Whatever happened to______?
Asked by
ucme (
July 26th, 2011
Anything goes here, as is consistent with a blank in attendance.
Yeah, basically whatever you feel is appropriate for yourselves.
Something or someone that makes you feel slightly curious or nostalgic even.
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62 Answers
....global warming?
Green Goddess salad dressing, Club Cheese and Mr. Bubbles?
Arcade machines, VCR’s and yeah, where the hell’s Zen?
Creamola Foam and 10 bob notes.
Corded telephones, and sliderules?
chivalry, civility and common sense
$2.00/gallon gasoline
my imaginary friend
@picante I remember when gas was $1.08, and I thought THAT WAS HIGH! I’d take those days back in a minute.
@Hypocrisy_Central, I think gas might have been 35 cents a gallon when I first started driving. At present, I’d be happy for anything under $3.00.
I’m sorry, please ignore me and my moment of 90’s reminiscence.
….the rest of this sentence?
…it being safe to play outside for hours at end.
I agree… where’s @Zen?
White dog shite.
This hot rod. Used to see them all the time on British roads.
Letting kids play with a stick? But of course due to the lead paint poisoning, there was a recall.
courting a girl before trying to get in her pants?
@Lightlyseared Ahh yes, the weapon vehicle of choice for a whole new generation of Mad Max/Maxine’s.
They tear up & down the pavement faster than a fiddlers elbow, scary buggers.
I was in touch with Zen a few days ago. He has been very busy, but is doing fine. Pdworkin is also doing well.
Whatever happened to common sense?
Tact, being friendlly or pleasent to others, logic?
blissful innocence and naivete :)
Family meals, seasonal foods, playing until the street lights come on, anticipation of the annual airing of Wizard of Oz, getting lost in a book, ......
Stability, Courtesey, Fidelity, Integrity and Responsibility being desirable traits?
@Neizvestnaya Oh they’re still desirable, but there are just enough who ignore them to mess it up for everybody.
That last piece of pizza in the fridge that I was planning to eat for dinner.
Welsh rarebit
Wallabies shoes
Puka shell necklaces
Dittos pants
Swatch watches
Regular people riding bikes without donning the whole bike rider’s outfit (why does someone need to dress like this when they’re not riding inside a velodrome, and they’re just riding around in the suburbs going to McDonald’s?)
Tear drop trailers
Green corrugated fiberglass patio covers
Funny Face
Brassieres with bees or roses on them
to Saturday night? When you dressed up sharp and you felt alright
It don’t seem the same since cosmic light came into my life…
Norinco steel core ammunition?
Lead paint? I heard it puts hair on your chest. I must have had too much in early childhood then.
Or what happened to the metal swing seats that burn the back of your legs when you sit down on a hot day?
People actually working for their paycheck.
Companies actually making quality products instead of quanity of crap.
Modesty? It used to be that the sight of an ankle peaked interest. I’m not suggesting going back to those days, but wearing what looks like underwear in public, with nothing left to the imagination, sure changes the whole picture for romance. Now it’s just raw sex.
What happened to romance?
@Sunny2 You have never seen a “pasties bikini” have you?
@rOs So true. People looked cool wearing cloaks. Of course they looked best with knee high boots.
Also, what ever happened to apprenticeships? I’d love to get one of those around KC…
Respect for the working man, or woman. It’s gone. They who say they still have respect are just trying to be politically correct. And you all know how I feel about that.
@Hypocrisy_Central No. Why would they bother? They don’t want a nipple sunburn? Or is that today’s modesty for some?
@Sunny2 Only because in the US they legally cannot show the evil nipple, just about all other parts of the breast ar OK, just not the evil nipple. The mons is in play and the buttocks, so long as no “lips” are seen…...legal and mosest enough today. ;-P
Back. I had been suspended.
Whatever happened to letting old zen get away with shit?
welcome back crusty but lovable zen!!!!!!!!
@zen Glad to have you . . . It’s alive!
Summer Theater?
@linguaphile Love the RHPS reference ;)
@zen Welcome back man :)
@zen Were you in the Beta Quadrant?
Whatever you did, @zen, how about not doing it again? We’d like you to stick around.
@FutureMemory Thank You! Hot patootie, bless my soul, someone finally gets it! :D :D
Welcome back @zen, show us your nipples…...D’oh, they are not female NIPPLES!
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