What will happen to Social Security checks if the federal Government shuts down?
I am on S.S. and am wondering if the government shut down would be affected.
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32 Answers
No. You will still get your check.
It is not a government shut down that is looming, it is the inability for the Federal Government to borrow money to pay bills. Since more cash cannot be raised, some bills will not be pad on time. That may be your Social Security check.
Call your Congressman and tell him or her to vote to raise the debt ceiling and stop all this game playing.
Not so. Obama and company will be the ones to decide which “bills” get paid and which will have to wait for some sort of agreement.
I am just wondering how many registered voters are on Social Security? The politicians know that if they disturb SS checks, this would be political suicide for them, if they ever plan on running for their office again.
Some, may be dumb, but they are not stupid.
Your SS check will arrive on time, as usual.
I would think that if the worst happened, social security checks would be the last things affected.
Contact your Congressman and let them know that you want the debt ceiling raised. Through 2013.
Lots of reliable older voters on SS, I can’t believe anyone has the balls to anger them unless they are those newbie tea baggers
Unfortunately, it’s a political game and you’re the football. If the debt ceiling is not raised, Obama will have complete control over which bills get paid and which do not. If SS is not paid seniors will be very angry at ‘someone’. If Obama believes he can shift the blame to Republicans, he may not pay it. The more he can generate anger towards the Republicans the more likely he is to win next year. If however, he believes that the anger will directed at him, your check is assured. The whole issue depends on his political polling.
So if the Republicans will be blamed, he’ll throw you under the bus. If the Democrats will be blamed, you’re safe. Either way there’s enough money to cover, that’s just not the criteria that will be used.
What’s wrong with you? That’s just like giving an addict another hit and telling him that no matter how many times he runs out of money, you’ll always be there to give him another! Jeeze!
Since we all know its stupid to put your eggs in the stock market I think SS is the one guaranteed institutions that needs to be propped up as well as medicare. It isn’t a huge amount to retire on but at least its there. What would happen if there is another banking screw up and everyone loses their retirement? A whole generation on the streets? Its funny that those who want to hack them apart/privatize are rich and would never need them anyway?
All Politicians are immoral. They all care about Lobbyist before us. The extreme R supports the Elitist.
It is immoral not to raise the taxes of the wealthiest. It is immoral to consider not providing funding for people with disabilities or the elderly.
They all have to start considering what is best for the people but they are sticking to Political rhetoric.
My autistic son just graduated from school. I am concerned that his new program will not be funded.
Everyone should call their Representative and demand they raise the debt ceiling. Issues must be decided based on what is best for American’s not Politics.
Well said! I am disabled from a freak accident and will never be able to work again. I had worked since I was 12.
35 years plus I had S.S. paid from my checks. Medicare as well. It’s a crime if they mess with people that need this income and health care desperately. S.S. payments are not that high to some people.
I wish you all the best.
I called my Senators today. They are with us.
Tonight my husband will attend a meeting about funding for my son’s program.
I know how you feel. I’ve been disabled since I was 54. After paying a small fortune into Social Security for over 30 years, I get a monthly pittance. SS should have been in a lockbox so that the damned politicians wouldn’t have been able to add the funds to the general revenues! : (
Both parties are morally corrupt.
The Elitist Reactionaries are scape Goating the Middle Class for the greed of the wealthiest. Who we all bailed out.
I would like to throw out all the so called Tea Party from Congress.
I an Independent but I know who wishes to harm my family.
most true thing I’ve seen all day
It is NOT The Tea Party! Those are good people, almost exclusively middle class. I am one of them. We do NOT want to hurt anyone, or take away anything people have earned, Democrat propaganda to the contrary notwithstanding. But you are correct in saying that “both parties are morally corrupt.”
@CaptainHarley – sounds like @philosopher (like many of those here) believe that the TP is full of redneck, fire-breathing idiots who don’t know their elbows from their assholes. Don’t waste your fingers.
I respect the Captain. I don’t respect Reactionary Millionaires. I have some in my family.
I don’t go around cursing, screaming and labeling people.
The Economy was not destroyed by Unions.
The Middle Class and everyone was forced to bail out wealthy companies but the CE-O’s and all the big shots still received their bonuses.
Talk to Obama about the frakkin’ bailouts of “too big to fail” corporations! What utter bullshit! NOTHING is “too big to fail!”
Bush was for it and they all were.
No one cares about us.
All the Politicians.They all promote fights among us according to their rhetoric and we lose. They wish to divide and separate us to enrich themselves. Not America. None of them stand up to the bully China or any nations that Hack into American Systems.
They bailed out the wealthy and give them Tax Cuts. The R wishes to destroy the Unions and enrich the wealthy.
I have family that pay more for their children’s private education per year than I or my husband ever made in a year. They make me want to vomit. They think they are entitled. They pay very little in Taxes. They write everything off.
They call my husband to vent and ask for help.
I swear that my husband is much brighter than them all. We went to city college. They went to Harvard. Their lack of intelligence makes me LOL. My husband relative is the only bright one among them.
My husband’s family member married into a family of blue blooded well educated morons. I have No respect for them.
They are well aware of my life long struggle to help my son and have No empathy.
Before the closest relative married into this self absorbed family he occasionally contributed to my son’s school. This family does not contribute to anything.
I wonder how they would feel if they experienced what I have?
I wonder how all the morally corrupt Politicians would feel?
The L Wing placates Terrorist. We have no real Leadership in the US. They work for the Lobbyist.
Strangely enough ( I suppose ) I agree with most of what you say. Concentrate upon doing what you know to be right. I can virtually guarantee that when the balloon goes up, they will suffer far more than you or I.
I know your a good man.
We don’t have to agree on everything.
LOL I get yelled at from my Consecrative friends and those too far to the L. I usually disagree with both extremes. I don’t fit in with either crowd. I am unique. I still consider them both my friends. We only fight when people make things personal.
I really do read the Documentation before I decide. I try to get everyone to separate the facts from the rhetoric.
I think common sense tells us when things don’t make sense but many educated people don’t seem to have any.
I think I’m gonna start shooting lobbyists. Wanna join me? : D
@CaptainHarley lobbyists aren’t the problem. It starts with the people. Demand accountability and take some responsibility.
The people are being divided and separated by the lies of both parties.The Republicans have moved way to far to the Right. The Demarcates have moved to far to the Left. Neither party is looking out for the best interest of hard working Middle Class people, people with special needs, the elderly or poor people.
The Politicians think we are all morons. The truth is most of them lack common sense, integrity, empathy and qualities that make us human.
People born into wealth don’t really experience reality often. The family protects them even when they fail and don’t live up to expectations.
Politicians distort reality unless the truth comes out. Than they resign and apologize. They all are corrupted by their power. If they ever comprehended what most of us endure they quickly forget. Lying for Politicians is like walking for most people.
The R wishes to scape goat Unions for their incompetence and greed They support the Elitist. The L wishes to save the world the world before legal American’s. The L placates Terrorist and No one favors hard working American’s.
They all work for the people who fund their Campaigns and the Lobbyist. Not the people.
No one has truly cared about the little guy since Lincoln.
It is getting worse.
These Politicians do not comprehend that their deceit, greed and immorality can lead to a second American Revolution. I pray it will not but we must change things now.
American citizens deserve compassion.
Too many people work hard daily but do not know American History. We can avoid repeating mistakes by learning from past mistakes.
The Hay Market Riots happen for a reason.
America was suppose to be a nation were hard work was rewarded but the Elitist see everyone who is not a Millionaire as their slaves. The people will not tolerate this attitude.
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