General Question

playthebanjo's avatar

Is there an open source OSx-friendly alternative to Extensis Portfolio?

Asked by playthebanjo (2957points) April 30th, 2008 from iPhone
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8 Answers

Mangus's avatar

Wow. I’d love to hear an answer to this question. I know folks that bend iPhoto to their will for this. And some of the new Leopard functionality seems like it would be a good basis for a solution. But an OSS solution would be grand! (sorry I only have enthusiasm and not an answer)

Bri_L's avatar

I am afraid I agree with Mangus. I went out and searched and no luck so far.

Picassa is great but PC only.

gcoghill's avatar

What are some specific features of Extensis Portfolio that are not present in iPhoto? I have never used Portfolio.

playthebanjo's avatar

I love iPhoto…specifically I am looking for the ability to open idb file extensions for a large clipart collection.

davegreider's avatar

Portfolio is a commercial digital asset management tool that runs off of a local server. It allows multiple users to access the database both locally and remotely.

The problem is its extremely expensive. I’m still looking for an alternative as well. The only other one I can find is iView MediaPro. I’ll let you all know if I find one that’s open source.

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