don’t, I am totally miserable. I mean really totally miserable—sometimes enough so that I lose all hope. Love is pretty much everything to me. To tell the truth, it keeps me alive.

AshLeigh's avatar

Do you have little pleasures in daily life that make it all worthwhile, or is there some grand overarching theme to your life that makes it all worth it?
Everything has been better since Gage and I became best friends! :D
I love to run. So if I’m feeling down I like to just run into the woods, and just forget about everything else. Just me, my footsteps, and the music. :)

Are you naturally upbeat and don’t think twice about the meaning of life?
Lately… :D:D:D

Are you serious minded and wonder why you’re here?
I don’t really think about it too much.
I know we all have a desire to know where we came from, and why we’re alive. What’s important about our life? But I guess I don’t care… God knows, and I will in good time. :)

If you’re the depressed type, what do you do to lift your spirits to keep going from day to day?
Fluther… :D
Seriously, you guys are so great. You make me laugh every time I’m feeling down.
I also talk my best friends, Gage and Marissah.
Whoa! fracking weird, the moment I typed that they both texted me. O.o

Why do you get out of bed in the mornings?
Breakfast. ;)

rOs's avatar

The past is history, the future is a mystery, and today is a gift. That’s why it’s called present – KFP

I know that there many lessons I’ve yet to learn, and maybe some lessons others might learn from me. I’m with @thorninmud, I’m just happy to be here.

marinelife's avatar

My husband and my dogs. The beauty of the world around me.

flutherother's avatar

Do you have little pleasures in daily life that make it all worthwhile, or is there some grand overarching theme to your life that makes it all worth it? The little pleasures are my routines, breakfast, a cup of tea, catching up with the news, meeting people, looking at the clouds (don’t ask me to explain) the Internet, cycling canal towpaths, reading and music. The overarching theme would be my kids.

Are you naturally upbeat and don’t think twice about the meaning of life? I am not upbeat but I like life and wonder about its meaning almost every day.

Are you serious minded and wonder why you’re here? Yes, and constantly.

If you’re the depressed type, what do you do to lift your spirits to keep going from day to day? I am not the depressed type and thinking of the next nice thing to do keeps me going.

Why do you get out of bed in the mornings? Well my alarm goes off and I have work to go to. I have my routine. I shower then have a bowl of porridge and a cup of tea while listening to BBC Radio 4.

JilltheTooth's avatar

Yeah, and shiny stuff. ;-)

TexasDude's avatar

Curiosity, novelty, and complexity.

RealEyesRealizeRealLies's avatar

None of us should even be here in the first place. Atheist, or Theist, it cannot be denied that our individual existence is an absolute miraculous event. I’ve beaten the odds just by being alive. Knowing that I’ve had this time, and perhaps a little more, well, that’s a pretty special feeling. That in itself makes life worth living.

kess's avatar

Life is living and its worth is in itself… other thing is of more value to Life more than Life is to itself….

beckk's avatar

To give up on everything I’ve already been through would be considered a waste of time. All those events in my past have shown me that no matter what happens there is always a reason. So, naturally, there is a reason we are all here, we just have to be willing to work hard and overcome life’s opstacles to discover that reason.
I guess what I’m saying is that finding the reason why I’m here is motivation to live.

josie's avatar

Considering there is no alternative, just about anything you can imagine.

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

I am usually an upbeat person and will smile as I knock someone’s teeth out.;)

RealEyesRealizeRealLies's avatar

you really know how to put the “beat” in “upbeat” @lucillelucillelucille

laineybug's avatar

My family, music, and knowing that some day I could really make a difference in this world.

Cruiser's avatar

Mud pies to the kisser and cow pies between the toes! Both at the same time and you have achieved Nirvana!

lillycoyote's avatar

Laughing, love, friends, family, music, beauty, a cool, clean breeze, the ocean, a warm dry house, stories, goofy little kids, goofy grown ups, the love and loyalty of an animal friend, cheesecake, strawberries…

the list is endless, really.

ucme's avatar

As the seismologist said to the observer, “I’m just in it for the crack.”

linguaphile's avatar

my kids, old friends, making new friends, good books, self-discovery, growth and change, art, music, theater, poetry, nature, sunsets, fireflies, swimming in a lake, full moons, amusement park rides with my kids, long-long chats, learning amazing new things, moving on

ucme's avatar

@CaptainHarley You took your bloody time on that one didn’t ya? Talk about a slow burner ;¬}

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