Social Question

intrepidium's avatar

Has any jelly here ever fantasized about or put the moves on any other jelly? And what form did the fantasies take?

Asked by intrepidium (1235points) July 20th, 2011

Just idly wondering, seeing how lovely this fluther of jellies is – surely sparks must have arisen somewhere sometime?

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66 Answers

Lightlyseared's avatar

Fantasized? Yes. Lots.

ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

Damn skippy.

AmWiser's avatar


TexasDude's avatar

Oh lord.

there are jellies who have seen my penis

…no comment!

augustlan's avatar

Ummmm. Maybe.

Cruiser's avatar

I have fantasized about putting my hands around a few necks! ;)

augustlan's avatar

Also, two of our members met here, and ended up married!

rebbel's avatar

I have sex with a different Jelly every night.
In fact I have had them all by now.
Now let’s see if I can persuade the first female Jelly to come with me.

ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

I think I’ve just experienced a pang of envy.
@Auggie, I was thinking that marriage proposals should qualify as some hardcore fantasizing.

intrepidium's avatar

@Fiddle_Playing_Creole_Bastard @Cruiser you probably meant “tentacle” although in your case @Fiddle_Playing_Creole_Bastard it’d be hard to tell which tentacle serves as the penis… ?

chyna's avatar

Sorry, I don’t fantasize and tell.

JilltheTooth's avatar

Somebody better link that Q for our OP!

TexasDude's avatar

@intrepidium the biggest one of course.

LuckyGuy's avatar

Me neither!

DrBill's avatar


…...crash and burn, it wasn’t pretty

Seelix's avatar

I’ve had a few fantasies about a few jellies. Mainly women, which is strange, because I’m straight.

cockswain's avatar

I’ve had sex with one.

AshLeigh's avatar

Umm… No. I can honestly say that I haven’t…
Until now. ;)

sliceswiththings's avatar

I won’t name names, but there was a thread where one Jelly and I were discussing our theoretical sex life and the way it was executed that kept me thinking long after I turned off the computer :)

AmWiser's avatar

^^Ummm! I seem to remember something to that effect on one of the TJBM threads. Tehehehe!

intrepidium's avatar

Ooooohhh it sucks to be a newbie – I missed all the earlier fun!

Berserker's avatar

Damn man, where to begin…

Facade's avatar

There’s one person who I wouldn’t mind feeling up…

dannyc's avatar

Yes,no question. And no further comment.

KateTheGreat's avatar

I’m supposedly taking a break from here, but I had to answer this. And holy shit, I have fantasized about a few. Two, in particular. And they know who they are ;)

redfeather's avatar

Yes. Yes. Oh, god, YES!

chyna's avatar

Um, I think @redfeather is still on drugs… :-)

ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

@redfeather I want what you’re having.

redfeather's avatar

@ANef_is_Enuf I’m having a jelly and vicodin ;) actually, make mine a double jelly and vicodin.

ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

@redfeather you need to patent that. ;)

redfeather's avatar

@ANef_is_Enuf and you need to come hang out with me and we’ll sit on my stoop and enjoy it, haha

KateTheGreat's avatar

A double jelly?! You floozie.

chyna's avatar

How about a double vicodin and jelly?

redfeather's avatar

@KatetheGreat takes one to know one ;)

@chyna I don’t think that’d sit well with the double morphine I had earlier haha

KateTheGreat's avatar

Trueeee. ;)

augustlan's avatar

<bats lashes>

ucme's avatar

I just read, post ask & answer… very strange.

FutureMemory's avatar

@Fiddle_Playing_Creole_Bastard there are jellies who have seen my penis.

You too?

augustlan's avatar

I officially request that no one send me pictures of their penis. ;)

intrepidium's avatar

@augustlan Other parts are OK then?

AshLeigh's avatar

If I had a penis I would send @augustlan a picture of it, just to be a jerk. ;)

redfeather's avatar

@augustlan how bout elbows? Or knees? You a joint person? I’ll let you see my crazy digits.

intrepidium's avatar

@augustlan How about orifices? Between us all, there’re orifices galore to choose from. I hear they can be intriguing for the closet spelunker…

redfeather's avatar

@augustlan, like an auditory meatus. Hahaha

chyna's avatar

@Augustlan Here you go, one of my body parts.
Body part pic

KateTheGreat's avatar

Dude, our toes sort of look alike.

chyna's avatar

@KatetheGreat It’s my best feature.

intrepidium's avatar

This is almost crying out for a separate Question posting: “Who has the best body part on Fluther?” ... any takers?

intrepidium's avatar

@AshLeigh I wonder if you can find one on eBay…

AshLeigh's avatar

Hahaha. That picture made me laugh.(:
You have cute toes. XD
I’ll check… O__O

FutureMemory's avatar

Auggie I’ve sent you a pic of a body part…don’t try to act all innocent!

redfeather's avatar


ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

In retrospect, I seem to recall a lot of body parts flying around Fluther at one point.

FutureMemory's avatar

@redfeather I was talking about my arm. Get your head out of the gutter!

redfeather's avatar

@ANef_is_Enuf yeah girl, I meant to ask you what you thought ;) haha

@FutureMemory ohhhh right, I’m always texting guys “arms or gtfo”

ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

Pffft. Like you even have to ask.

augustlan's avatar

He’s not kidding, guys. He really did send me his arm. I loved it, too!

KateTheGreat's avatar

That’s one sexy arm. :)

augustlan's avatar

Mmm. Arms.

TexasDude's avatar

Alright, I’ve got to one up FutureMemory.

Expect a message within a few days, Auggie.

FutureMemory's avatar

I challenge anyone to top the jelly that wrote my name across her boobies. I know y’all know which pic I’m talking about.

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