Social Question

intrepidium's avatar

Do you find men/women in uniform sexy? Why?

Asked by intrepidium (1235points) July 20th, 2011

I know I have a thing about men in well-cut suits and ceremonial military attire… never sure why but sure makes me wanna riiiip them off ;) Just wondering how common this it!

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24 Answers

ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

I’d guess it’s common.

I don’t know why, but I definitely do. Military dress uniforms top the charts for me. Marine dress blues? I have no control. I probably start to visibly drool.
It’s not just any uniform, for me, though. While I admire firefighters, the uniform does nothing for me. I think I am really drawn to classic styles. There are certain items of clothing that drive me absolutely wild, but they aren’t particularly common to wear anymore. Plain white undershirts, suspenders, driving caps.. etc. I have the weirdest fetish for men’s cotton pajamas, and I don’t know any guy that actually wears them anymore. Seriously hot. Military uniforms in particular tend to follow a very traditional style, so maybe that is the aspect that appeals to me.
Or maybe I just think that men that look like they can kick someone’s ass are sexy.

AmWiser's avatar

It use to be a turn on, until you grow up and realize, ‘Damn! they’re just another human being with the same flaws as everyone else!’

sliceswiththings's avatar

Oh yeah! My current man wouldn’t be caught dead in any sort of formal attire (love suits), and that’s too bad. It’s less fun to rip off an old faded t-shirt. And I can’t pull him to bed by the tie!

Kardamom's avatar

Alan Rickman in this uniform is pretty damned sexy!

Jude's avatar

I like an attractive women in a cop uniform. Yes, indeedy.

intrepidium's avatar

@sliceswiththings Who needs a tie when there’s chest hair? ;)

LuckyGuy's avatar

This uniform always got my attention.

Neizvestnaya's avatar

Does the uniform have boots and nice fitting jackets? I like a sharp dressed man and unfortunately, few dress nice anymore, even for work so military and service uniforms really stand out. The men and women are expected to always be neatly groomed, with great posture and perfect outfits.

intrepidium's avatar

@Neizvestnaya I agree about the posture, it’s not only what they wear but also how they wore it!

ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

^Very true.

Kardamom's avatar

@worriedguy Even I, as a woman, find her in that uniform very sexy ; – )

intrepidium's avatar

Actually I was wondering – do people really find the Hooters waitress uniform sexy? I thought it was kinda skanky somehow

WestRiverrat's avatar

@intrepidium I imagine most boys between 13 and 18 find it sexy.

Now I find women in uniform sexy. Probably because I know they are for the most part at least moderately capable, intelligent and employed.

intrepidium's avatar

So I guess in a way the Hooters uniform is like training wheels for developing a sense of what constitutes sexiness ;)

Neizvestnaya's avatar

@intrepidium: Hooters waitresses have shorts and a tight t-shirt for a “uniform”, it hardly compares to traditional dress we’d associate with uniforms.

Do people find Hooters waitress outfits sexy? In general, no. What most people find sexy about the Hooters waitresses is an hourglass figure with just enough skin showing to tantazlize that she looks as good naked ;)

FutureMemory's avatar

I could care less about uniforms women wear. If anything I think they look silly.

WestRiverrat's avatar

@FutureMemory You going to tell these women they look silly?

Aethelflaed's avatar

Not really. It’s not a turn-off most of the time (it is some of the time), but it’s not any hotter than all the other clothes.


No, especially if the woman is wearing a man’s uniform or a uniform that’s masculine looking. It’s kind of like the deriding joke about your Mom wearing army boots. Not attractive at all.

FutureMemory's avatar

@WestRiverrat It’s not something I generally vocalize.

ddude1116's avatar

I don’t find uniforms help or hinder women in terms of appearances. I’ve always associated uniforms with a law of averages type thing, men wear suits because suits are designed to make them look better by hiding their lack of muscle or if they have a beer gut.

The same doesn’t work for women as well because of the large difference between their formal attire and uniforms. Women’s uniforms, I feel, are either meant to sexualize them as was the case with stewardesses (originally), or meant to desexualize them as their military uniforms do. One’s sexist and the other’s silly.

SpatzieLover's avatar

Why is it sexy? Because you can imagine what it’d be like to take it off from the person. Disrobing a man in uniform in my mind now…Yep…That’s hot!

ucme's avatar

Well, the wife would look good in a bin liner, but a little nursey number works just as well.

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