Social Question

poisonedantidote's avatar

How to bring it and win it all?

Asked by poisonedantidote (21685points) July 24th, 2011

I want to be ripped, I want to earn six figures a year every year, I want to be clean, I want to buy a bigger house, I want to find someone to love and have kids with, I want it all.

Slowly I am getting everything I want, but slowly is the key word.

How do I speed up the process, or at least some parts of it?

How do I stop going off track and falling back in to my old ways?

If you have it all, how did you get it and how long did it take?

It’s a very vague question I know, and could be sent back for editing, but my only other alternative is to write a massive document, and that will bore many. So, lets see if we have enough info for now.

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11 Answers

rebbel's avatar

First, lose some of your wants (six figures, bigger house).
Second, learn a trade, one where your interest/heart lies.
Third, in time, work your trade, be happy, and as an added plus you’ll make some bucks.

Vincentt's avatar

Figure out why you want all that, and if you’d be happy if you’d have it all. Most likely, you won’t: as soon as you’ll have something, you’ll want something else, you set new goals for yourself. Which isn’t a bad thing, but it’s mostly about the journey itself, so speeding itself kind of defeats the purpose.

Compare it with reading a really exciting book. While reading, you want to read as fast as possible so you can figure out the plot and finish the book. However, once you’re finished, you’re a bit sad that you’re done reading. Or at least, that’s how it worked for me.

Just cherish every accomplishment you achieve, enjoy it for a bit, and move on, but be sure to enjoy along the way. That way, I already feel I have it all, even though by your definition, I’m a long way off.

marinelife's avatar

Have you written down your goals? Writing them donw ensures they are more likely to be accomplished.

When I have set goals, life gets in the way. They generally always take longer to accomplish than I think they will.

Also, I didn’t see anything about happiness in your goals. It is not something that you will magically achieve when you reach your goals. You have to actively cultivate it. And make sure that the goals that you have set for yourself will result in happiness.

poisonedantidote's avatar

g2g work, ill check in later for other answers, thx

john65pennington's avatar

Your question reminds me of the rookie police officers I trained. They wanted to come to the police department and have it all… once. I explained to them that it does not happen this way. You have to earn your way to the top. Only the deserving officers receive a take-home police car. Longevity does not happen over night. It takes time. Also, that they will not receive their top pay, until 8 years are completed.

I said this to them and I am saying this to you.

It takes time. So, sit back and relax and wait for your turn. It will happen.

Cruiser's avatar

I got a lot…more than I really need or ever wanted. I just played along and made it happen by setting goals and taking the risks necesarry to grab the brass ring. None of it matters a whole lot to me either. Love and knowing you are loved are the riches I covet and I am a wealthy man! ;)

abysmalbeauty's avatar

“Our limitations and success will be based, most often, on your own expectations for ourselves. What the mind dwells upon, the body acts upon.

Denis Waitley

Hibernate's avatar

Focus on two of them a time because if you want them all together you might end up with mediocre for most of them.

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

Find a need nearly every American has unfulfilled, and invent something to solve that. You will be swimming in cash, the rest will come soon after.

YARNLADY's avatar

Slow but steady wins the race. It was good advice in 600 BC and it’s good advice today. Instant wealth is very rare, and entirely random/accidental.

filmfann's avatar

Q: I want to be ripped, I want to earn six figures a year every year, I want to be clean, I want to buy a bigger house, I want to find someone to love and have kids with, I want it all.

A: Concentrate on finding someone to love and have kids with. No amount of success will matter if you don’t have that. No amount of failure will destroy you if you do.
Be prepared to share everything you have. The way the statement reads, well, it’s kind of greedy. Keep in mind sharing your life with someone means not really having anything.
And keep your kids of my lawn!

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