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john65pennington's avatar

Are school zone speeding signs confusing?

Asked by john65pennington (29278points) July 25th, 2011

Most school zone speed limit signs normally have a crossing guard to help the children across the street. That’s the way it should be. But, some schools do not have crossing guards, instead, their school zone speed limit sign says “Speed limit 15 mph when children are present”. Some drivers do not understand this sign and I am one of them. Children or no children, some drivers go 15 mph, when in these school zones. Question: why do some police officers, in some states, write school zone speeding tickets, when no children are present?

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12 Answers

Blackberry's avatar

Not at all. From this sign to this sign, you go this speed. For that situation, some places have a light that blinks when you’re supposed to go the slower speed. It’s usually when school is in session or getting out.

AmWiser's avatar

Because potentially at that time of day school is in and children may or may not be in the classroom. Also some kids get out of school before others. Police write tickets at certain times of day in school zones just because they can.:\

ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

Nothing about the school zones in this area say anything about children being present. The speed limit is 15mph, even in the summer.

JLeslie's avatar

It should have a time of day.

The only state I have seen school signs stating when children are present is TN. How do I judge when children are present? One child? A bunch of children? Does it matter if the child is with an adult? Why would it be different in a school zone than anywhere when children are present logically.

DominicX's avatar

I don’t understand it either. There is a sign here on a certain street that says the speed limit is 25 MPH WHEN CHILDREN ARE PRESENT around the elementary school yet people treat it as if it is always 25 and there are even speed-measuring devices that blink if you go over 25. It’s a contradiction right before your eyes. It pisses me off so much every time I go down that street. I’m not sure why I haven’t complained yet…

woodcutter's avatar

I have never seen when “children are present” ever. Sounds like a penalty trap. We have flashing yellow beacons to let drivers know it’s time to go slow, as well as times posted on signs when the speed drops to 20 mph. Seems like there are some places in the country that aren’t that concerned about student safety.

zenvelo's avatar

California the law is 25 in a school zone. In areas where there is a street with a normally higher speed limit it will say “School Zone – 25 MPH When Children Present”.

JLeslie's avatar

During the scool year I drive slowly no matter what in zones marked when children present, because I am all nervous that while watching the road I might miss some kid at the door of the school and some cop will ticket me.

woodcutter's avatar

I can take the flak because I’m fireproof but, why can’t the little bastards be taught not to run out into the street? We have a school zone in front of a vocational/ technology campus where the students are at least 18 some are in their 50’s. Really people?

Bellatrix's avatar

Not here, in the time around school start and finish times the speed limit is signed and drops to 40kph in school zones. Some people still don’t do that speed limit, but many do adhere to the lower speed limit.

JLeslie's avatar

@woodcutter That is ridiculous.

Aethelflaed's avatar

That would definitely confuse me if I had those. Luckily, we either have “when lights are flashing”, all the time, or during certain hours or days.

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