Could I wear short shorts and a strappy top?
Asked by
Samant (
July 22nd, 2011
My doctor told me to wear clothes that keep shoulders, arms and legs uncovered to get some sun. I need to cover my back, chest and stomach. What would you suggest?
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20 Answers
Sounds like a tank top and shorts would be appropriate. Did you doctor give you other instructions for getting some sun or a reason why he wanted you to do this? I’m just curious.
What an odd prescription.
You are male by birth, right? Wear what you want. Was his recommendation for your vitamin D3 levels? If so, 20 minutes/daily will take care of it. Then wear a short sleeved t.
@gailcalled Do you know this person?
What’s with the keeping her back and chest and stomach covered? If it was for D3 vitamins, I would think leaving them uncovered (without getting an indecent exposure charge) would be much more efficient.
^^Read his profile and his questions. He’s very up-front about his gender issues.
And wouldn’t a tank top or a muscle t solve the problem, odd as it it?
Either that or wear a bathing suit.
Take up golf,biking,tennis,hiking or any kind of outdoor activity.
I see..maybe his Dr. was explaining to him the appropriate dress code women are supposed to adhere to. He wouldn’t need a doctor to tell him that though. Plus women can leave their backs and stomachs uncovered—it’s just the evil boobs we must not see. I wish he come back here and tell us what’s up!
Wear sunscreen and any of the million styles of tank tops will work.
At OP. Are you there? Can you give us some more information?
I too have been diagnosed with a vitamin D deficiency. Can’t figure out why, though. Because I take a calcium plus vitamin D supplement daily and drink vitamin D fortified milk. Plus I live in a sunny climate. Anyhoo, the docs tend to suggest that people with this problem spend 15 minutes per day out in the sun, but you still have to be careful, because if you’re like me, you will start to burn and tan pretty quickly, and then you have to get right back out of the sun and cover up.
So @Samant I think your outfit is fine, but just make sure that after that amount of time that you actually do cover up if you’re going to spend more time in the sun. I usually wear a broad brimmed hat and a long sleeved blouse that is made of light weight material, so that I can stay cool and a pair of very free flowing mid length, light weight pants, plus sunscreen on every exposed part of my skin.
So for the 15 minute period you could wear something like this or this outfit and then after that, you might want to change into something like this top or this top
The OP is a crazy troll kid. Profile says “I’m 17 years old different boy.”
What the hell does that mean? And who puts their measurement stats on their profile page? Is fluther starting a modeling agency?
BTW… Those measurements aren’t too bad for a “different boy”.
Your attire sounds fine to me, but wouldn’t the point be to get as much sun as possible? Why not tan somewhere like at the beach or your back yard? Just wondering.
Sorry to all for my inactivity.
I have a condition on my legs, arms and shoulders. It’s just for about 6 weeks.
@gailcalled Yes, D3 vitamin from sun was in his mind best. Just asking advice and your opiniom.
@Kardamom Thank you very much!
What does ‘OP’ mean?
@RealEyesRealizeRealLies I’m just slight off the norm. I thought the measurements would slightly help you reply. No, no modelling agency.
BTW… Thanks!
@King_Pariah Not sure. I might do that, tan…. :)
@RealEyesRealizeRealLies The OP is no more a troll than I am. Go read my profile too.
@Samant OP means “Original Poster” or “Original post” – in this thread that’s you and your question. :)
So is that the new term for transexual? Different Boy? It would have read more clearly as 17yrs old and a different kind of boy. But I’m fairly naive to these sorts of lifestyles so I’m not sure I would have understood unless it was spelled out clearly. Are you a boy being a girl, or girl being a boy?
I was confused by your photo and the designation of boy.
Sorry if I offended. I really thought this was a trickster.
So is that the new term for transexual?
Many people are not comfortable with the term transsexual, because of the negative prejudice it attracts. Other people may not yet be sure, and don’t want to use a label that they’re not 100% certain yet that it fits.
I’ll be more patient next time around. My bad.
@downtide…. I don’t think they’re referring to @Samant as a troll because of his gender issues. Not at all. It’s the tone and subject of his posts. They seem designed to get attention and nothing else. Really. If he needs sun on his arms and legs, why in the world does he need to post a question about what to wear?? What kind of a question is it when he asks where to find short shorts? And then he’d kind of drop out of the discussions. Those are non-questions and the dropping out give the impression of trollishness. The question about the neutral name was a good one, though.
It was a bumpy start but hopefully things will smooth out and welcome to Fluther @Samant!
And certainly no one here considers you a troll @downtide.
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