Who is better, Will Smith or Denzel Washington?
Both actors are amazing (in my opinion), but which actor is better? Which one has a better career, and who would you rather watch in a movie?
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33 Answers
coin toss says Winzel Smashington.
Both of them are my favourite actor! I really can’t choose one of them over the other! It’s too close!
I love Will Smith, and barely know the other guy. So I guess I’m biased, at least until I see some work by Denzel.
If we so rich…how come we ain’t got no roof?
@Symbeline American Gangster is a good start. And Glory is definitely a must see.
@Symbeline You need to see John Q., Man on Fire, and Inside Man!
Thanks for the recommendations. :)
Neither, I refuse to see movies made by tax evaders, especially when they back politicians that want to raise taxes.
I think they are both great actor. I find Will Smith attractive, but Denzel is a great actor.
They’re both good but if I were making an immediate decision about who I wanted to watch right now, I’d choose Will because his sense of humor comes through even in serious roles and I like that.
@Blueroses Heh yeah. He has a knack for crakin people up. :)
I love Will Smith, his energy. If I had to pick, I pick Will. However, in interviews with his family I find him and his wife too cocky about themselves, which is a little bit of a turn off.
Denzel was but he has lost his touch. Will didn’t start out but in the past few years I think he has grown as an actor and his skills are improving with age. Denzel just seems tired these days. Either he acts over the top or he just seems more like a side character. He use to hold your attention when he first started acting. Now other actors overshadow him.
Even though I have stated I love both equally, because of the vast Will Smith affection happening here, I will state “DENZEL IS THE GREATEST ACTOR ALIVE”!
Eh, I still vote for Gary Oldman.
Will Smith, hands down. He is freaking hilarious no matter what role he is playing, which attracts me most to an actor.
In terms of their acting and screen presence, well, it’s a toss up, well, no it’s not, Denzel is better, hotter, sexier and that’s that, IMHO.
After I Am Legend I would have to say Will Smith. He was also great in that movie where he portrayed a struggling inventor I can’t recall the title, and now that I remember, his breakout film Six Degrees of Separation was also excellent. I was very anti-Will Smith at first because of that ridiculous television show Fresh Prince, but he’s come along way since then.
Denzel Washington was great in his prime, but Training Day ruined him for me. I just can’t buy him as the bad guy, especially a street smart one that uses terms like “nigga”. Come on Denz, give me a break.
@FutureMemory It’s called The Pursuit of Happyness, and it is actually with a “y” instead of an “i”, and I enjoyed training day because it was something different. Denzel plays such serious roles that Training Day just threw me for a loop, but an enjoyable one.
I loved Training Day as well. But, IMO, the others I mention are better roles for him to play.
@Pandora Will has been around for a while. The Fresh Prince of Bel Air is a classic, and where Will started, then movies followed.
I love Denzel Washington. I agree his latest efforts have not been up to par but great actor. Will… well I Robot shower scene…........... phew…....... wipes brow….......... (steals from bob_ again) HAWT!!!!!!
I thought Will looked far better in I Am Legend when he works out in his house!
I can’t remember that scene @Schroedes13. Was he naked? He was in the shower in I Robot and he was… looking very nice. What I want to know is why can’t I find any images from that scene…
Ahhh very nice. Thank you @FutureMemory. He has pants on though… he didn’t have pants on in I Robot… call me a deviate but .. you know… it is Trackydakless Tuesday (okay I lied, it isn’t but he should just run naked).
Washington all the way, when I watch a Will Smith movie I have this almost overpowering urge to climb into the screen & punch him in the nuts, yeah, he’s that irritating.
@ucme I agree with you when he’s trying to be funny. His character on Fresh Prince of Bel Air is a good example. I couldn’t disagree more though when it comes to his dramatic roles.
@FutureMemory Well let me hear a big hallelujah for diverse personal opinions!
Thank you brothers & sisters ;¬}
Will, Denzel, Will, Denzel….It’s really hard to say, since I like them both.
Maybe they will make a movie together someday. Wouldn’t that be great?
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