Meta Question

XOIIO's avatar

How many questions does Fluther have in each section respectively?

Asked by XOIIO (18359points) July 23rd, 2011

You can see which number question you are on in the address bar, but how many questions are there in General, Social and Meta respectively?

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7 Answers

Seaofclouds's avatar

Just coming up with an estimate…

There are 2165 pages of questions in general, 876 pages in social, and 131 pages in meta.

There seem to be about 35 questions on each page (not counting the last page of each which has fewer questions on it 21, 1, and 23 respectively as of right now).

So that would mean about 75,761 questions in general, 30,626 questions in social, and 4,573 questions in meta. I’m guessing the question numbers that show in the address bar for each question show what number it would be even with the questions that have been removed, where counting them as I did would not count the ones that have been removed. If that’s true and my numbers above are pretty accurate, it looks like about 15,000 questions have been removed (since this is question # 125,882 and the total of the ones above equals about 110,000).

marinelife's avatar

I didn’t know there was a maximum.

XOIIO's avatar

@Seaofclouds Whoa! Fluther messed up and I gave you 2 GA’s. LOL

chyna's avatar

@XOIIO I always assume someone else was giving a GA at the same time I was when that happens.

XOIIO's avatar

@chyna Maybe, I coldn’t get it to do it again. Amazing timing though, if it was.

Berserker's avatar

I tried getting an A in algebra once, but all I found was this chopped off moose head.

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