Social Question

Blackberry's avatar

What does the average christian really believe?

Asked by Blackberry (34291points) July 26th, 2011

I know they can pick and choose what they want to believe, but what do the majority of christians in the U.S. believe about christianity?

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13 Answers

perspicacious's avatar

I have no idea. I’m probably not average.

josie's avatar

That Mary was an average virgin mother, that Jesus was an average progeny of a divine being, and that he experienced an average resurrection from death.

MacBatman31's avatar

Jesus died for our sins, and is the son of God. Since his dad is god, he got to rise from the dead. Jesus died a virgin, so he had no fun in life, and if we are naughty and do any bad things from a list of 10 things, we go to this scary place where we are tortured. But God loves you and is all forgiving.
@josie love the answer!

linguaphile's avatar

To add to what MacB said, some of them believe that they get brownie points with God for every soul they convert (it’s their duty to ‘witness’ or to tell everyone about the Message). For some reason, they get double brownie points for converting disabled people, so that explains the proliferation of them ringing my doorbell.

ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

The average Christian believes that Jesus was the son of god and was sent to save us. Beyond that… it starts to go all over the place. Hard to say.

In short, I have no idea.

filmfann's avatar

I am Christian, and probably not average.
I do recognize that a lot of Christians are dicks.

Pandora's avatar

@josie, LOL, Your forgetting the average Holy Spirit.

sheepinarowboat's avatar

Average Christian believes:
The Holy Trinity
Jesus was born of a virgin.
He had an earthly ministry with heavenly origins.
Jesus died on the cross for our sins, was buried and rose on the third day.
Jesus was seen by many after his resurrection.
It is by Christs death burial and resurrection that you can receive eternal life.
That as an act of love, christians are to help the poor, widow, orphans.
That it is compulsory to share your faith in your circle of influence as the Holy Spirit leads.
That the bible is true.
That after death, believers will go to heaven and be with Jesus for eternity.

Secondary issues vary but (my opinion) I believe most christians believe in at least this list of tenets.

Pele's avatar

In unicorns :)

ucme's avatar

Keep dat lion away from me you fuckers!!

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