What are small things girls do that turn men on?
For example, one time I was out on a double date with my cousin and her boyfriend. Our guys were playing with the sledge hammer game they usually have at the fair to test your strength. My guy kept setting the high score and seeing his strength just turned me on and was really attracted ;). Seeing him good at sports or just showing his strength is sexy I believe.
What do girls do that turn men on? Someone told me when they stretch it’s hot, lol.
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57 Answers
I believe I read a study stating that merely looking in a woman’s eyes releases that feel good chemical in our brains (seratonin?).
Being there has always worked for me, but I guess the thing that most commonly turns me on is a wiggle of the hips.
Just wear a tight pants or a short skirt and bend over. Or squat low to the ground, or fix your bra strap.
Haha, really? As little things like that? Hmmm I’ll remember that ;)
Hahahaha… I got it. Eat an ice lolly.
Another small thing I like about a guy is the muscle forearm part hehe Idk why
personal note for later: girls seems to really like muscles
Well of course muscle overall is nice but I think the forearm part kinda catches me just because not a lot of guys have it hahhah
If a chick smells good and wears clothes that accentuate their curves (and I don’t mean a trashy look), I go crazy.
Is there anything that we actually DO that turn guys on? I mean like walking with the wiggle in hips, fixing bra strap, etc. etc. Not what we’re wearing I guess
Intelligent, playful banter does it for me. It means she’s smart and thinks on more than one level.
Skills like that last a lifetime.
Talking about anything other than what happened between you and your co workers, nails, shoes, and accesories is a good start. Like @worriedguy said.
Biting their lips in excitement/anticipation.
I could be eating dinner in a fancy restaurant with the girlfriend, and ask her an innocent question like “Whatcha thinking about?” and then she pulls out the shy eyes and sucks in air through her teeth and bites her lip.
“Check please!”
Turn on my dick (I swear the “little” guy has a mind of its own)? Pretty much everything said above.
Turn on me? It’s hard to put my finger on it but every girl that I seriously fell for had this one aspect about them that just hooked me.
A unexpected smile when looking in my eyes. A wink is even more….
@Fiddle_Playing_Creole_Bastard Ha , just the other day at a 7 eleven I saw that C L N on a what looked like a well off young woman.I mean she was obviously married and well kept but, when a rough construction looking guy walked in and grabbed a 12 pack of Keystone Light, she was looking, looking hard at him with that lip thing. I can imagine she was really well taken care of by some stuffy “suit” who probably keeps her as a trophy wife.
Why are women attracted to the bad boy type?
I wasn’t trying to be nosy but damn it was large you could almost smell the hormones wafting.
Having a vagina, and being pulchritudinous are two major factors.
Everything else is blood alcohol ratios / blood distribution below waist, of the attractee.
Good discourse turns me on, as long as you aren’t fallacious.
@woodcutter Why are women attracted to the bad boy type?
Because bad boys are more likely to kill their competition with a stick and pass on their seed. Evolution, lol.
@cprevite Damn, that was gonna be my answer. LOL
It’s in her eyes, and the way she looks at me, dips her lids and looks at me again from beneath her brow. She plays with her hair and she is always looking at me, making me feel like I’m the center of her world. And yeah, playing with the strap over her shoulder; letting it slip down, pulling it back up, letting is slip down; letting it stay there.
And of course there’s the low cut blouse. Ain’t a guy in the world won’t try to look down and see what you got. You set the trap, move the bazongas into view, and then look away, and when he looks, you catch him and then tsk at him like he’s so naughty. Then put a hand on his arm, and slide it slowly up his arm to the elbow. Lean into him. Let him feel your shoulder.
Come on. This stuff is natural. You must know it. Women seem to be born with it. The real problem is getting the guy to notice that you actually mean it, and it is him that you really want.
I could never believe that growing up. As a result I didn’t have much success with women. Besides which, I never had much confidence.
Now I’ve realized a thing or two, I have met some really wonderful women in my life. Now I know that all I need to do, really, is show them my passion. I got plenty of that. Maybe too much. Dunno what my wife would say.
I like when a girl get all touchy, as in touching your arm while she’s talking or leans up against you. hmmm nice.
I can’t be the only one that was amused by ‘bazongas.’
Don’t mind me, I’m taking notes.
