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woodcutter's avatar

It's 2 :30 am Saturday. What informercial is on your TV right now?

Asked by woodcutter (16387points) July 23rd, 2011

If you are seeing this right now, and you have the boob tube on you may be hearing a sales pitch to improve your love life. Or weight loss, etc.

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24 Answers

KateTheGreat's avatar

The Wen hair care system.

And holy shit, it looks great.

ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

It’s 3;40am here, and I don’t have cable or the digital antenna that allows me to watch regular television… but I just watched ‘A Borrowed Life’ on Netflix, and I think this is a fun question.

jrpowell's avatar

This is where I backhandedly tell people they suck for having a TV. I use torrents and Netflix on my Apple TV. What I want when I want without advertisements.

Aethelflaed's avatar

The Borgias. It’s really the best infomercial ever for how corruption in early modern papacy politics can really boast your life!

@johnpowell See, that’ how you backhandly tell people they suck for having a tv.

Mamradpivo's avatar

Well, it’s almost 10 am here, but when I did turn on the TV around 1:30 last night after I got back from being out, it was primarily phone-sex ads.

woodcutter's avatar

Right now we’re shilling Posti-vac. I think it’s some kind of pecker pump for impotence. They speak of a constriction band. Is that a cock ring?

ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

There are infomercials for cock pumps? That’s surprising to me.

woodcutter's avatar

They’re guaranteed to work 95% of the time and covered by medicare part B.

woodcutter's avatar

What channel is that one on @KatetheGreat

Brian1946's avatar

I’ve heard of guys getting cock pumps just so they could choke their chickens! ;-0

woodcutter's avatar

Now it’s the “Airwolf” humidifier/ climate control devise.

KateTheGreat's avatar

@woodcutter It was on vh1, I think. Or some weird fitness channel. Im drunk and I forgot.

woodcutter's avatar

That’s ok don’t worry about it

Brian1946's avatar

It’s only 1 AM here, and we don’t usually get infomercials until 3 AM.

Brian1946's avatar


Are you in the Central Time Zone?

woodcutter's avatar

Exorcise program DVD being advertised right now. Tony Horton 10 minute trainer. If you call in the next 10 minutes….But wait there’s more we’ll double the offer, blah blah blah.

augustlan's avatar

Eastern time zone, just about 5:30 AM. I don’t know what’s on right this minute, but earlier it was “Your Baby Can READ”. Fairly obnoxious stuff.

woodcutter's avatar

Most of this stuff seems like a fail, so what kind of demographic are they targeting at this hour, besides us.

Hibernate's avatar

I rarely watch tv and i usually don’t pay any attention to the commercials because I don’t find them any good.

woodcutter's avatar

I keep one TV on mainly to have some kind of background noise in the house at that time of day. And after hearing the same ad over and over for almost an hour some of it starts to soak in to one’s subconscience, or something like that. Either way, they don’t get any of my money.


Gentleman Max. An informercial for adults only.

woodcutter's avatar

I can only guess what that product is, @MRSHINYSHOES

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