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nikipedia's avatar

When should I plant my sweet potato slips?

Asked by nikipedia (28098points) July 26th, 2011

I’ve been growing sweet potato slips for about 7 or 8 weeks. They were slow to get started but have started to do a bit better.

Some have well-developing roots but not much in the way of leaves, and others have the opposite situation.

How long should I keep growing them in water before putting them in the ground? Is it more important to let the roots develop, or the leaves?

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6 Answers

Coloma's avatar

I’d put them all out now and let them continue their variants of growth.

Getting established and hardening off in soil, with sunlight is optimum. You will know within 2–4 weeks which ones are thriving and, don’t be surprised if some of the weaklings surpass the stronger ones now. :-)

It’s time to let the little sprouts go out in the big garden. :-)

nikipedia's avatar

All right, the babies are in the ground…I’ll let you know how they do!

Coloma's avatar

Yay babies!

Keep em moist, but not too wet while their little roots take hold. Don’t let them dry out!

marinelife's avatar

Put them out!

incendiary_dan's avatar

Crap, I really need to get around to planting mine.

nikipedia's avatar

Well, it has been a couple months, and the little guys are taking over my garden! All the plants are doing great. Thanks to all of you!

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