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XOIIO's avatar

Why did I even bother?

Asked by XOIIO (18360points) July 20th, 2011

I knew from the start that the relationship I was in wasn’t going to work out, why did I even bother hoping it would? It was just a waste of time, the only difference is now I know for sure that I’m meant to be alone. Why did I even bother hoping for something good?

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42 Answers

ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

Never win if you don’t try.

We all do it. We’ve all been there, we have all felt what you’re feeling. It may seem really gloomy now, but that is because it is fresh. Ride it out. You’ll find in time that what you’ve gained from this relationship was a lesson.

Keep your chin up. :)

XOIIO's avatar

The only lesson I’ve learned is that I shouldn’t even bother. Everything about me makes it so that I’m going to be alone, and I should have listened the way I usually do,

ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

That isn’t true.
And that isn’t the lesson, either. It may feel that way right now because you are hurting, but that isn’t the case. Give yourself some time.

XOIIO's avatar

No, I’ve known this my whole life. Living emotionless and removing any thoughts of loneliness or being in a relationship is the only way I can live, because nothing else can exist for me.

XOIIO's avatar

It’s also more proof that love is just an illusion, there is no such thing, there is no bond between people, its all a delusion made by the weak

zenvelo's avatar

Sorry to hear it didn’t work out. But you had a taste of it, and someday you’ll meet someone who will like you for who you are, and then you can have a relationship that lasts longer.

I didn’t have a relationship more than a week or two until I was in my late twenties. But the ones I’ve had since, some long, some moderate, have been among the most wonderful times in my life. If I can do it, you can too.

Take care of yourself, here on Fluther lots of people are pulling for you.

Neizvestnaya's avatar

A few times I’ve felt like you, and worse. I’d think to myself why I bothered with anything and wouldn’t it be peaceful to just not feel at all. Of course, someone always comes along into view to distract and then I think to myself how I ever could have felt so bad, so hopeless, so angry and tired.

Do what you can to distract yourself and keep limping along. When lightning strikes, you’ll feel as though the joy you have wipes away ten times the past disappointment. I have felt this cycle, several times and each time the hurt is shorter because my old gray matter knows something good will come.

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

All right easy there, relax. You don’t know you are ‘meant to be alone’. Break-ups are difficult, it’s okay.

XOIIO's avatar

@zenvelo She did, and it lasted quite a while, but like I said it had to come, i don’t know why I even bothered. This is how my life it going to be, either trying to make a relationship wok or accepting the fact that I can’t ever be in one that works

ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

@XOIIO well, a change in attitude is in order if you want to be sure that isn’t the case.

XOIIO's avatar

@ANef_is_Enuf I tried, but it was pointless.

What I don’t get is why she says she still loves me, it obiviously isn’t true if it didn’t work out, and we arent going to talk again, so why does she even bother to hope that that would happen.

FluffyChicken's avatar

She says that because love is forever.

Now is a chance to grow into yourself as an individual, and learn to love yourself.

Also, a relationship can’t stand on just love. Relationships fail all the time that love was involved in. I still love my ex from several years ago. I hope he is doing well and I am thankful for the lessons he has taught me. I don’t ever want to be with him again, but love is forever.

jrpowell's avatar

“I knew from the start that the relationship I was in wasn’t going to work out, why did I even bother hoping it would?”

Did you learn anything from it that might make future relationships better? It hurts but it wasn’t a waste.

“It was just a waste of time, the only difference is now I know for sure that I’m meant to be alone.”

With that attitude you will be. Everyone has been through the exact same thing. It hurt a lot and then you slowly think about them less everyday and then someone new pops along and it is smittenville all over again. The good news is each time it gets easier.

RealEyesRealizeRealLies's avatar

better to have loved and lost than to never have loved at all

Judging from your avatar, I take it you’re fairly young, compared to me at least. If this is so, to make such statements as “never” is a bit bold when there is a whole life ahead of you.

Are you psychic? What do you mean that you “knew from the start”?

Get this please. Women admire strong men. Moping around only assures your weak self fulfilling prophesy will come true.

Here’s some advice. Would you like to get her attention? Then ignore her completely. During that time of ignoring her, use your talents wisely and pursue a new hobby. When you finally do speak with her again, then she will admire you for moving on to some new thing without concern for her. She may not say it. But that’s how she’ll feel.


Attitude is everything. If you start off with a negative attitude, things will often fall apart. It’s important to be optimistic and to persevere and work things out, through the rough times. That’s what relationships are all about. Especially with marriage.

RealEyesRealizeRealLies's avatar

“What I don’t get is why she says she still loves me…”

Because chicks like having a fall back position. Don’t be the fall guy.

What’s she going to say, “No, I don’t love you anymore…”? That would only lead to you saying “But WHY”?… And then an ordeal begins…

Just man up and walk away. Seriously dude. Nothing will get her attention more than if you just act like this is no big thing and give her the cold shoulder. Vanish… It will drive her freaking crazy. No games, just ignore her for a while. She’ll come calling I know this.

