Social Question

intrepidium's avatar

Have you ever entertained inappropriate, lustful or other kinds of naughty thoughts about a religious person or figure?

Asked by intrepidium (1235points) July 24th, 2011

I attend a church where occasionally a relatively young priest from a neighboring parish visits to deliver the Sunday homily… and let’s just say he’s quite the eye candy. I’ve found myself daydreaming more than once while sitting there in my pew, thinking thoughts that (if known to those around me) probably would’ve gotten me thrown out or excommunicated. It’s just as well he’s not my regular priest coz Lord knows what I’d have done if I had to go to him for confession. I can only pray that my God has a sense of humor… Have you ever found yourself in such a situation?

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6 Answers

Pied_Pfeffer's avatar

Once upon a time, I dated a seminary student. Does that count?

ragingloli's avatar

Doing naughty stuff with the Flying Spaghetti Monster, yes.
Oh wait, that actually happened I am so sorry…

Jewel's avatar

Age 12, forced to go to catechism because Mom was going to marry a catholic man. Then I met the home court priest. Young, youthful, strong, kind, and absolutely beautiful! Suddenly sacrificing my Saturdays wasn’t such a bad thing!
He never did pay any attention to me, but fantasies don’t require such realities. Budding eroticism!
Funny how 40 years later I can still see him striding across my field of vision and feel the butterflies.

AmWiser's avatar

Heavens! Yes. But I would never follow up on those thoughts.:D

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

Are you kidding?! Of course.

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