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blueberry_kid's avatar

(NSWF) Is it bad to have self-pleasure?

Asked by blueberry_kid (5960points) July 22nd, 2011

Honestly, I don’t have much to explain about this. I’m kind of embarressed to ask this as well. I just want to know, is it dangerous? Safe? Harmful to your body? Should I stop?

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43 Answers

rOs's avatar

No man, it’s natural and healthy. Just don’t get caught!

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tedibear's avatar

Completely normal, healthy and not bad for you. Enjoy!

jrpowell's avatar

I’m 34 and wear glasses. But I started wearing them before I started wanking so that doesn’t count. Palms are hair free. Pretty sure that nothing bad will happen.

zenvelo's avatar

Absolutely, blissfully, safe, and effective. Just do it in private, not in public.

And it is spelled mast u rbate.

blueiiznh's avatar

Perfectly natural and healthy. Just don’t do it in public for others to watch, as I think there are some laws about that. (ask pee wee herman)

jrpowell's avatar

And most drugstores like Walgreens and CVS sell Astroglide. There isn’t a age limit and it makes it sooooooooo much better.

mazingerz88's avatar

@blueberry_kid You’re doing it right now aren’t you? Typeeng while doing it could cost mispellings…

Seaofclouds's avatar

It’s only bad if it gets to a point where it interferes with other aspects of your life. Otherwise, enjoy.

everephebe's avatar

I think it’s only dangerous if you don’t ever masturbate.

Blackberry's avatar

No. Where did you hear it was bad? I really want to know.

creative1's avatar

If its bad then I have been doing something bad many many times a day for too many years to count at this point.

Just have fun and just your vivid imagination go wild!!!!! I know I do!

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

I suppose if you did it really poorly it could be bad.

rOs's avatar

@Adirondackwannabe Good point…

Don’t try anything fancy @blueberry_kid!

intrepidium's avatar

Bad for whom? Are any pets involved?

Jude's avatar

“I’ve been a bad, bad girl”...

It’s healthy!

flutherother's avatar

It’s the safest sex there is.

Hibernate's avatar

Nowdays if you caught someone doing the deed you feel more embarrassed by it than him doing it.

rebbel's avatar

It only is ‘bad’ for your other arm.., it will lack in the muscle development department.

Bill_Lumbergh's avatar

To be perfectly honest, it is even better when you involve your partner with this “activity”.
(you can thank me later)

nailpolishfanatic's avatar

Noman. GO for it ;) But maybe keep track and don’t over-do-it.

Mariah's avatar

Nope, nothing bad will happen to you. It’s very normal for someone your age and will actually help you get better in touch with your body.

Bluefreedom's avatar

It’s only bad to misspell it, but very natural and good to do it.~ (It’s Masturbate)

MilkyWay's avatar

No, it’s not bad ;)

Zaku's avatar

Is it bad to have self-pleasure?
No. Unless you believe certain backward religious groups (not all).

is it dangerous?
No. Unless you do it in a particularly dangerous way.

Yes. (As above. Unless there are too many of those kinds of religious people around who might catch and punish you. j.k.)

Harmful to your body?
No. (As above.)

Should I stop?


No, it’s not dangerous. The only negative thing is that overdoing it will make you very tired and drain you of your energy, but after a couple of days of not doing it, you’ll bounce back like new. It’s a great stress reliever, keeps you out of trouble (instead of getting a girl pregnant and/or contracting a sexually transmitted disease), and of course it’s pleasurable. And it’s convenient too. If you happen to be away from your spouse or girlfriend for a long time, you can always count on Miss Rosy Palm and her 5 Little Sisters for some good lovin’.

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KateTheGreat's avatar

If it was bad, then I would be fucked. It’s perfectly fine. Just make sure you are clean and discreet about it.

intrepidium's avatar

I think it’s a healthy practice as long as you are clean etc. like the others have mentioned above. I’d also add though that it shouldn’t be at the expense of developing healthy sexual relations with others

Bellatrix's avatar

I would say masturbation is healthy from a stress and psychological perspective. I would certainly not urge you to stop masturbating unless it is becoming out of hand (no pun intended :D). There has been research that suggests in younger men masturbation, and I don’t know if this particularly relates to excessive masturbation, can lead to an increase in the likelihood of developing prostate cancer in later life. However, the research about whether it reduces or increases the chance of developing prostate cancer appears to vary depending on the man’s age. Link

Here is another article about masturbation from a website on men’s health Link

So, if if makes you feel good and isn’t affecting your life because you aren’t getting other things done, then carry on. You certainly aren’t doing anything that isn’t perfectly normal.

woodcutter's avatar

Just be careful. You can put an eye out doing that.

ETpro's avatar

<smail>Oh yes, it is very, very naughty. And because I have done it I must now go and give myself a big spanking and a punnishement enema and… Here we go again!</smile>

mattbrowne's avatar

No. As long as it doesn’t become an obsession.

woodcutter's avatar

Punishment enema? What the hell! What kind of butt nozzle you packin in there buddy? @ETpro

ETpro's avatar

@woodcutter Ha! Why didn’t I think of that? Thanks for the expert advice? :-)

blueiiznh's avatar

no, but it is bad to have bad self pleasure

woodcutter's avatar

@ETpro Ha Ha. My expert experience is….why in the hell don’t female doctors do prostate exams, instead of sausage fingered male docs. I mean really

zenvelo's avatar

@woodcutter Because too many have long fingernails….ouch!

woodcutter's avatar

@zenvelo I would hope they would glove up just for me. Or maybe they worry about causing too many happy endings?

ETpro's avatar

@woodcutter Ha! I heard that, my friend.

woodcutter's avatar

where are those damned wetnaps

analystguy38's avatar

make a fifi and go to town, its safe and is pretty close to sex. So have fun.

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