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bubba3778's avatar

What are some childhood games you always used to play and miss?

Asked by bubba3778 (378points) July 21st, 2011

By this I mean like outdoor games you played with friends or siblings, video games or really anything else you did as a kid and miss now.

For me, some of the out door games I used to play with my neighbors and siblings are:

~ Sardines in a can (Same concept as hide and seek, but one person hides and all the others count and have to find the person. If they find the person they hide there with them until everyone else finds them. Last person to find them has to hide.)
~ Classic hide and seek of course
~Kick ball (We lived in a cul de sac which was perfect set up)
~ Rollerblading I’ve been meaning to pick back up on this one..if only I lived near a rink for it..

Video games:
~ Sonic the hedgehog
~ GBA Super Mario Bros (most of the games) and still play them today on the old Gameboy color
~ Dance Dance Revolution, though it’s not that old yet

Well, that’s all I can think of at the moment….share yours please!

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