Meta Question

sophiesword's avatar

What question do I ask fluther ?

Asked by sophiesword (2294points) July 23rd, 2011

I give up !!!
Whenever i think up of a question, I type it in the search bar and to my dismay it’s already been asked.

That’s what you get for signing up this late.

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15 Answers

marinelife's avatar

If it has not been asked for a year or more, you may ask it again.

Otherwise, ask something that you want to know.

sophiesword's avatar

OH!! wait, I got one ..thanks @marinelife

rebbel's avatar

Great, now i have to wait a year before i can ask: “What question do i ask Fluther?”

FutureMemory's avatar

@rebbel That was funny :)

rebbel's avatar

@FutureMemory Thank you, my pleasure!

Zaku's avatar

My computer just started blinking and smoking and saying, “Error! Error! Does not compute! Illogical!”

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

You can ask some challenging questions that make one think like:

• If an icon off the cereal box was actually speaking to you at breakfast time would you really be that calm and engaging it in conversation?
• If that hair gel actually makes you a babe magnet, do you think every man and his brother would be buying it, even if they had to get a hair transplant?
• Why do cars trout how much speed their auto has over their competition when you can never fully use all that speed, at least not on US roads?
• If every human on the planet could be coordinated to jump at the exact same time, what would that momentary lack of weight do, if any, to the planet?
• If the US trying to test a very powerful weapon they did not want to risk using on Earth used it on the moon and blew a huge chunk off into space and a splinter landed on another planed nearly wiping it out with 100s of million dead, what would the world community do?

As you can see, there is always a question that one can ask. Step outside-the-box :-)

MilkyWay's avatar

@Hypocrisy_Central Never mind the lack of weight, what about all the weight that will come down at the same time? Super Uber Mega Earthquake!!

ucme's avatar

Are we there yet? Well…...?

Jeruba's avatar

How about things that you really want to know and that can’t be found easily by way of a web search engine? things that people can tell you from personal experience, things that involve interpretation of facts and not just the facts themselves, things that call for opinions?

If you search fluther (thanks for taking that step! so many don’t) and find that it’s been asked before, you can build on a past question by referencing it. Include a link to it in your details section and add a twist, ask for an update, or just say you’d like to put it out there for people who missed it last time around.

Berserker's avatar

Questions are eternal. You can ask what you want. A lot of duplicates are accepted on here, anyway. Eez ah coo, yo.

linguaphile's avatar

You could ask about a cake or a frizzer. That one hasn’t been asked or discussed for some time.

Hibernate's avatar

Or use different words when asking the question ^^

Kardamom's avatar

Think about things that you think are really messed up and ask why we (Fluthers) think they are so messed up and if we have any solutions to fix the problems.

Think about things that seem ridiculously nonsensical to you specifically and ask what’s the deal with X, Y and Z.

Think about things that are important to you and ask us (Fluthers) if we believe the same ideas or whether we think it’s bunch of hooey and why.

Think about something that you vaguely recall from your childhood and see if we can remember what it was, or if we can even relate to it (since we all come from very different backgrounds and we are of a variety of ages from young to old).

Do you like a particular food or cuisine? Ask us for our best recipes or restaurant suggestions to find this particular food.

Are you curious about another town or city? Ask us what we think about the cool places we’ve been to.

Think about some type of unusual circumstance or event, or something that you’ve heard about in the news. For example a person who just did something odd. You want to know why a person would do that odd thing, even if it wasn’t something dangerous, it was just funny, or disgusting or attention grabbing.

Have you ever wondered why males or females do X, Y or Z? Ask us about it. One of us has probably done one of those things and has either lived to tell about it, or lived to have regretted doing it (at least in public).

Are you thinking of tackling a home improvement project and don’t know where to start? Someone on Fluther has been there, done that and will be happy to tell you in excruciating, humiliating detail how that experience played out.

Ever wonder why you were told such and such a thing when you were in school, or by your parents, and as you have gotten older, you have found that things were nothing like they were explained/described to you? Why did the adults tell you these things, when it seems like things are completely different than what they said. Or are you just missing something?

What the heck is that (rash, bug, food, song, movie title, behavior, kitchen gadget)?

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