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Aethelflaed's avatar

It's so hot right now that...?

Asked by Aethelflaed (13760points) July 23rd, 2011

For example, it’s so hot that my superglue just took 3 times longer than normal to cool.

Or, it’s so hot that, even at night, my hard candy has melted into a chewy, gooey mess (true story).

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57 Answers

ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

I already told this story, but I still think it’s pretty fun. It’s so hot that the local news team managed to bake chocolate chip cookies by leaving the dough in a car for 2 hours. It’s also so hot that I took it upon myself to walk right into the koi pond in my backyard this afternoon, and probably scared the crap out of the fish.

Aethelflaed's avatar

@ANef_is_Enuf Like this?? I’m planning on doing that tomorrow.

Brian1946's avatar

It’s so hot, the squirrels in NYC went to a movie just to cool off their nuts.

ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

@Aethelflaed I want to do it just for the simple fact that my car interior will smell phenomenal afterward.

Aethelflaed's avatar

@ANef_is_Enuf Indeed. Mine could use a little help after transporting so much from the garden store and then not cleaning it…

Brian1946's avatar

In June, 1999 I had chills and fever from a strep throat. I got into my car, and it was about 120º inside. I had the chills so bad that the 120º felt like a warm blanket on New Year’s Eve.

athenasgriffin's avatar

It is so hot, that the rubber around my toothbrush melted onto my car seat after being left there for a couple of hours.

Berserker's avatar

It’s so hot right now that I’d take a bath in Satan’s stove just to cool the fuck off.

This heat is ridiculous.

Brian1946's avatar

It’s so hot that I’ve applied with the Solar System to trade orbits with Mars.

Brian1946's avatar


My crawl space is now worm-free! ;-)

KateTheGreat's avatar

It’s actually not that hot where I am. 95 degrees :)

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

It’s so hot right now that I am thankful all those who should not be out in shorts and speghetti tops aren’t but at home stuffing themselves with Hagen Daas

Brian1946's avatar


What time is it there?

YARNLADY's avatar

It was so hot here that two major branches of my tree broke off and fell into the street. I had to have the whole tree removed. After 20 years of having lovely shade in my front yard, I really miss it. It feels like a desert out there.

KateTheGreat's avatar

@Brian1946 Oh, its 4 AM. But during the day it is 95 degrees. Right now its 78 degrees.

woodcutter's avatar

It’s so hot that my butt crack sweat soaks through to the outside.

downtide's avatar

…I might be able to go outside without wearing a coat.

ucme's avatar

I could fry an egg on my buttocks…..only kidding, just my little yolk.

rebbel's avatar

….that i can’t be bothered to get up and check the thermometer.

Cruiser's avatar

I’m hooking my boat up to the car in one hour and blasting off to Wisconsin for a week of wake boarding, snorkeling, swimming and floating on rafts!! The hotter the better! YES!!!!

aprilsimnel's avatar

…I don’t even feel like eating.

And I never feel too warm to eat, usually.

gailcalled's avatar

…that Milo looks like a Salvador Dali watch.

marinelife's avatar

. . . that I can’t bear to get into the roasting hot car.

rebbel's avatar

We already have an Answer Of The Day on Fluther?
If so, @gailcalled‘s must be it (if not, then too)!

filmfann's avatar

It’s so hot getting splash-back from the toilet is welcome and refreshing!

(Actually, I am in the SF Bay Area, where it is lovely. We are going to the Zoo and the Beach)

SavoirFaire's avatar

It’s so hot right now that chickens are laying fried eggs.

ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

It’s only 82F today!! Woo!

SavoirFaire's avatar

It’s so hot right now that the Amish are buying air conditioners.

jonsblond's avatar

I just posted these a few days ago on Facebook. They are all true:

It’s so hot, my cat tried to jump in the pool when my daughter and I were swimming.
It’s so hot, I’m buying cases of water instead of Old Milwaukee for my husband.
It’s so hot, my 17 year old son wanted to go shopping with me at Walmart.

wundayatta's avatar

It’s so hot that my trumpet was warmed up before I even touched it!

DeanV's avatar

72 degrees here. Aww yeah.

deni's avatar

No point in showering.

woodcutter's avatar

It’s so hot out that I can spit on the ground and make a dust plume.

MilkyWay's avatar

It’s so hot, that the AC broke.

Pied_Pfeffer's avatar

It’s so hot right now that baking bread doesn’t require turning the oven on.

@ANef_is_Enuf It’s also so hot that I took it upon myself to walk right into the koi pond in my backyard this afternoon, and probably scared the crap out of the fish. Maybe you just scared the carp out of of the Koi.

MilkyWay's avatar

It’s so hot, I took 3 showers since morning. And plan to take another before going to bed.


The wax polish on my shiny black leather men’s dress shoes is turning into road tar.

mazingerz88's avatar

It’s so hot right now that Mother Earth is sticking a finger to the Sun right this second.

It’s so hot right now that Satan is buying more heaters to keep Hell’s record as the hottest spot ever.

It’s so hot right now that not even the element of Fire would not dare light up out there.

woodcutter's avatar

@MRSHINYSHOES What about your pomade?

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

It’s so hot right now that right n….ow ….my sylla…bles…are ….evap………or………….

Berserker's avatar

@mazingerz88 Awesome. :)

It’s so hot right now that I don’t stand a chance. XD

KateTheGreat's avatar

So hot that I don’t even need a lighter to brurn my joint.

Berserker's avatar

@KatetheGreat Damn druggie.

I mean…got some more o’ dat shit, ya?

KateTheGreat's avatar

Come on over, babe. I’m Rollin in it

Berserker's avatar

Let’s roll together. :D

KateTheGreat's avatar

I’ll let you play with my tentacles too ;)


@woodcutter The Brylcreem glistens, my shoes shine——That’s the only way to be cool in this scorching heat! Hehe.

Now don’t go cutting down any more trees with yer chainsaw woodcutter! Them trees cool the earth ya know. ;)

woodcutter's avatar

@KatetheGreat said; “So hot that I don’t even need a lighter to brurn my joint” it appears your typing is slurred already. Yes I’m jealous of that buzz you got goin

woodcutter's avatar

@MRSHINYSHOES says; “Now don’t go cutting down any more trees with yer chainsaw woodcutter! Them trees cool the earth ya know.” ;)
True ,but they sure keep yer ass warm in the winter :D


@woodcutter I like burning asses, esp. perdy little asses. :3

woodcutter's avatar

go to your room


@woodcutter My room?? That’s where I get perdy little asses. lol

woodcutter's avatar

that sounds wrong….for some reason.


@woodcutter Lol. Um, correction——in the singular, not plural. Now it’s not that wrong, right?

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

It’s so hot right now that..I am skinny dipping in a hot cauldron of boiling oil and I am FREEZING!!!

woodcutter's avatar

@MRSHINYSHOES Hmmmm, I don’t know man….lookin like some serious back pedaling going on right there.

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