Do you believe there is anyone who does not deserve to be loved or wanted?
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July 21st, 2011
Is everyone really worth loving/being in love with, liked or respected?
No matter how low their self-esteem is, do they all deserve to be wanted?
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24 Answers
I think everyone does deserve to be loved or wanted at least once in their life.
Not about self-esteem at all..yes there are people who no longer deserve to be loved or wanted given their crimes or actions or abusive histories.
I’m going to be my usual cranky, unforgiving self, and say that I don’t feel everyone deserves to be loved or wanted. This opinion is mainly just in regards to people who molest children. I don’t think they deserve jack shit, unless they’re being loved by their cellmate Bubba, who has anger issues.
But I only speak for myself, and as I said, that opinion stems from my cranky, unforgiving nature.
Absolutely, and, like charity love begins at home.
Love yourself, respect yourself, cultivate being your own best friend and so will others.
Learn to easily let go and move on when others show any signs of disrespect and are unable to handle conflict in an open, healthy and mature manner.
Do not waste your time being emotionally open and honest with those that are unable to reciprocate in the same way.
Refuse to be abused and be strong enough and courageous enough to walk away from those that would mistreat you.
Also, remember, very, very, few relationships are meant to last ‘forever.’
Times change, people change, and clinging to relationships that have outgrown their shelf life is detrimental to all involved.
You cannot ‘force’ anything.
Drop ‘forever’ from your relational vocabulary and hold on loosely.
50+ years of experience goes into my sharing. :-D
Until they do something pretty sickening.
I don’t think deserving has anything to do with it. I, for example, often think I do not deserve to be loved. It is a constant battle to remind myself that I am a person, just like others, and I was born with nothing and I was owed nothing at birth.
People give me what they choose to give me. I give others what I choose to give them. Do I want love? Absolutely! Do I deserve it? No. But then, neither does anyone else. Love is a gift, and we are all incredibly lucky if we ever are fortunate enough to have someone love us. You can never take that for granted.
Saying you deserve love is like saying the world owes you a lover. Clearly that is nonsense. We may like everyone to experience love, but there is nothing in life that will guarantee that people get what they “deserve.”
I don’t deserve it. Not one bit. But I sure do hope that everyone will love me as I am, because it makes me feel damn good to be loved, and it also helps me love myself.
I meant, no, until they do something pretty sickening. Not the other way around lol. Like yeah they only deserve love if they’ve committed a heinous crime lol.
Pretty much everyone. Perhaps not murderers.
People who do not love deserve to not be loved in return. People who do not show mercy deserve no mercy. People who are not kind deserve no kindness.
Simple rule, if you do it, you deserve it. Good or bad.
Corrupt politicians who drain under developed countries of their money and resources and then put it in Swiss accounts.
When I was in my early teens I got laid a fair bit, and not once did I deserve it. Why should an immature kid, with no appreciation for the affection they are shown, who is only interested in objectification, sex and boasting, be shown some love.
In my opinion, you only deserve to be loved once you have made your mistakes and grown a bit as a person, once you are willing to commit and reciprocate and share your feelings.
This is actually a topic that pisses me off a fair bit, mainly because I always get fucked over when I try and do the right thing. Going out and being an assholeish hunter gets results, but for some reason, showing people the respect they deserve gets me no favors.
I’m going to exclude criminals because they’re already on the FBI’s most wanted list!
If your breath smells like you brush them tootie pegs with dog shite, then you’re off my christmas card list for sure.
There are plenty of people in this world that have done excruciatingly heinous and horrifying things to other people and animals, without a thought or regard to those beings at all. Those people IMO do not deserve to be loved, liked or respected.
In general, I think you have to be a kind and decent person (not perfect, because no one, even the best amongst us comes close to fitting that description) to deserve to be loved, liked and respected.
There is probably another category of caring feelings that can/should be doled out to certain persons that are mentally ill or developmentally disabled and unaware of their bad activities, but love, like and respect would not be the terms I would use. Maybe sympathy would be the correct term for those people.
More or less, yes.
I think a lack of love is a contributing factor when it comes to difficult/harmful/sociopathic people, etc.
@ucme lol! Tootie pegs? Slang for teeth I assume, but where’d it come from?
All I have to say about this is, God doesn’t make junk. He loves us all equally and WE need to do the same!
I think there are various perspectives one might or might not share about that.
Personally, I think when some people are doing a lot of damage to others, and very unlikely to change, then no, those people may as well be considered “not deserving of love”, “unwanted”, and it’s probably best to prevent them from harming others. In an ideal world, they might be seen, kept from harming others, and then healed and loved. But practically speaking, with the ways things are currently, there are a lot of folks who I don’t want, don’t love, and would rather they did not exist. That is, I’d rather they did not exist, than that they be allowed to keep harming others, which I don’t see practical ways to stop before they do much more harm than they’d be worth keeping around to eventually try to heal, given how many destructive goons there are, and how few healers.
Yes. Some people (not many, but some) are irredeemably vicious, and deserving of no affection or respect.
A modern problem is the belief that even the most hideous enemy of the intrinsic virtue of humanity is worthy of some modecum of respect.
@CaptainHarley I mean no disrespect to you at all. But God (whatever or whoever that is) does make junk. Examples: Hitler, Osama Bin Laden, Pol Pot, Michael Vick, the 911 terrorists, Timothy McVeigh, Charles Manson, Phillip Garrido, John Gardner, Scott Peterson, Jeffrey Dahmer, Jim Jones etc. It doesn’t matter to me if those people had difficult childhoods, they became despicable people who made despicable choices. Not all people that have horribe childhoods end up being terrible people. So the people in my examples, IMO don’t deserve any kind of love, or respect.
This is one one of the many reasons that I don’t believe in God
@CaptainHarley That is one opinion of God that I no longer believe. God may not make junk, but junk grows out of what he makes. And while he may still have a “Godly love” for each person, I sincerely believe that he turns his back on those who disgust him, until they later make the choice to seek him out.
I think that those who commit despicable acts deserve the consequences they invite, but, we should still have compassion for those once innocent babes that were molded by their families and culture. Not withstanding the brain damaged sociopaths that truly can’t help their hard wiring. They simply need to be kept away from the general populace.
Problem is there are a lot of sociopaths/psychopaths that aren’t serial killers, their cruelties and destruction come in many forms that often have no consequences other than the suffering they bestow on their victims, mentally, emotionally, financially.
Still, I always picture everyone as the little babies and children they were and feel compassion for the unfortunate beings they have become.
I think everyone, even mass murderers, deserve to be loved. I think that if everyone who had murdering tenancies had been loved adequately, there would be fewer serial killers in the world.
That does not mean that everyone is worthy of love.
@Blackberry Yeah, I dunno where it came from. It’s quite common around these here parts though.
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