That sounds borderline creepy, I’m not sure that I trust this advice.
The way they eat.
Girls who eat “delicately” and “gracefully” attract my eyes, while girls who eat like cows turn me off.
Little things like when they caress their hair, the way they look at me, the way they walk, etc.
The way they touch/caress you.
Haha, I like leaning up against him and grabbing his arm and feeling muscles
Get really close so he can smell you , look into his eyes, give a wicked smile and brush past him as you walk away. If you manange to blush, he will usually notice. Don’t walk to far away, and take a second glance.
@Blackberry I agree. My husband says when I give him a side glance and get a glint in my eyes, that, that is all he needs to get going.
@Only138: Clearly we have the same taste in women. ;^)
Well, being a girl…
I would usually do the whole touching thing.
Lets him know you like him.
Biting your lip almost always works, lol.
If all else fails the smile and batting your eyelashes always works, haha. Not to the extreme, just a tiny bit. xD
Yeah, I find that eye contact is a reliable method, in my experience. It’s all about the delivery and the sincerity.
I always hate making eye contact with pretty women when having a normal conversation, because I get intimidated and feel like my soul is being stared into when they’re simply looking in my eyes. :(
Awh, haha.
You shouldn’t feel like that. Most of the time we feel the same way. :)
I don’t think it’s a good idea to bore into someone’s soul. I’m talking about gentle eye contact, not skullfucking on the first date.
For myself, it’s the mastery of a certain skill. Whether this is a musical instrument, a sport, or a hobby, I think seeing that a woman has put in that time, effort, and determination into something is very sexy.
lmao skullfucking? thats a new word
schroedes13…yeh that too!! if a guy i’m attracted to is good at something its a huge turn on. like guitar ;)
@chelle21689 Ya, I think it shows a lot about someone’s character. 8 years of guitar playing and counting. Just saying! LOL
LoL, I always use my piano skills to impress a guy I’m attracted to…and it works. But I think guitar is sexy
Oh no, I just got hit over the head with the Creepy stick. Nooo, not touching like that. I’m talking extremely subtle. I guess I’m thinking of a situation where the possibility of a dating relationship is futher along. A slight touch to the arm during the conversation can be extremely powerful. Physical closeness can be a sign that a girl trust and is open to being asked out. I guess this can be way outside how some people were raised and therefore seen as too much, like the difference between someone raised in the South East US and someone raised in California. Is that a better explanation, I really didn’t mean to suggest you to go grope anyone, lol.
What are small things girls do have that turn men on?
Hmm… I think they’re called nipples?
I am very aware when a woman reaches out to touch me during a conversation. Sometimes, though, it’s not very clear whether this is just a touchy girl or whether she’s trying to convey something. Sometimes I get the very clear feeling she’s trying to convey something, but it makes me nostalgic since I don’t want to do anything about it. I just wish I could have picked up these signals back when I was 17. Although, who knows? Maybe no one was signaling me.
Come out from under water, throwing your long haired covered head back.
I feel a little creepy because I keep reading this as things small girls do.
When a girl sits and her pants is just below her crack, that is a turn on. Also when she leans over, or if her t shirt gets wet.
The way a woman walks is a definite turn on too. Sometimes, when they walk they move their hips and if they have big boobs, they make them bounce when the walk.I wonder if they do that on purpose or if that bounces naturally…who cares anyhow. Also I see girls have some particular body sprays that smell really sexy. They spray it on their legs and other exposed body parts.
@Eggie: I can practically hear you panting while reading that post. :^)
You’re too funny.
I really enjoy the short stare. It’s usually around 5–8 seconds. When your eyes meet and you can see into a woman’s heart and soul. That really floats my boat!
And I thought that men never noticed anything.
@KatetheGreat Of course men notice stuff. It’s just that it’s more eye catching if what they see comes in pairs :)
Smile and initiate talking :)
What turns me on in a woman is her die hard confidence….like for instance if she notices a guy watching her butt, she would turn around and ask him “Do you like my ass?” You know confidence like that. The way she speaks too, and the way she laughs…I like the boisterous types. I also think the way she drinks(alcho) as well. Girls who can take a shot and be normal after is a definite turn on for me.
On a couple of occasions I saw a couple of chicks with a pinch of Skoal in their lip. That is seriously hot to me.
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