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mazingerz88's avatar

NSFW - Is the daily practice of pleasuring oneself for 30 years still normal?

Asked by mazingerz88 (29378points) July 22nd, 2011

Is there any physically harmful effect that could be caused in this case?

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22 Answers

Jude's avatar

Lol. If there was something wrong with it, I’d be slightly injured or dead.

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

30 years? Aren’t you a little sore?? XD

Coloma's avatar

Sounds like an anxiety issue to me.
Monkeys will chronically masturbate when caged. lol

Guess it lends itself to the saying of ‘use it, or lose it!’

I like to diversify in my compulsions, masturbate one day, eat ice cream the next, drink wine on the 3rd day, make brownies on the 4th, rinse and repeat. haha

redfeather's avatar

If you feel fine, I’d say there’s nothing wrong with it.

ucme's avatar

Wow, a person would have arms like Popeye by that time!

Hibernate's avatar

It’s normal as long as it doesn’t take precedence over other things.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@mazingerz88 You didn’t mention how many times a day. 5? 6?

flutherother's avatar

16 – 35 Tri weekly
36 – 60 Try weekly
60 – 85 Try weakly

wundayatta's avatar

Oh dear. What a terrible thing. I think an operation is required! ;-)

LuckyGuy's avatar

Hey, It is prescribed for guys undergoing prostate surgery to encourage blood flow and keeping the connections intact. Who knew.

I can’t decide which day is best to visit @Coloma. They all sound pretty good.

Coloma's avatar


Haha..I make hedonism into an art form, I have every intention of using up my body and sliding out sideways, wine in one hand and a brownie in the other, interspersed with really good food! ;-)

LuckyGuy's avatar

@Coloma I like it! That’s how life is supposed to be lived. And on the seventh day do you rest?

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@worriedguy On the seventh day she gets to have her way with all the cabana boys.
(Had to check the spelling)

Coloma's avatar


I’ll rest when I’m dead! LOL
I plan on creating my own heaven, clouds of weeping brownie trees around the goose pond.

Cruiser's avatar

@Coloma I think I must be locked in a cage! lol!

Coloma's avatar


Playin’ with your Banana ey? LOL

sleepdoc's avatar

I can let you know in 8 years

rebbel's avatar

Would be interesting if you had measured thirty years ago and again these present days.
I wouldn’t be surprised if all that, excuse my French, jerking, had added some inches.

Zaku's avatar

Who cares? See if you can set the record.

The real problem is all the people wondering what’s “normal”, and being worried they aren’t “normal”, like that would be bad.

woodcutter's avatar

As long as you have a damn good optometrist you will be good to go. So keep crankin em off.

mazingerz88's avatar

@Adirondackwannabe At least once a day.

To all, thanks for the funny answers!

lizardking's avatar

I bet you thank Al Gore everyday for the internet. LOL

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