XOIIO's avatar

@RealEyesRealizeRealLies No, she had a bad history of dating people that are more “exciting and risky”, i’m just the lame mistake that she made. I’mnot going to mope for long, tommorow I will do what I used to do, a mild meditation type thing wher eI seek out every bit of emotion I can and remove it, that way I can stay cold and logical, and never make this mistake again. The only person who has liked me in 18 years, and it was just a mistake, if that isnt a sign then nothing is.

ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

@XOIIO or you could listen to the advice being given to you here in this thread, because it is good, sound, experienced advice.

satunnainen_narttu's avatar

@XOIIO The exciting and risky guys end up fat and lonely in 20 years. You deserve better than her. Take care of yourself and love will find you when you least expect it.

XOIIO's avatar

@satunnainen_narttu yeah, i’ll just wait another 18 years for another mistake

satunnainen_narttu's avatar

@XOIIO I won’t lie, mistakes always happen. It will get better though. I promise. Hang in there.

RealEyesRealizeRealLies's avatar

Get a punching bag. Fuck that “mild meditation”. What do you mean “the only person who has liked me”? Jeebus Kristies son get your game on and go find some strange.

XOIIO's avatar

@RealEyesRealizeRealLies that is my game, removing all my emotions so nothing like this can happen, without empathy, anger, sadness or loneliness I am better off than I ever was, and I can go back to my life of having absolutely nothing. All I have is the computers I work on and the stuff I create with nobody to understand me or appreciate it the way I do, but thats better than anything else. Nobody could be attracted to me, I have no game. Chivalry is dead, and nobody understands what I do or how I think.

RealEyesRealizeRealLies's avatar

My man @XOIIO, you might consider leaving that zen bullshit to old guys like me. You’re young enough to be out galavanting around stirring up some shit.

I’ve said this before and I’ll say it again. Instead of concerning yourself with finding or not finding the right person, concentrate on becoming the right person.

If you are as young as you look, there is much more to life than the computers you work on. Remember what I said about a new hobby? Try archery! No shit, try archery. It will break up your routine and present you with some new challenges. Certainly you’re not too old to learn a few new tricks are you?

Nobody is going to take away your current gameless lifestyle. But if you don’t get out and experiment while you’re young, then a tired bitter old man will be waiting for you in the morning mirror in the not so distant future. Save yourself brother. Life is a gift… LIVE IT.

RealEyesRealizeRealLies's avatar

BTW… Chicks dig archery.

XOIIO's avatar

It’s not zen. It’s removing as much of what makes me human as I can because I have nothing els in life. Any hobbies that I am interested in I can;t really do anyways, as it is the stuff I do has the neightborhood bitching about noise. The only thing I could do it go off the grid, live in some shck somewhere and wait to die alone. Chances are thats whats going to happen.

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ANef_is_Enuf's avatar


You are failing to realize what is wrong with the picture. The negative attitude is the killer. No woman is going to want to rescue you from your wallowing. Stand up, brush yourself off, and move on.

You should probably not ask questions that you don’t really want the answer to.

XOIIO's avatar

It’s not negative its accepting what is being presented to me, this is the life the universe has given me. It wouldnt matter if I was happy, nobody around here appreciates anything I do, nobody around here would even consider anything to do with me, the maturity and behavior is disgusting, I’m totally isolated from everyone my age, There is literally nobody that I can relate to.

RealEyesRealizeRealLies's avatar

You’re setting yourself up as a martyr with that “nobody to understand me” crap. Your head is so fucking flipped around you can’t see that the mission is not to get the world to understand you. The mission is for you to understand the world.

And “accepting what is being presented to me” is a pile of puke. You’re not a dog. Don’t present yourself as one. Try presenting yourself as the KING you are.

XOIIO's avatar

It the most frustrating thing being surrounded by idiots and morons who live their lives getting wasted and getting hight, and the girls are just as bad, nobody has appreciation for maturity or intelligence around here, its all about popularity, and acting like utter buffoons.

RealEyesRealizeRealLies's avatar

Will you let the buffoons control the actions and heart of a King?

XOIIO's avatar

There is nothing to do but lay low. Whenever I try to act anything else, or give proper answers in class, or offer help it just attrats the hatred of them, and they generally group in numbers. This wouldn’t be as much of a problem without my anger problem, I have to always think about controlling it because when I do finally snap I am certain I am going to kill someone, intentional or not.

RealEyesRealizeRealLies's avatar

The only thing you’re killing is your spirit.

Sleep now. Rise tomorrow. We’ll speak again.

augustlan's avatar

Dude, it gets better. I swear.

RealEyesRealizeRealLies's avatar

Hey @XOIIO, I peeped through your profile and some coding pages along with your youtube channel. I especially liked the water bottle trick and gyro car. You’ve given me a new project to work on with my son.

You are a Visionary @XOIIO. Sorry to inform you, but no one invites suffering upon themselves like the Visionary.

Have you ever heard of Soren Kierkegaard? He was also a Visionary. He determined that his melancholy prevented him from being capable of forming lasting relationships with others. He even abandoned his engagement to Regine Olsen, the love of his life, simply because he was chronically depressed. In one of his letters about his love for Regine, he questioned his future, writing: “Will I find what I am seeking here in this world, will I experience the conclusion of all my life’s eccentric premises, will I fold you in my arms, or: Do the Orders say: March on?” He chose to march on, and their engagement was cancelled.

