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_zen_'s avatar

Kick up your feet, chill, pop in a comfort flick - which is is? Now what would be your comfort food, drink and snack to go with that film?

Asked by _zen_ (7857points) July 27th, 2011

Watching Troy for the umpteenth time, lasagna, cranberry juice and chips.

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22 Answers

Berserker's avatar

Mine is always a zombie movie, and for that specific purpose you ask about, it’s usually either the original Night of the Living Dead, or the remake. Chips and beer are usually my snack/drink of choice.

mazingerz88's avatar

@zen Can’t get enough of Achilles’ great sword fighting style huh?

My comfort flick would be one of these…

1. One Fine Day ( Michelle Pfeiffer n George Clooney )
2. My Neighbor Totoro
3. Splash

Oh food will be any left over in the fridge still edible…lol.

Seelix's avatar

Finding Nemo or Breakfast at Tiffany’s.

Kraft Dinner or Lipton chicken noodle soup with a million crackers.
Chocolate milk.
Chocolate-covered almonds fresh from the freezer.

rebbel's avatar


Venison with bacon and a bottle of red wine.

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

I would love to be watching Blazing Saddles right now, eating popcorn, and drinking a diet Pepsi.

Aethelflaed's avatar

@rebbel Oh my god. That’s horrible!

Some Like It Hot, Pad Thai, club soda, and Cheeze-its.

Jude's avatar

Fried Green Tomatoes, thai hot pot, chocolate volcano cakes (oozing with warm chocolate ganache), and drinking Oberon beer with a slice of orange.

Usually, part way through the movie, my lady and I get amorous.

linguaphile's avatar

Any Kenneth Branagh movie, Sounds of Music, South Pacific, Fiddler on the Roof or another musical. Maybe Steel Magnolias… With a BIG bowl of my own recipe of popped popcorn and/or Reeses Pieces. Beverage would vary.

@Jude I love, love, love Fried Green Tomatoes! I used to live 15 minutes from the original Whistle Stop… Izzy is delicious! I think I’ll watch it soon!

Jude's avatar

@linguaphile I think that you need to marry me.

Kardamom's avatar

Either When Harry Met Sally or Shawshank Redemption. I would definitely be eating a Frescheta or DiGiorno frozen cheese pizza to which I’ve added my own fresh mushrooms and broccoli. Drink would be unsweetened fresh iced tea. And for dessert, a Dreyer’s strawberry popsicle.

Neizvestnaya's avatar

Freshly made Guacamole with salsa and chips.
Margaritas with freshly squeezed key limes and prickly pear syrup.
A bowl of frozen mixed berries.

jonsblond's avatar

Young Frankenstein, some Point Beer and cookies and cream ice cream with tons of chocolate syrup on top.

rebbel's avatar

@Neizvestnaya And which movie goes with that food?

Neizvestnaya's avatar

@rebbel: Any Monty Python or as @jonsblond wrote, Young Frankenstein.

laineybug's avatar

Rango, This awesome orange cream soda I got once, my dad’s steak, and a lot of chocolate.

jonsblond's avatar

@laineybug I haven’t seen Rango yet. I’m waiting for it to be more than a one night rental at Family Video. Is it that good? I can’t wait to see it!

laineybug's avatar

@jonsblond it was really good, and a little weird. My mom got it from Netflix and we all watched it together.

Joker94's avatar

I’d pop in Inglourious Basterds, get a bag of cheese-flavored Chex Mix out, and pour a glass of ginger ale.

mazingerz88's avatar

@Seelix Breakfast At Tiffany’s, yes! Cat! Caat!!

OpryLeigh's avatar

Comfort movie: Mermaids
Comfort food: Fish and Chips
Comfort drink: A cup of tea

martianspringtime's avatar

Saltine crackers with avocado and swiss cheese, diet peach snapple, and The Science of Sleep. Though I tend to have comfort shows and not comfort movies. Old episodes of Whose Line, especially.

OpryLeigh's avatar

@martianspringtime I have more comfort shows than movies too.

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