“Would you go to church for a reason other than an event such as a wedding or funeral service?”
Yes. A Unitarian Universalist (UU) church. See below….
“What draws you there? Is it the sense of community, the tradition, the atmosphere, a hope of learning something new?”
My wife really wanted to go to the UU to be around people who share her values (liberal, etc). She wanted to the sense of community – some place where it seemed she belonged. Also, she was hoping our kids would meet other kids.
We used to go (almost) weekly for awhile.
“When you do attend a service for an event, how do you feel while you’re there?”
I feel a bit alienated and confused. We’re atheists – and many of the people sitting there in “church” are atheists. The minister is so vague about religion that she is hardly saying anything at all that is religious – except for the religious language she is using. Also, there is singing, which is just silly. I don’t get it at all.
However, I go because it is really important to my wife (or was – we haven’t been in months).
“Do you avoid participating (standing, kneeling, etc), or would you rather not draw attention to yourself in that way?”
I try to just blend in as much as possible.
“Do any of you regularly or semi-regularly attend church services?”
We used to, but haven’t been in months.
Note: The first time I went to a UU “church”, my wife and I walked in to the entry way and apparently looked lost. A woman walked up and introduced herself as an atheist. I didn’t get it at all.
Also, regarding the community and people that my wife is seeking – the UU failed. We knew a few fellow liberal, atheist, environmentalist, anti-consumer, nonconformist families that already went. But we didn’t meet anyone new. I’ll go back if my wife wants to, but I’m not sure if we’ll have to time or if she’ll want to.