He spent the rest of his life questioning that decision.

I ask you to consider that when a person becomes so entirely consumed with their Visions, they may not be capable of seeing the other pleasures that life has to offer. I can tell you are extremely passionate about the things you do, and create. One day, there will be a woman like Regine who takes notice of you, and finding your brilliance attractive, she will offer herself to you. You may consider the benefits of pursuing a more balanced approach to life, thereby making yourself into the man capable of weighing that opportunity more effectively than Kierkegaard did.

As brilliant as your Visions are, don’t let them make you unlovable.

Kardamom's avatar

You should never assume that you are meant to be alone because one single relationship (I’m guessing by your age that this one was your first) ends.

Most people who end up in loving relationships went through multiple relationships, all of which ended in one way or another for all sorts of different kinds of reasons.

Some ended out of mutual disinterst. Some people got dumped. Some people did the dumping. Some people loved the person, but then fell out of love, for a whole host of reaons. Some people fell in like, hoped that they would feel passion, but never did. Some people fell in love with an incorrect image of a person and then found out what the other person was truly like, and ended up not loving them after all. Some people fell in love and then the person had to leave or was taken away from them, like folks in the military. There are tons of reasons why relationships come to an end, but if we ever want to find happiness, we still have to make ourselves available for new relationships, and to make oursleves the best that we can be, to attract the best people for us.

Some people consciously get into relationships with people that they know are not good for them (such as people who are charming, but abusive or people that are married or involved with someone else, or people that they find to be extremely attractive, but they have little or nothing in common with, or people who they find attractive and that person has told them that there is no hope for a long term relationship).

All of the relationships that people go through (or endure) that end well or end badly teach us something about ourselves. Those bad or unhappily ended relationships show us what we really need and want in a relationship. The bad relationships also teach us what to look out for and what to avoid with the next person. All of these experiences, some good and some terrible, prepare us and guide us toward people that are more suitable for us, and hopefully in then end will be a good match.

I don’t believe that there is such a thing as soul mates, but I do believe that there are a lot of lids for a lot of pots and you have to put yourself in a position in which you can see the people that will be good matches for us and see the people that are likely to be bad choices. And by experiencing some of the bad with the good, we learn to tell the difference between good choices and bad choices. It’s all a learning process. Most people are not lucky enough to find their best match the first time around, although it does happen, but it’s pretty rare.

So give yourself some time (a limited time) to grieve over this particular relationship, but take away from it the tools that you need to find your next relationship. Don’t just jump into any old relationship, either, just because you are lonely. Figure out what it is that you want and don’t want in a relationship and try to seek out those types of people that will be most likely to make you happy.

Try not to be angry at the young woman who broke you heart. She’s actually doing you a favor (a painful favor, but a favor nonetheless) because if you stayed with her, it still wouldn’t have worked out in the end and you both would have been even more unhappy. Just be grateful for the joyful and good things that you shared, and never forget those things. Be thankful for the lessons that you have learned. It’s OK to be sad, and to miss her and to wish that things could have been better or different, but give yourself a limited time to feel bad. Don’t just retreat to your room and think that there’s never going to be anyone else in your life. If any of us Jellies had resorted to that, then no one would have ever gotten married or had kids or found any kind of happiness or love.

Love is a bumpy road, but it is a road that we all have to travel. The alternative is to stay in one place and never give yourself the opportunity for happiness.

XOIIO's avatar

Well I’m doing much better now. Aside from the momentary lapses of deep dark depression where I realize I am alone and have nothing but the few hobbies that I can’t share with anyone, I’m back to the emotionless logical me. As it is I can block out thOse lapses of depression, the feeling of total emptiness is only a short occurence, and I should be able to block those out soon too.

Neizvestnaya's avatar

There’s this formula I’ve seen play out since my teens (I’m in my 40’s now) that seemed to alleviate some of my own frustration in times like you’re in. Maybe it’ll help you.

Out of 10 people you’re interested in and who are interested in you, 8 of them will be dead ends, scratches, whatever. 2 of the 10 will seem like great matches but 1 of those 2 will be tragic- wrong time, wrong place, circumstances. This will hurt a lot and make you angry but the other 1 will be a good bet to work out well, difficult maybe and lots of dancing around to rebuild your faith in trust but 1 out of 10 has a good possibility of taking the sting out of the 9 misses.

In the meantime, plan time with your friends, get out to visit and explore, watch every movie you’ve ever been curious about, read 3–4 books at a time.

XOIIO's avatar

@Neizvestnaya That is what I do, but I’m running out of movies, tv shows and books to read. Anyways, I’ve never bothered being interested in anyone because I thought it would never happen, until now. Now that it was a waste of time I’m not even going to bother with anything like this again.

augustlan's avatar

You are way too young to swear off love for a lifetime. It’s real, it’s out there, and someday, you’ll have it.

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