Adults: About how many friends from high school do you still talk to?
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AshLeigh (
July 24th, 2011
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57 Answers
On a regular basis, none. Occasionally, one. From time to time on Facebook, three or four. If it helps I’m 35.
Maybe a half dozen on a regular basis, another half dozen occasionally.
I got only one friend from high school. I do not keep in touch with the rest at all.
He is the only one that I have seen since that time, all the rest just simply were lost out of sight.
He lives very close and we greet always, and talk every now and then.
Four. I’m 47 for whatever that’s worth to the question. A few other people with whom I was friends in high school have found me on Facebook, but we don’t communicate on any regular basis.
Just a few but they’re really good friends. We reconnected on FB and we stay in touch that way now that I’ve moved abroad
I’m currently a student (21 y/o), and meet up with some three of them occasionally, and very rarely with a few others as well. Then there are a few I now and then (but quite rarely) meet in the streets, as where I’m studying now is not far away from where I went to high school, but those meetings are mostly awkward.
I remember hating the outlook of losing touch with all my high school friends after high school, but it really wasn’t that bad. You move on, they move on, and you still have happy lives, and if you go out of your way to meet up with the close friends you had in high school, that is great, but it’s not much of a trouble that it’s not that often anymore.
I’ve known my best friend since we were eight, and she’s probably the only one I still keep regular contact with. My other closest girlfriends are girls I met in university. The circle of friends that Mr. Fiance and I hang out with is mostly made up of people we’ve known since we were teens – some are his high school friends, but most are people we knew through the local punk scene who all went to different high schools.
I had no friends in high school.
Zero. I grew up in a backwardsass shit hole that I couldn’t wait to leave. All my friends lived in the next town over.
Our class of 250 people graduated in 1981. (The 30 year anniversary is coming up this weekend). About three years ago, I created a group for our class on Facebook, and we now have 75 people in it. The posts have been flying as they plan the reunion.
I don’t see or talk to anyone on a regular basis because I live so far away. However, there are several that I stay in touch with by e-mail and a few I call when I’m going to be in town.
None. I had three friends from high school. I lost touch with two of them during uni and the last one when she moved to LA, got married and started a family.
One I see on a regular basis, another one I see about once a year.
It used to be one occasionally, but now none.
I went to an international school in Japan. There were 500 kids in our entire school (K-12) from 46 different countries. With the advent of FB, we have been able to locate a large group of us and we share things regularly on the FB site. As the school was small, we were often friends with kids a couple grades above and below us (often siblings of our friends and friends of our siblings). Anytime there is a reunion, people from other classes are welcome to join us, in part because travel is such a big deal for us all to get together. A bunch of us got together last summer and are planning to do so again next summer.
I’m 28, and haven’t spoken with someone from high school for at least a couple years. I don’t live where I grew up anymore, so it doesn’t come up very often.
None on a regular basis. I moved away right after high school. I visit home occasionally, but then I only hang out with a few. The rest got into hardcore drugs and/or are still stuck in high school mode.
My oldest girl friend recently moved back from San Diego, an hour away from me, for a couple of years, while her husbands works on a project in the city.
We met on the first day of 2nd grade, waaay back in 1966! 45 years and we just talked for an hour the other morning.
I am also still in touch with my high school crush, we just talked yesterday, who lives in the same area an hour from me. We renewed our fling for a few years after 25 years of no contact. Dated from 04–06, and while geography played a part in our romance breaking up, we are still good friends and talk on a regular basis. :-)
10–12 pretty regularly.
I graduated in 1973, and ended up with about 6 guys from high school in my fraternity, and another 10 or so girls at the same school. And it was not local, it was 300 miles from where we’d gone to high school. So a core group of us have stayed connected all this time. And with Facebook there are about 20 more people I am connected with.
One of us died last February after a long illness and a failed liver transplant. Facebook kept a large number of high school friends connected with him, and made for a large crowd at his memorial.
Only about 4 on a regular basis. There are a view that I will, every so often, communicate with on Facebook.
From my high schools, 2. From my high school years, several.
Zero. I moved around a lot.
None, but I keep in touch with two from primary school.
I reconnected with about 20–25 on Facebook over the last 3 years and we share a hi here or there. When I run into them in person, we have one long, friendly catch-up session, but on a frequent basis, none. I moved away soon after I graduated and moved around a lot, while many of them stayed in the same place so our interest and experience areas rarely overlap.
I’m still frequently in touch with college friends though.
