Why do such few celebrity marriages last ?
I notice for decades even before the divorce rate of ordinary people started to plummet that celebrity marriages rarely last.
What do you think the reason is?
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20 Answers
Because celebrity marriage is just a free publicity stunt.
Imagine you’re rich, fairly young, have a demanding job, are involved in various charity/social events, and know that you could probably have anyone you want. Where does marriage fit in there, because I wouldn’t see room for it lol.
There are probably big egos competing with each other. Not conducive to marriage whether or not you are a celebrity. The fact that one or both partners is probably better looking than the average citizen, so they get tons and tons of romantic attention from other people all of the time. There is way more temptation than would ever be put in the path of your average Mr. and Mrs. Joe Smith. Celebrities, as a group, tend to be more liberal minded and don’t necessarily see marriage as any type of sacred institution. It’s more of a publicity type of thing, and 2 hot people hooking up because they can, easily. Average citizens don’t have the opportunities to hook up quickly and repeatedly, in the same way that celebrities do. Then, there is the fact that if you are in show biz, you are likely to be extremely busy, and sometimes taken away from your home to work for extended periods of time, which often does not make the heart grow fonder, it often grows more distant.
So you got un-commonly pretty people hooking up quickly because they can, celebrity romance looks great on TV, so that’s another reason to get married, but because they did hook up quickly without considering the reasons that most real people get married, they don’t have a good foundation for marriage in the first place. All of this coupled with long bouts of separation and lots of other shallow pretty people set in their paths as temptations, make marriage unlikely to last.
Many do. They just don’t make front page news in the tabloids. Nor do the divorce cases of the common person make it into the press, unless there is something sensational about it.
I agree with @RealEyesRealizeRealLies. I think a great deal of them are publicity stunts.
I also think that it is a trend. Stars know that they can get married, and get divorced, and it’s really common among their peers. It’s as if it is “no big deal” anymore. I also wonder if many of them run to the chapel simply to feel a little bit more normal. Very little about their lives is “normal,” and I have always suspected that getting married and trying to settle down might be a desperate attempt to alleviate that. Except, that isn’t how real marriage works.
I don’t know that celebrity marriages are any less viable than everyday people’s marriages. We just don’t see everyday people’s breakups plastered all over the tabloids in the grocery line.
I’d like to see some statistics to back it up. I believe it might be the same as the general population, but celebrities who break up get more publicity.
I think its hard having two large egos occupy the same space. Lets face it. To be on top, you have to be willing to be the only one in that spot. In a marriage its, about give and take. If both of you want to take more than you give, then its bound not to work.
The ones that don’t last, I imagine it’s a lot to do with two extremely busy people who don’t have a predictible work schedule, typical home life, typical circle of friends or life expectations.
What most of us strive to enjoy with our partners is really out of reach for these people who are rarely left alone even in their own homes. They don’t often get to snuggle on the couch and plan 4 day vacations. People dictate to them what their schedules are, when they will have free time that they aren’t generating income for a staff, for hangers-on, etc.
Because they’re celebrities…you know those those people live.
I imagine it would be difficult to have your entire marriage be pried into by unrelenting paparazzi.
well… i think the limited population of celebrities also plays a part. There’s such a small pool within you status range to choose from. Imagine if you had to marry only people from your high school graduating class…. who were in the same activities as you. You’d probably not be very compatible with most of them haha.
J Lo needs to hook up with a regular guy, see if that works.
Celebrity relationships with “regular people” don’t work well because it’s apparently insanely stressful being in a relation with somebody famous and openly recognized and acknowledged by a large number of people. Just look at Peter Cook, that architect who married Christie Brinkley. He couldn’t handle the stress of her fame, so he hooked up with the maid and spent thousands of dollars on internet porn. Seriously, how is it possible to have a full time job as an architect and spend that much on something so freely accessible as porn..?
If I was single I wouldn’t care about the stress, It’s J Lo. It could work.
Oh, totally give it a shot. There’s always a chance it’ll work, it just depends on how well you manage the stress by not spending thousands in porn bills, hopefully.
Coz the majority of them are attention seeking ego maniacs with negligible intellect.
Many celebrities are maximizers instead of satisficers. They suffer from a perfection delusion. Everything has to be perfect.
@ddude1116 can’t imagine anyone needing porn if they hook up with J Lo. Who knows, she might just be a freak on top of being the most beautiful woman in the world…win win hummina, hummina
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