General Question

Jude's avatar

NSFW - How to prevent this discomfort during intimate interludes?

Asked by Jude (32210points) July 27th, 2011

Why, sometimes, when having sex, it’s painful, say, when the penis (dildo) hits the cervix? And, other times, it’s not?

Same sized cock. It’s just that sometimes it hurts, and other times, no.

Is there a way to prevent the penis from hitting the cervix?

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9 Answers

El_Cadejo's avatar

I used to occasionally run into this problem with a girl I was with years ago. She asked her dr about it and they said it was because the angle that her cervix was caused there to sometimes be pain. They said there really wasnt anything that could be done about it aside from using different positions that didnt allow it to hit it as hard. Unfortunately this led to meaning no more doggy style :(

Hopefully thats not the case with you cause that’d suck, but id ask your gyno about it next visit.

Jude's avatar

Doggy actually works.


ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

Different things can cause your cervix to be more sensitive, as well… ovulation is a good example, along with several “enthusiastic” sessions in a row. Sometimes it’s just the angle.

syz's avatar

I had to change toys. Short and thick rather than long and skinny.

Aethelflaed's avatar

Not being properly aroused can do it. When you’re properly aroused, your vagina lengthens, and the cervix extends back (upwards, rather) into your body. So yet another argument for giving a woman at least one orgasm before fucking her.

MissAnthrope's avatar

^^^ Seconded.

OpryLeigh's avatar

When I am on my period I find certain positions cause the cervix to hurt more when prodded! For example (hope this isn’t to much info) My boyfriend and I both enjoy how penetration feels when I am lying on my stomach and he takes me from behind but when I am on my period it’s all too sensitive when he enters me in that position.

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

@Leanne1986 When I’m on my period, the only position that doesn’t hurt is missionary.

OpryLeigh's avatar

@WillWorkForChocolate Missionary is the most comfortable for me too.

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