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chyna's avatar

Are you surprised Amy Winehouse died at such an early age?

Asked by chyna (51712points) July 23rd, 2011

Amy Winehouse was found dead today in her home at age 27. Were you expecting this to happen considering her lifestyle?

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41 Answers

ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

Not even a little bit surprised. It’s sad when anyone dies so young, but it was not a shock in any way. To be really frank, I have just been waiting for it for quite some time now. Among other young celebrities that tend to behave recklessly.

zenvelo's avatar

No. She’s been on a death spiral for years – coke, crank, and booze, booze, booze.

I hope Lindsay Lohan learns from this.

JLeslie's avatar

This is the first I heard of it. Not surprised, but it is very sad. I thought she was a great singer, I really liked her music. What a shame.

Jellie's avatar

Surprised she lasted that long. I liked her though. RIP.

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

Not at all. I’m surprised she lived that long, given her habits.

atlantis's avatar

It’s the “rock-n-roll-death-at-27” curse.

LuckyGuy's avatar

No. Drugs, alcoholism, and hard living.are generally not factors that promote long life.

She entertained right to the end. (And is still entertaining.)

chyna's avatar

I actually hadn’t seen much press on her lately about her escapades, so I had thought she might have cleaned up her act. I guess not.

Blackberry's avatar

I just saw a hilarious post on Facebook: “Amy Winehouse is dead at 27, and in equally shocking news, Denzel Washington is black, and fire is hot.” Lol.

cockswain's avatar

Not surprised. I wonder if some idiot will make comparisons to her and Janis Joplin, Jim Morrison, Jimi Hendrix, and Kurt Cobain since they died at the same age.

wait, did I just become that idiot accidentally?

chyna's avatar

^ That idiot.

redfeather's avatar

Not at all. Her mom said in an interview in 2008 she was already prepared for her death.

JilltheTooth's avatar

Dammit, @cockswain , I wanted to be that idiot!

Allie's avatar

Not really. That’s what happens when you treat your body like shit. Shocking, huh?

cockswain's avatar

@JilltheTooth being this stupid takes lots of planning and work

rebbel's avatar

I wouldn’t even be surprised if Amy Winehouse knew about this “rock-n-roll-death-at-27 curse” and in her delusional state ended her life knowing she would enter that morbid list.

JilltheTooth's avatar

@cockswain : that’s why it took me so long to answer.

FutureMemory's avatar

Wow, how sad. A bit surreal that one of her biggest hits (the biggest?) talked about not wanting to go to rehab.

marinelife's avatar

No, she has long been on this path. I do consider her to have been a candle that burned out too soon. She was very talented.

deni's avatar

No. Is anyone?

Kardamom's avatar

If people were putting bets on this, someone would have won big time (and maybe they already did). Too bad great talent is often put inside people who can’t handle it or appreciate it. Unlike a lot of the rest of us, she probably had enough money to get some therapy or a doctor to help her, but she chose not to, because part of her persona was to be this F’d up chick. Many of us jellies and other regular people have all sorts of troubles too, but they don’t have the money or the support to get help. That’s the part that pisses me off the most about this situation.

sophiesword's avatar

With her drug abuse I’m surprised she lived that long

cockswain's avatar

People did win money if they had her in a dead pool like this one in Boston.

chyna's avatar

I remember seeing one picture of her stumbling down the middle of the street. I think it was in Paris. She was so messed up she didn’t even know where she was and I seem to recall she barely had enough clothes on. I thought at the time that no mother wants to see their daughter that way. How sad for her family.

Lightlyseared's avatar

Shocked but not surprised.

tinyfaery's avatar

No. What a waste.

deni's avatar

@chyna I read an article today that quoted her mother, years ago (I think) saying she’d be shocked if her daughter lived to a normal age and didn’t die young. How sad for her.

Meego's avatar

It’s a game of Russian roulette really. Live or die. Each day in a drug addicts life is an addicted spinoff of the game…but who’s to say that every persons life is not already stuck in a twisted life or death devils advocate conundrum maybe we are all puppets on strings…that would be weird.

sophiesword's avatar

I get a feeling she didn’t like greens much…just saying

Neizvestnaya's avatar

Not surprised at all. It is cruel to say but I don’t think she had much talent to go any further than she did, drugged out or clean. What I would be surprised by is to learn if she’d had a backup plan for her life.

mazingerz88's avatar

What the?! She’s dead?!

ucme's avatar

Nah, if it’s inevitable, then by definition it’s never going to be a suprise.
Bit like this question appearing on a Q&A site within hours of her death.

aprilsimnel's avatar

I read a profile on her in Rolling Stone some years ago, and even then, it was clear that she was never the sort of person to plan for the long term, or about anything other than satisfying her whims in the moment. The article and her quotes in it, didn’t make her out to be a very intelligent or thoughtful person, except when writing her songs.

However she did it, she was able to pull those songs off magnificently. The autopsy’s tomorrow, according to The Independent.

filmfann's avatar

She really was massively talented. It was obvious she was a train wreck. Who failed her? Can anyone shoulder the blame, or is this all on her? I like to think this could have been avoided.

JilltheTooth's avatar

@filmfann : I sort of see your point, assigning blame seems like it would mean something could have been done, in the future such things could be prevented, and such like, but I hate the idea of taking responsibility away from an otherwise compos mentis adult who made a series of very destructive choices. I think it disrespects her.

AmWiser's avatar

Not surprised, but still shocked and saddened.

wundayatta's avatar

I don’t believe that you make self destructive choices unless you are feeling a great deal of pain. Some demons were hounding her and she turned to drugs to cope. Not a wise choice, but a very common choice. Whose to blame? I’d say our whole culture. Not that anyone would go along with that since it means we all have a teeny-tiny bit of the blame for this.

The point though, is not to blame, but to figure out what we can do better. Personally, I think compassion is helpful. I’ve seen a lot of that here, and it’s helped me. It could help many others, too. Maybe it could have helped Amy, too.

martianspringtime's avatar

I was pretty surprised, actually. Logically I shouldn’t be, but I haven’t heard of any addiction-related deaths (of celebrities I like) in quite some time. I am surprised that Pete Doherty is (thankfully) still alive though, and I hope he continues to stay that way even if Amy sadly did not. I am very sad for her and her family and fans though. She seemed like a fine person, taking her addiction out of the equation, and was a very talented singer.

OpryLeigh's avatar

Sadly, I wasn’t surprised but that doesn’t make it any less tragic. I was surprised at how saddened I was by her death, afterall, I didn’t know her or even folow her career all that much.

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