Zero. Although there were a lot of people that I hung around with at school and liked, I sort of considered those folks to be school friends and we didn’t socialize outside of school. My school was about 6 miles from my house and so none of the kids that I knew at school lived in my neighborhood. My neighborhood friends were the people that I socialized with every day outside of school, some were older, some were younger and the ones that were the same age went to a different high school. I doubt that I would recognize or even remember most of the names of the people I hung around with in high school. It would be very awkward to see them again, because the only thing any of us had in common was the fact that we went to the same school.
My brother graduated in 1967. He and ~7 of his buddies get together every year for a ‘boys’ weekend (poker and beer). A couple of years ago, one of the gang was diagnosed with cancer and was scheduled for chemotherapy treatments. His wife arranged a birthday party for him and instructed the friends to bring glow-in-the-dark stuff. It’s a goofy group, but it’s nice to see that they have stuck together after all of these years.
Come to think of it, both sisters are/were still close to a handful of friends from high school long after graduation. Maybe is has something to do with the school or the town’s drinking water. :)
Only 1 (and we also grew up together), I talk to her maybe every 1–2 years. Sad…I know:(
I’m not in close contact with any high school friends (class of ‘92), but I do email one occasionally and see her once a year or so. There are a couple of others who I’m in very casual contact with (infrequent emails, FB notes, etc.) and I tend to think of them as friends even though we don’t talk much.
I am still very close to a friend from elementary school, but we didn’t go to high school together.
I just graduated last month and I talk to none of my friends from high school on a regular basis. I wasn’t ever really close to anyone. I ended up making friends with people who graduated from my school a year before me after I left.
I communicate with several people from high school, including Rarebear, but mostly thru FB or Fluther.
None. My hometown was like @FutureMemory ‘s and I got out of there as fast as I could.
I’m not even out of highschool yet, and I already lost contact with most people when I switched to homeschool…
I forgot to add that reunions were crap. It sucks to spend half a day or a day near persons you have nothing in common. I didn’t even bothered to start a conversation with most of them. We had some pictures taken and that’s all. F’in awful !
Not to mention that even if one finishes high school only for about a few years or like me for a lot more than a few it doesn’t matter. If you do not keep in touch regularly you can’t say you are friends with them.
6½ (7½ if you want to include my wife).
@SavoirFaire – I’m intrigued by this half person you speak of
His wife doesn’t approve of him speaking to his old friends, so almost all of our communications are one way. He can send me a letter, but I can’t respond lest his wife find it in the mail. I can post on his Facebook wall, but he cannot publicly respond without getting in trouble.
That guy needs to strap on a pair
Semi-arranged marriage + religion = no chance of strapping on a pair.
Pay him a visit :) She won’t like it but she can’t do anything about it. The deed is done. He can come outside the house and you guys could talk a bit.
OK, Fluther is now officially spooky.
A guy I knew in middle school/first two years of high school just sent me an invitation to be his pal on LinkedIn. And he’s still a ‘Sconnie. oooEEEEEooooEEEOOO!
He must have seen the headshot that’s on my profile. Hahaha!
I don’t talk to any of them, my family moved around almost constantly when I was a kid – so I never attended any school long enough to actually make friends.
@Hibernate It’s a 12 hour trip, so opportunities are lacking. I might give it a try next time I’m going up that way, though.
@AshLeigh Oh, it’s totally messed up. We always knew he’d end up completely whipped, but we were hoping whoever he married wouldn’t be quite so horrid.
Opportunities might be rare so you have to “Create” them.
@Hibernate Again, it’s a 12 hour trip. I have a job and go to grad school. These things limit even the ability to “create” opportunities.
Well this doesn’t mean you don’t get any vacations at all. In one year or maybe two or three you might get some time off and you could try it. I know I’d visit friends with whom I am close even if it’s just for a few hours.
Why are you assuming I don’t do these things?
Because you said you only keep contact with him when he calls. If he’d be at least a quarter of a friend to me I’d have visited.
Never mind. Pardon me because I entered somewhere it wasn’t my place to enter. The same excuses for talking about something which is not my business.
None, really. I’m not that sentimental. Yep.
It’s funny, but I’m only in touch with my first girlfriend from high school. We didn’t talk for years when we were both in college, but have been having a real good time getting back in touch recently.
I’m only in touch with 3 friends from college, and I had a huge cohort of buddies there. But they were mostly “hang out” friends and not “deep conversation” friends.
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